Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

WAIT we all just gunna accept cloudy peptides lol just cause they test 'perfect'. obviously if normal tesermorelin doesn't go cloudy some type of garbage is in there lol.... great reason should push for more endotoxin tests olligosaccarides.. my guess is its left over lipids from impure solvents used...

ie need an answer why some are cloudy and some are not. would likely need a full COA to find out which is pretty unreasonable for customers. that being said if cloudy and not normal to be cloudy its some sort of contaminant. harmful or not who knows.

fair thing on the price list is to say its cloudy product so everyone knows and no excuses if order and folks can have informed purchase.

Here’s a novel idea find another source then and quit fucking whining like a little bitch ffs. Nobody is gonna force you to buy his stuff, but, my guess is you being on here bitching about QSC and you probably only order from them and nobody else. Don’t like it gtfoh and go to naps or Sst or Reddit or somewhere else for the retarded where you’ll fit in better there.

Have you tried it? I still can pound more than enough protein even at 1mg semaglutide every 4 days
No he just comes in here and bitches about it
Considering those drugs do nothing to spare muscle, or allow to eat enough protein to spare muscle I have no idea why physique enthusiasts use that shit.

Bodybuilders use GLP-1 drugs for cutting. They can still train and get enough protein because that's their job. It makes acute use for cutting less painful.

Most of the people who use these drugs are fat and trying to unfat themselves. Not bodybuilders.
I did Serostim for several years, several years ago. I’m currently running 4iu in of grey tops from another vendor. I did run QSCs blue tops for several months. Grey’s were tested very high 90’s don’t remember the exact number but not QSC’s 99%. Like I said I ran both and I get CPS from the greys at 4iu. QSCs would start around 6iu. I got good results from QSC’s blue tops, but the greys are definitely stronger. Results were basically the same. So in my experience just because the sides came at different IUs doesn’t mean for me they were any different. If I was just running HGH I may be able to tell better which was better. I can’t say for sure.

As for pharma Serostim. In my opinion nothing compares to pharma grade. Lots of debate to the contrary. I guess it’s personal preference since generic HGH has come a long way. And the cost of generics makes it hard to buy pharma HGH. What sets Serostim apart from most generics I believe is that it was intended for AIDS wasting patients to pack on lean muscle mass quickly and efficiently, something I have yet to find with generics. It may because I am older now. I don’t know. But I do have a source for Serostim and when I can afford to take the plunge in another few months I will then have a better idea of how far generics have come compared to Serostim.
Came accross this comment on Chase Irons youtube :
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7I_vImwI28&ab_channel=ChaseIrons

One of the best explanations I have seen in relation to the generic Vs Pharma HGH debate is the below comment.


2 weeks ago
All of these most likely are in final formulation, then lyophilized in vials, so they're neat liquids then turned to powder. Final formulation of the buffer can be directly related to stability. Shipping conditions in a lyophilzed state can also affect stability when reconstituted. I've done SDS-PAGE on Chinese generic. I did not notice any degradation or aggregation on my samples, but I did notice a 1-3 kDa shift. Observing uniprot accession P01241, there are documented isoforms. My understanding is that the isoforms 2 and 3 can have missense point mutations that suposedly do not affect bioactivity, but obviously, that hasn't been documented in any study I've found. Pharma exclusively uses somatropin isoform P01241-1, which is the canonical sequence at 22 kDa. Chinese generics sequence I tested was observed at 20 kDa. HPLC testing will observe both of these as hGH. Source - protein chemist over a decade industry experience, analytical chemist over 2 years experience.

Personally, I'm still running with QSC Blue tops though. But it does give an explanation as to why some people are adamant that pharma is different to generics.
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You've mentioned carnitine a few times. Acetyl-L-carnitine, L-carnitine-L-tartrate, or carnitine base? Oral or subQ? Most importantly, why?
I was reading around and seen l-carnitine injections are good for fat loss and fertility. I am not sure on what other forms of l-carnitine QSC sell but last order when I asked for this he said they were sold out.
Here’s a novel idea find another source then and quit fucking whining like a little bitch ffs. Nobody is gonna force you to buy his stuff, but, my guess is you being on here bitching about QSC and you probably only order from them and nobody else. Don’t like it gtfoh and go to naps or Sst or Reddit or somewhere else for the retarded where you’ll fit in better there.

No he just comes in here and bitches about it
AGAIN... ur missing the point.... I dont want tesamorelin lol, I think QSC is great resource. but just because something tests good doesn't mean its safe... lol. harm reduction means not injecting unknowns... if we knew what the cloudy part was OR if advertized saying "this is cloudy" all good. y'all get bent out of shape over some fairly basic common sense stuff...

