Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

From my limited knowledge 20Kda hgh is not 191aa rather 176aa.
Can hplc not differentiate between the two?
Maybe @janoshik can give his input on this and on what @sheldonator commented on the YT video in the quote above.
I did find this

My smooth brain reads it as a method of quantifying GH1 (22 kDa) and differentiating it from other isoforms present in serum/plasma (Anyone smarter, please correct me if I'm wrong).

Not sure if that transfers over to a testing method for what we would be interested in.

Would love to hear more about it from the author of that comment on youtube though!
Late black friday promo / sales (reminder)

Productlab testdiscount price/kit (via alibaba)extra 10% discount (via crypto or bank transfer)
Tirzepatide 10x30mgLink550500
Tirzepatide 10x15mgLink286260
Tirzepatide 10x10mgpending176160
Retatrutide 10x10mgLink303275
Semaglutide 10x10mgLink160145
Semaglutide 10x5mgLink9485
HGH 10x10iu (10 kits)Link495450

So yes, HGH is $45/kit, packs of 10 kits ($450)
so it's 10 kits, 20 kits, 30 kits etc.. should be mutiples of 10 for express.
10 kits is the minimum for HGH.
1 kit is the minium for semaglutide, tirzepatide and retatrutide.

Orders paid via cryptocurrency or bank transfer can enjoy:

- extra 10% discount compared to alibaba orders.
- shipping by express delivery, with reship policy cost free. ETA 3-5 days. (pass rate ~90%)
- shipping cost is not free, the reship is free.
- customers can choose other shipping options if they don't want express.

Orders via alibaba can be sent only via china post or reship service, which is slow and takes 4 weeks average, sometimes more, sometimes less.

How to order?

Whatsaap: +86 16503300980 (faster)
email: sigma@sigmachemical.com.cn

Orders via whatsaap will be prioritized over orders through email, it saves me time and it's better for you, because if we receive a lot of emails, you might get an answer after the end of the promo. In this case you won't be able to get the discounted prices, so I strongly advice you to use whatsaap.
Orders should be paid during the promo time, if paid later, it will be cancelled (except bank transfer if they came late).

Order form:

list of items:
shipping address:
phone number:
preferred payment method:

Available Payments methods:
Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin, USDT, ETH, USDC
Bank Transfer: Europe (€), US ($), Australia (AUD), Chinese (RMB)
Alibaba: Credit Card, T/T transfer, Apple pay, Google pay

Promo duration : 1 week (end next tuesday)

Promo is for international only, not domestic.
Countries with no reship policy remain with no reship policy.
Canada and australia still require 20% extra reship insurance to be eligible for reship.
Countries like USA and EU, and all countries with garanteed delivery do not require any extra.
If the item above is available in domestic warehouse, it can be sent from international warehouse.
Wow, this is one hell of a good sale. I submitted an order!
Myself. Sides with Ozempic were unbearable after a few months. I posted a few times on Meso about the sides being unbearable and then fortunately unloaded my leftover pens. Best decision I made. Learned from a member about Tirzepatide and trying that. I was prescribed Ozempic for my A1C and to lose some stubborn body fat that I didn’t seem to be able to lose since I’m a little older than most here. I’m sure I could have lost the excess fat with some tweaks in diet and more cardio which would have happened, I’m thinking over a long period of time. So, while saw great results with the Ozempic over a few months the sides were unbearable at the end. I would have to remind myself to eat which is counterproductive to building/maintaining muscle mass. While I lost around 35lbs about half of that was muscle mass from not being able to eat properly. Switched to Munjaro and the sides are gone, except for maybe a little dull headache once in a while (used to get them with Ozempic frequently). While my appetite is suppressed I am still able to eat without feeling nauseous at even the thought of eating. I was actually way too lean on Ozemoic and the switch in a short amount of time was noticeable. I gained some mass back but the problem areas have yet to comeback. I think the switch was the best thing for me. Ozempic kick started everything and the Tirzepatide took it to a entirely different level. As for my A1C/glucose levels. Both Sema and Tirzepatide are awesome. I was on 40iu of long acting insulin with sliding scale fast acting for the past 8 years. I no longer require insulin. Only thing I take is Jardiance daily (oral) and nothing else. My A1C which was between 10-12 is now below 6 and my glucose hovers around 90-120 depending on time of day. And the best thing is that most diabetics stay away from HGH. I’ve been on 4iu EOD of HGH since December 2022.

I now sell my Munjaro and use QSC Tirzepatide and buy some gear as well. Life is good.

Both tirz and sema caused constipation for the first probably 3 weeks for me. But once I got used to both being in my system I became regular again. And I’m super regular. I feel a monster poop coming on as soon as my foot hits the floor out of bed in the morning. And always go within 10 minutes of waking.

I will say that I experienced significantly worse digestion issues overall from Sema. Tirz is a godsend. About to take a couple months off then back into Tirz for months followed by Reta.
Thanks guys I'll give Tirz a try at some point probably next spring/summer
Serious question, do you guys have any peptides that will make my cock bigger?

Nothing could do that except a miracle from above stubby

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals what’s the estimated wait time for a response on WhatsApp?
Anywhere from a couple hrs to the next day on my orders. If you sent all information the first time it’ll usually be longer and you’ll just get a message saying your payment link was sent. That link comes via email still
Everything that anybody knows is on the test report posted above. Do you think there's a second document with information being kept secret?
I think Tracy might have insight as to what happened because Tracy is connected to the manufacturing process. That’s why my question was directed at Tracy and not your ignorant ass.


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