Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Yeah everyone says DHB is e2 neutral. It isn’t in my experience. EQ does for me too. I was cutting on test/eq and my bloodwork had my e2 low so I cut the eq, swapped in DHB. Don’t remember doses, low couple hundred each of test and dhb in matching amounts though. Got bloodwork done again about a month later and my e2 came back even lower than when I was pinning the eq.
Thanks for the useful information, now I know to keep a close eye on e2 when I start my dhb.

So if you had 10 kits of gh(100) vials you would need 10 kits of bac water as well?
Math make head hurt.

Raisin size balls' all I have, final offer!
Not worth it IMHO. I think in some people the entire peristaltic activity shuts down and food just sits there, or at least that is what it feels like. This is not your ordinary type of constipation.

Anyone tried both sema and tirz, who had issues with sema and none or fewer with Tirz?
I’ve used sema and tirz both prescription and ugl. I have zero negative sides from Tirz except the occasional lethargy. Sema fucked my digestive track up. It works it’s just not worth the negative sides for me even prescription ozempic. Tirz is a whole different story. I have to set reminders to eat or I won’t because it literally gets rid of all cravings for me.

Here’s the problem I see with these drugs in general. The people that seem to have the most issues are people that think they can just take these as a miracle weight loss drug and not change the habits that caused them to get fat in the first place. They’ll still lose weight but they’ll put it right back on and more when the stop the med because they didn’t change any of their habits. Like many of the people here on them I’ve completely changed my eating habits and developed new healthy habits so when I reach my goal weight I’m not worried about dropping back to a low
Maintenance dose to maintain it. I am t2d so I will probably be on it for a long time unless it does truly reverse insulin resistance which it appears it does after some time. I’m hopeful because I’d rather not take it any longer never than I need too.
I’ve used sema and tirz both prescription and ugl. I have zero negative sides from Tirz except the occasional lethargy. Sema fucked my digestive track up. It works it’s just not worth the negative sides for me even prescription ozempic. Tirz is a whole different story. I have to set reminders to eat or I won’t because it literally gets rid of all cravings for me.

Here’s the problem I see with these drugs in general. The people that seem to have the most issues are people that think they can just take these as a miracle weight loss drug and not change the habits that caused them to get fat in the first place. They’ll still lose weight but they’ll put it right back on and more when the stop the med because they didn’t change any of their habits. Like many of the people here on them I’ve completely changed my eating habits and developed new healthy habits so when I reach my goal weight I’m not worried about dropping back to a low
Maintenance dose to maintain it. I am t2d so I will probably be on it for a long time unless it does truly reverse insulin resistance which it appears it does after some time. I’m hopeful because I’d rather not take it any longer never than I need too.
great info thanks.
You can't understand because you're not that smart. They have tests for almost every product on the huge list wtf are u talking about?

I am dumb and you are a smart fella

“Almost every product” is not “every product”. Look at the AOD9604 fiasco, same as Tesofensine. I will keep ordering from them, but I cant understand why some vendors dont test their raw peptides and ready peptides vial
Absolutely amazing! Simply put, we are living in one of the best times ever to be an augmented athlete.

I have been a bodybuilder for 35 years. I remember when the best way to get PEDs was to go to Mexico and bring them over the boarder. Or if you wanted really great stuff you had to go to Thailand and get purple D-ball and pray you don’t get busted bringing it back. All the while worrying that the PEDs you buy are real. Half the time they were fake and you didn’t know until week 6 of a cycle when nothing has happened.

We are so lucky to have Tracy, Liska, Stan. They provide such an amazing service to our community. Thank you for doing what you do, our community is better and safer for it.


Might be a stupid question, so fully prepared to get roasted as a n00b and told to go back to reddit (not on reddit, but I get it).

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals Would like to take advantage of the 10 kit HGH deal with crypto and express shipping but would also like to grab some bac water to go along with it. From what I’ve read so far, sounds like a kit of bac water can’t be added to the order while retaining the express shipping. Is that correct?

If so, would I have to place 2 orders – 1) for the 10 kits of HGH shipped express 2) separate order for the bac. water? Anyway to combine into a single express shipment, even if it means a few extra bucks to cover additional shipping expense? Or is there a more efficient way than 2 separate order? Shipping is to U.S.
Might be a stupid question, so fully prepared to get roasted as a n00b and told to go back to reddit (not on reddit, but I get it).

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals Would like to take advantage of the 10 kit HGH deal with crypto and express shipping but would also like to grab some bac water to go along with it. From what I’ve read so far, sounds like a kit of bac water can’t be added to the order while retaining the express shipping. Is that correct?

If so, would I have to place 2 orders – 1) for the 10 kits of HGH shipped express 2) separate order for the bac. water? Anyway to combine into a single express shipment, even if it means a few extra bucks to cover additional shipping expense? Or is there a more efficient way than 2 separate order? Shipping is to U.S.
Please same order, add bac water US domestic.
$25+$10 3-4 days delivery, it's cheaper than adding it international.
Absolutely amazing! Simply put, we are living in one of the best times ever to be an augmented athlete.

I have been a bodybuilder for 35 years. I remember when the best way to get PEDs was to go to Mexico and bring them over the boarder. Or if you wanted really great stuff you had to go to Thailand and get purple D-ball and pray you don’t get busted bringing it back. All the while worrying that the PEDs you buy are real. Half the time they were fake and you didn’t know until week 6 of a cycle when nothing has happened.

We are so lucky to have Tracy, Liska, Stan. They provide such an amazing service to our community. Thank you for doing what you do, our community is better and safer for it.


We are lucky to have the meso forum that set the standard for vendors and help to ensure safety and efficacy of medications. Liska also used to sell Fentanyl, if you knew this you would not be so quick to praise. In this example safety is only in the cats interest if Millard told the cat to stop selling. I understand your post is an appreciation post but that appreciation should be directed towards the vets who have put in time and money to ensure others can purchase safer medications.
We are lucky to have the meso forum that set the standard for vendors and help to ensure safety and efficacy of medications. Liska also used to sell Fentanyl, if you knew this you would not be so quick to praise. In this example safety is only in the cats interest if Millard told the cat to stop selling. I understand your post is an appreciation post but that appreciation should be directed towards the vets who have put in time and money to ensure others can purchase safer medications.

I have written plenty about how great this forum is. I have been a member since the 90s. We can appreciate both the Vets and QSC and Liska and Stanford all at the same time. Just becuase Liska did something you don’t like doesn’t mean his service is not valuable.
Might be a stupid question, so fully prepared to get roasted as a n00b and told to go back to reddit (not on reddit, but I get it).

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals Would like to take advantage of the 10 kit HGH deal with crypto and express shipping but would also like to grab some bac water to go along with it. From what I’ve read so far, sounds like a kit of bac water can’t be added to the order while retaining the express shipping. Is that correct?

If so, would I have to place 2 orders – 1) for the 10 kits of HGH shipped express 2) separate order for the bac. water? Anyway to combine into a single express shipment, even if it means a few extra bucks to cover additional shipping expense? Or is there a more efficient way than 2 separate order? Shipping is to U.S.
On a side note, you can get bac water off amazon and it's dirt cheap.