Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You’re 54 yrs old and feel the need to say “no fucking homo bros!!!” Yeah, you’re definitely learning “shit”
Oh maybe I was being insensitive with my “homo” comment. I apologize if I offended you and the “community”. I didn’t feel the need to say anything. It was an attempt at brevity and joking because I know how this board thinks sometimes.

I truly do apologize for my insensitive comment. I will try and do better.
if it was made for us than they should make it easier to navigate

i know how to but compared to other forums this one is such a pain to use

if each source had there own page to post threads and sticky threads it would be less of a cluster fuck to find stuff
You really are fucking retarded aren’t you?
The first thing you should have done was Email them the pictures, and ask if they can work with you on a resolution for all affected vials.

I'm glad you gave the community a heads up to checking their recent vials. That's disappointing as that primo looks like a lot of something in there.
I think it's more important to give a heads up and a warning for everybody to check there vials before injecting. I know that i wasn't always checking.
How in the world are they out of stock already hgh…that was litterally a week of in stock. And there is no way that was a tiny amount of hgh that got sold that fast….
I think it's more important to give a heads up and a warning for everybody to check there vials before injecting. I know that i wasn't always checking.
Absolutely agreed, as you should have. I've learned to check all my vials as soon as received, regardless of source.

Not only do I check when it comes in, but throughout its use. I had a few stoppers break up into small pieces and so yeah, I'm always double checking now.
How in the world are they out of stock already hgh…that was litterally a week of in stock. And there is no way that was a tiny amount of hgh that got sold that fast….
I bet people are reselling it right away, at this point I think personal orders for gh are the minority
So now NOT being mentally handicapped is considered “special”?

Your response has no substance. You, like everyone else on here, loves to hear themselves talk. Stick to the topic,
Bro, life ain’t easy. If you read you can learn a lot more than what you’re actually looking for. You must be young I’m thinking. All you young cats want his shit “the easy way”. All Google this and Google that. This aint fucking Google. This forum is setup perfectly in my opinion. I look for shit that I need, perfect example is the tracking website for international orders…,I could have easily asked the person that posted it to repost it. I didn’t and searched for what I needed. And in the interim, I learned something new. IMAGINE THAT!?! 54 years old and still fucking learning shit!

More self-pats on the back. Bro, you guys here aren’t so special. Just shush your faces for a while please.
Your response has no substance. You, like everyone else on here, loves to hear themselves talk. Stick to the topic,

More self-pats on the back. Bro, you guys here aren’t so special. Just shush your faces for a while please.
What’s the topic dumbass?
This is what this page is about
There is no topic. All thats need to be discussed with this source are in the list provided but idiots like you don’t understand that.
I spend tons of time in this forum helping people with with questions about gear and brewing but you wouldn’t know that because you don’t read
So fuck you
Is the hgh the same as the oils? 1 kit having 10 vials?
Yes, it does depend on which kit you order though, but it will say it right where you order it
10x10 iu
5 x 42 iu
The first number is how many vials are in the kit or pen cartridges and the second number is how many are iu in each
When you look on the list, it will tell you
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Could you please give your opinion.
4x test cyp
1x primo e 200mg
You get what you pay for. I use these guys for all my peptides but there’s a reason the oils are cheap. Whatever money you saved on oils you’re going to spend on filters and sterile vials.

Appreciate you posting up the pics tho. Hopefully the guys that order oils will see them and check theirs.