Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Partially agree with you on this. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Before I ordered anything from vendors on this site I read and did my own due dilligence because who can you really trust other than your own gut. Spoon-feeding noobs information is counterproductive to what this board is about. And if you rely on what information others provide to you, you’re an easy mark for scammers. And that’s not cool. Take some time to read, read and read. You can easily find everything you need to know just by reading. And if someone you wants to continually ask dumb noob questions they can always hit up other boards.
Agreed, I’ve said it time and time again, I did nothing but read through this platform for 3+ years until I first contacted a source. Every smooth brain piling in here from doing the same bs on Reddit and TikTok by asking to have their ass wiped for them with regards to details on where to get shit is just comical at this point lol.
whoever runs this website needs to change the program they use for threads... so we dont have to go thru thousands of pages to find info.. give each source there on page to post threads like how other forums do it

I keep telling them to put a fucking search bar for us, I wish they'd listen
I've run it and have had several clients and friends who have run it. The only way to really notice LR3 imo is when you run it pre-workout and notice an increase in pumps. Every person I've known to run it (including myself) has noticed this difference when we've run it Pre.
It's not recommended to run Lr3 pre workout because it's better to wait till after workout so your igf receptors are ready to absorb it otherwise when running it before workouts or any other time that's when organ growth starts to happen.
Agreed, I’ve said it time and time again, I did nothing but read through this platform for 3+ years until I first contacted a source. Every smooth brain piling in here from doing the same bs on Reddit and TikTok by asking to have their ass wiped for them with regards to details on where to get shit is just comical at this point lol.
Yeah i typically think it takes a good 1-2 weeks of a few hours a day of reading to get a glimpse or good insight into who/what is solid.

It's a meme at this point of new members asking "where do i buy DrUgZ?" , breaking the first rule of Fight Club...well almost. Anabomics forums.

I dont think most people today have the attention span or abilility to quanitfy information ...
do we click on the x or on the o ?
You click on the X at the top right hand of your internet browser and never come back

What’s the arrow for?
to confuse you, go to the X at the top of your browser
If I placed my order today will I receive it tomorrow? What time tomorrow?
Don't worry when you will receive it, you don't deserve to order it.
How much Sema should i take?
See the previous answer

I’m fat but I like cheeseburgers and don’t like working out, what drugs are good for that?
Go to Mexico and purchase a tape worm.
This forum wasn't made for sources. If most of us can figure out how to find info. So can you.
if it was made for us than they should make it easier to navigate

i know how to but compared to other forums this one is such a pain to use

if each source had there own page to post threads and sticky threads it would be less of a cluster fuck to find stuff
if it was made for us than they should make it easier to navigate

i know how to but compared to other forums this one is such a pain to use

if each source had there own page to post threads and sticky threads it would be less of a cluster fuck to find stuff
This is not a source forum.

This forum is a joke to find stuff on. I am sorry you can't figure it out, maybe you should stick to the guy in the locker room.

Can I interest you in domestic supply?
Except this isn't new information and everything that's being discussed has been brought up in this thread over and over and over.
It gets old. It's the same people who just so happen to be the reason why it's harder to place an order.
I hear ya brother. Same questions ad nauseum spamming the thread here and likely the whatsapp and email are full of repeats that QSC has to filter while processing orders.
You shouldn't be allowed on a forum
I was thinking the same thing. These are the guys who message Tracy multiple times from emails pm n WhatsApp .. some people should not be so privileged. You can tell someone this dumb is gonna be a headache making the payments and asking a bunch of dumb questions
It's not recommended to run Lr3 pre workout because it's better to wait till after workout so your igf receptors are ready to absorb it otherwise when running it before workouts or any other time that's when organ growth starts to happen.

You're talking about IGF-1 which is much more acute activation and short half-life.

Dose timing of IGF-1 LR3 is less important because longer half-life (full text of that study is available online and is pretty interesting)

You noticed the difference with an increase of pump ok, but I’m talking about long term use / results, cuz I would like to use this stuff for local growth
I get that, and I'm not running it as a "pump product", I'm just saying that LR3 is generally mild enough that it's hard to notice an effect other than the pump effect when used pre-workout.

That's enough to indicate that it's likely "real", but trying to tease out long-term results when LR3 is part of a full stack is really difficult if not impossible IMO, so that's the best feedback I have.


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