Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

The serum levels of HCG for the same individual with the same body weight fluctuate, but around 10%.

Nobody is saying that if it shows 20% less then Pregnyl - then it's underdosed, but if it's less 5 times - obviously something is wrong.

And this test is widely used in Eastern Europe. And results are consistent.

For example my experience:
12h after 1500IU of pharma Pregnyl always show 45-55 mIU/ml. So we may consider it as a reference.
Before Pregnyl I tested 1 month ago:
AminoAsylum - 9mIU/ml. Obviously underdosed.
ZyHCG - 6 and 7 mIU/ml, underdosed
Ultima hcg - < 5
swiss chems - < 5.

2 years ago Indian ovidac showed 31-35 mIU/ml that is considered also good, but I had different body weight.

I won't list others as it's a long list, but anyway you can see that results 5-10 times less then Pregnyl.
And it's not just fluctuation, that's poor quality.

And regarding bioactivity Jano mentioned in HCG thread that one of the reliable methods is checking testosterone response of Leydig cells after HCG administration, So you may add Total Testosterone(that is also quantitative test) to the HCG Quantitative to make it even more accurate.
Previous Result numbers below were during my last week of taking 10IU HGH and 1000IU HCG from QSC daily. This would have been a little more than 12h post-injection. Current Result is after 8w of clearing out. 1701707554058.png
Damn, no wonder people prefer ordering US domestic if possible. Put in my WhatsApp order on Nov. 29, got the payment link 8 hours later and paid same day, and the 2 packages touched down today Dec. 4. Very well packaged and the SKU numbers on the boxes make it easy to identify what's what. Gotta love it!
I have an average of 10+ incoming packets each week from china (aliexpress/alibaba/ebay). I ain't keeping track of every single one of them, until I get notification that delivery time is about to expire.

Good luck proving that the I have knoledge that one of the 50 packets I receive each month (and I can prove I get that number of packets) that had contraband, was ordered by me and not by someone who had malicious intend against me.

If I received 2 packets a month and 1 of them had contraband, then that's another thing.
Narta, this is not something that needs to be openly posted about. You never know if LE does / does not care about investigating you for purchasing amounts large enough to be considered for a distribution charge. I see absolutely no reason whatsoever for you to openly tell the entire world "I have an average of 10+ packets coming from China every week." I am just trying to keep you safe. It sucks that you and I have to worry about losing our freedom simply because we want to improve our appearance. But the ASControl Act unfortunately exists, so you and I do need to be careful. Who is to say the Feds are not watching your PO Box right now.....and you just openly admitted to receiving 10+ packs every week at your PO Box ? I'd ask Millard to delete this post of mine in addition to deleting your post. I have a friend back in Dallas who got popped for purchasing a large amt of gear from OLM back in, I believe, 2009. He went through HELL !! I love him to death, he is my friend, and he absolutely went through hell.
Narta, this is not something that needs to be openly posted about. You never know if LE does / does not care about investigating you for purchasing amounts large enough to be considered for a distribution charge. I see absolutely no reason whatsoever for you to openly tell the entire world "I have an average of 10+ packets coming from China every week." I am just trying to keep you safe. It sucks that you and I have to worry about losing our freedom simply because we want to improve our appearance. But the ASControl Act unfortunately exists, so you and I do need to be careful. Who is to say the Feds are not watching your PO Box right now.....and you just openly admitted to receiving 10+ packs every week at your PO Box ? I'd ask Millard to delete this post of mine in addition to deleting your post. I have a friend back in Dallas who got popped for purchasing a large amt of gear from OLM back in, I believe, 2009. He went through HELL !! I love him to death, he is my friend, and he absolutely went through hell.
I interpreted it as he receives that many packages, most being “normal.” Clothes , household products, whatever.

He’s foolish however to think in the event of a controlled delivery in which he signs for the package, he would be able to use this as a defense. Game over if he opens the package before they bust in. Game double over if he has more lying around anywhere. Game triple over when the conduct farther investigation to his internet / phone trails.
Narta, this is not something that needs to be openly posted about. You never know if LE does / does not care about investigating you for purchasing amounts large enough to be considered for a distribution charge. I see absolutely no reason whatsoever for you to openly tell the entire world "I have an average of 10+ packets coming from China every week." I am just trying to keep you safe. It sucks that you and I have to worry about losing our freedom simply because we want to improve our appearance. But the ASControl Act unfortunately exists, so you and I do need to be careful. Who is to say the Feds are not watching your PO Box right now.....and you just openly admitted to receiving 10+ packs every week at your PO Box ? I'd ask Millard to delete this post of mine in addition to deleting your post. I have a friend back in Dallas who got popped for purchasing a large amt of gear from OLM back in, I believe, 2009. He went through HELL !! I love him to death, he is my friend, and he absolutely went through hell.
1. Did you miss the alibaba/aliexress/ebay reference? That's where packets are coming from
2. Who sai I have a P.O. Box?
3. I don't currently reside in the shithole country you think I am. I am in a worst shithole country by other metrics, sure, but possession and use of steroids is legal here
Just dont do crazy enough shit in your life to get legal attention and give the feds a reason to take you down. I HIGHLY doubt anybody is going to be nabbed only for possession of aas, but if you are doing a bunch of other felonious extra curriculars and they want you they WILL get you on something. Eat your food, take your drugs, lift your weights you will be fine and nobody is going to bother you.

As grandpappy used to say "Don't do more than 1 illegal thing a time, as soon as you get to two, now you are worth the paperwork."
1. Did you miss the alibaba/aliexress/ebay reference? That's where packets are coming from
2. Who sai I have a P.O. Box?
3. I don't currently reside in the shithole country you think I am. I am in a worst shithole country by other metrics, sure, but possession and use of steroids is legal here
I am glad you are safe and not in harms way, Narta. I'd be really worried about you if i knew you were in danger. The one good thing about my "shithole" country is America's Team, the Dallas Cowboys. I think every member of meso will agree with me when I say the Cowboys are the classiest, best organization in all of sports and they represent everything that is GOOD in life. (LOL, there is a Woman at my gym who is a Chargers' fan.....I see her all the time. Gorgeous girl.....but a Chargers fan, always decked out in Chargers' gear....we give each other so much shit because I wear my Cowboys' gear a lot. The Pokes beat the Chargers earlier this season so I have been tormenting her ever since that game!)
Jesus, this reminds me of how shipping is back in the early 2000’s lol. Pay with WU for that car part or watch then hope you get something in the mail 2 months later lol
Right! Always a suck feeling in your stomach after a couple weeks just knowing you got ripped off then boom sometimes they’d show and other times well better luck next time. Those days sucked

You need to use more peptides if your back water lasts that long lol
Lmao true story

Any plans to restock bpc157 in the us warehouse? I see tb500 is there and was planning to buy both but would prefer not to pay shipping twice if possible.
I’d just order it now while they at least have that. Shipping is cheap and you can order the other when it comes in. Those 2 sell out real fast domestic usually