Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You can check the post about my meeting with @janoshik:

yes they do have dogs that sniff out steroids... not sure if that was a joke? dogs can smell CASH never mind chemicals. Can Dogs Smell Testosterone? - Wag!

heck dogs can smell diabetes or covid infection lol

anyone notice influx of new members saying go pick up, all good... hmmmmm....

prob fine they do screw up, but very much a risk that is not 0%, esp if RAWS...

Also there is MUCH better case if u go pick up. and are on camera signing...taking to your house u have to be home for 1 and also have to co ordinate with when mailman comes.. much easier and better case when pick up at post office. again, happens ALL THE TIME... no they do not need a warrant to open international mail (again new members 0 clue of real world).. also much easier and safer taking u in your car vs at home where u may have weapons, can flush prob harder to get a warrant to enter a home vs pull u over.
Can the dogs be trained to. Without a doubt in my mind. Will they be trained to. I've never seen it.... its like imagine if dogs could sniff for absolutely any prescription pill you have vs just sniffing for coke meth weed fentynal ect.
lol so funny when people cant admit when they are wrong... you don't think there is many DRUG sniffing dogs? do u think each dog only sniffs 1 drug each?

this has to be a troll, right?
Well this is a first for me. My pack showed up witht the mailman today. He says I have a pack for you which is weird cause he just puts it in the box usually.

He tells me that it needs postage and I owe $11.45 cash. WTF? Since when do I have to pay for postage twice? And how the fuck can you ship something that isn't paid shipping yet? So that's why it didn't get delivered and needed to be "picked up". I took a pic and sent it to QSC. I've never experienced this with any package.

He's coming back Thursday since I didn't have any cash on me. Nice touch to end the order. what bullshit.
Glad you got your stuff man. It was painful thinking about you leaving that gear at the post office lol.
Replace the first word with c instead of X to get the link.
You think I am going to click on a random link posted on the internet?

Touchdown. Order on 10/18 and delivered 11/14.
I order BPC157 10mg and TB500 10mg. One has black tops and the other one is blue top.
Can any tell me which is which please?
The blue one
Anyone else experiencing shipping delays? Ordered Semeglutide Sept 29th and today it departed a shipping partner facility in Jamaica NY for the 5th time. Wondering if that's normal and it's just clearing customs or something, I'm about to run out
lol so funny when people cant admit when they are wrong... you don't think there is many DRUG sniffing dogs? do u think each dog only sniffs 1 drug each?

this has to be a troll, right?
On the list of priorities of things a dog can sniff for. Let's say the possibilities are endless. When do they start training them to sniff steroids? I'm sure some of them do initially but I've been pulled over with prescription drugs and dog didn't alert. I wonder If it would have alerted if it was gear. I doubt it. As they are generally trained to sniff narcotics... but obviously I'm sure if they suspect something non narcotics like aas I'm sure they know of a dog nearby that they can use.
On the list of priorities of things a dog can sniff for. Let's say the possibilities are endless. When do they start training them to sniff steroids? I'm sure some of them do initially but I've been pulled over with prescription drugs and dog didn't alert. I wonder If it would have alerted if it was gear. I doubt it. As they are generally trained to sniff narcotics... but obviously I'm sure if they suspect something non narcotics like aas I'm sure they know of a dog nearby that they can use.
This is how my buddy got busted, he had a giant boner and the dog sniffed his extra testosterone and his tren laced sweat oozed out too while being interrogated by LE from 20 cop cars doing a controlled delivery lmao.

This thread is awesome, daily source of comedic posts.
Just personal feelings but I just switched from the international 15IU black tops from QSC to domestic EU blue tops with 10IU and damn, these blue motherfuckers seem a little stronger. Really good. Not sure if these 10IU blue top kits are the latest tested batch.
Just personal feelings but I just switched from the international 15IU black tops from QSC to domestic EU blue tops with 10IU and damn, these blue motherfuckers seem a little stronger. Really good. Not sure if these 10IU blue top kits are the latest tested batch.
Damn, I got 15IU International Blue tops in today. How much are you running daily?
Just personal feelings but I just switched from the international 15IU black tops from QSC to domestic EU blue tops with 10IU and damn, these blue motherfuckers seem a little stronger. Really good. Not sure if these 10IU blue top kits are the latest tested batch.
This happened to me: i switched to 15ius international from 10iu and i feel them “less” but indeed i feel them both.