I could put coli in ur oil and will test perfect, does that mean dont worry about it? lol

guys remember they also have had an instance (and happy QSC is above board to admit) of contaminated peptides with other peptides... why is that? cleanliness issue? it also tested fine, just happened to have semaglutide for some unknown reason? possible some corners are starting to be cut???
Not worth it IMHO. I think in some people the entire peristaltic activity shuts down and food just sits there, or at least that is what it feels like. This is not your ordinary type of constipation.

Anyone tried both sema and tirz, who had issues with sema and none or fewer with Tirz?
Myself. Sides with Ozempic were unbearable after a few months. I posted a few times on Meso about the sides being unbearable and then fortunately unloaded my leftover pens. Best decision I made. Learned from a member about Tirzepatide and trying that. I was prescribed Ozempic for my A1C and to lose some stubborn body fat that I didn’t seem to be able to lose since I’m a little older than most here. I’m sure I could have lost the excess fat with some tweaks in diet and more cardio which would have happened, I’m thinking over a long period of time. So, while saw great results with the Ozempic over a few months the sides were unbearable at the end. I would have to remind myself to eat which is counterproductive to building/maintaining muscle mass. While I lost around 35lbs about half of that was muscle mass from not being able to eat properly. Switched to Munjaro and the sides are gone, except for maybe a little dull headache once in a while (used to get them with Ozempic frequently). While my appetite is suppressed I am still able to eat without feeling nauseous at even the thought of eating. I was actually way too lean on Ozemoic and the switch in a short amount of time was noticeable. I gained some mass back but the problem areas have yet to comeback. I think the switch was the best thing for me. Ozempic kick started everything and the Tirzepatide took it to a entirely different level. As for my A1C/glucose levels. Both Sema and Tirzepatide are awesome. I was on 40iu of long acting insulin with sliding scale fast acting for the past 8 years. I no longer require insulin. Only thing I take is Jardiance daily (oral) and nothing else. My A1C which was between 10-12 is now below 6 and my glucose hovers around 90-120 depending on time of day. And the best thing is that most diabetics stay away from HGH. I’ve been on 4iu EOD of HGH since December 2022.

I now sell my Munjaro and use QSC Tirzepatide and buy some gear as well. Life is good.
Not worth it IMHO. I think in some people the entire peristaltic activity shuts down and food just sits there, or at least that is what it feels like. This is not your ordinary type of constipation.

Anyone tried both sema and tirz, who had issues with sema and none or fewer with Tirz?
Both tirz and sema caused constipation for the first probably 3 weeks for me. But once I got used to both being in my system I became regular again. And I’m super regular. I feel a monster poop coming on as soon as my foot hits the floor out of bed in the morning. And always go within 10 minutes of waking.

I will say that I experienced significantly worse digestion issues overall from Sema. Tirz is a godsend. About to take a couple months off then back into Tirz for months followed by Reta.
Both tirz and sema caused constipation for the first probably 3 weeks for me. But once I got used to both being in my system I became regular again. And I’m super regular. I feel a monster poop coming on as soon as my foot hits the floor out of bed in the morning. And always go within 10 minutes of waking.

I will say that I experienced significantly worse digestion issues overall from Sema. Tirz is a godsend. About to take a couple months off then back into Tirz for months followed by Reta.
how much sema were you taking and now how much Tirz? Thank you
Came accross this comment on Chase Irons youtube :
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7I_vImwI28&ab_channel=ChaseIrons

One of the best explanations I have seen in relation to the generic Vs Pharma HGH debate is the below comment.


2 weeks ago
All of these most likely are in final formulation, then lyophilized in vials, so they're neat liquids then turned to powder. Final formulation of the buffer can be directly related to stability. Shipping conditions in a lyophilzed state can also affect stability when reconstituted. I've done SDS-PAGE on Chinese generic. I did not notice any degradation or aggregation on my samples, but I did notice a 1-3 kDa shift. Observing uniprot accession P01241, there are documented isoforms. My understanding is that the isoforms 2 and 3 can have missense point mutations that suposedly do not affect bioactivity, but obviously, that hasn't been documented in any study I've found. Pharma exclusively uses somatropin isoform P01241-1, which is the canonical sequence at 22 kDa. Chinese generics sequence I tested was observed at 20 kDa. HPLC testing will observe both of these as hGH. Source - protein chemist over a decade industry experience, analytical chemist over 2 years experience.

Personally, I'm still running with QSC Blue tops though. But it does give an explanation as to why some people are adamant that pharma is different to generics.

From my limited knowledge 20Kda hgh is not 191aa rather 176aa.
Can hplc not differentiate between the two?
Maybe @janoshik can give his input on this and on what @sheldonator commented on the YT video in the quote above.