It is accurate for the same individual and the same body weight as it check B-subunit of HCG that is specific to HCG. And it is used in detecting exact age of fetus and cancer in males. Also it is used during invitro fertilisation, you may check pubmed.
There're also assays about using by males with serum HCG levels data
What is wrong with Quantitative HCG test?) If you're talking about language, then English is not my native, so I apologize
That'is not accurate at all) First of all the leydig cells atrophy is not visible in most cases, so it is your imagination. And second of all if you use pharma pregnyl and looking for UGL source you obviously do not have atrophy because of Pregnyl and you testicles will not get bigger as they're already normal size(despite the fact you cannot see atrophy in most cases)