Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Uhhh anyone realize the floater???? How is that not being talked about
Sometimes these issues get buried in spam. Methods to mitigate risk and reduce harm should always be discussed.
Brew own gear, use filter needles, inspect vials, encourage the rep to improve aseptic practices during production or as mentioned simply stop using the gear but this is unlikely.
A 5-micron filter removes large particles that may have been introduced during product preparation, such as glass particles from glass ampules. The 0.22-micron filter is one of the smallest used in patient care, and removes bacteria

A 5-micron filter removes not just large particles but also very small particles.

Standard 22 filter cannot remove problematic glass particles??

Or am I misunderstanding your specific context?

You filter 1 mL amp for 1 injection? And I'm thinking of filtering 10+ amps into one larger vial for use over time.

@Pinnacle Elements @baxter0312
A 5-micron filter removes not just large particles but also very small particles.

Standard 22 filter cannot remove problematic glass particles??

Or am I misunderstanding your specific context?

You filter 1 mL amp for 1 injection? And I'm thinking of filtering 10+ amps into one larger vial for use over time.

@Pinnacle Elements @baxter0312

I have only used them to filter for injection but in theory you could attach a 10mL syringe and withdraw. Honestly, i'm not sure how to transfer to sterile vials. Thats one for the home brew boys.
What The Wtf GIF by Justin

is going on here? Reddit has unleashed a shitstorm of dumbfucks upon us...
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I didn't read every post but filter needles don't do much at all, except prevent a .22 micron from getting clogged too quickly


Do many smaller vials because if the filter fucks up you'll have to filter the whole vial all over
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Espere, sério? Não acho que seja seguro encomendar uma máquina de prensar comprimidos, a menos que você seja completamente legítimo. Levanta bandeiras vermelhas ou algo assim.

Use a barra de pesquisa. Já foi discutido aqui no passado.
Ok ! Thx
You need to be in the special members list to order. Hit me up for the info, it's pay to play group btw.
And I can vouch for Declan, 100% legit. I now get all my international stuff overnight.

For opsec purposes though, send me the money, then I'll forward it on to Declan. We're reducing harm here.