Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Ah ok. Im in the EU and I haven't seen that test available here.
But yeah like others said. It is mostly a test for females though
You're not right, it is officially used for detecting exact age of fetus in females AND Detecting prostate cancer in MALES.
So it is not only for females.

Moreover you may find many assays on pubmed where they test males for HCG during HRT or for fertility.
It is accurate for the same individual and the same body weight as it check B-subunit of HCG that is specific to HCG. And it is used in detecting exact age of fetus and cancer in males. Also it is used during invitro fertilisation, you may check pubmed.

There're also assays about using by males with serum HCG levels data

What is wrong with Quantitative HCG test?) If you're talking about language, then English is not my native, so I apologize :)

That'is not accurate at all) First of all the leydig cells atrophy is not visible in most cases, so it is your imagination. And second of all if you use pharma pregnyl and looking for UGL source you obviously do not have atrophy because of Pregnyl and you testicles will not get bigger as they're already normal size(despite the fact you cannot see atrophy in most cases)
I’m not an expert in all this but I do remember reading a while back that @janoshik specifically reports the subunit of HCG that is important and neglects the other forms that are present.

I think Tracy had mentioned it when discussing joining QSC where they were advertising their HCG as 5000iu because that was the “total” where in reality that subunit is the one we care about. So Tracy stopped advertising their HCG as 5000iu and correctly adhered to Jano’s report of the 2500iu proper subunit.

I could be wrong but, this is what I recall. One of them can probably shed more light.
The serum levels of HCG for the same individual with the same body weight fluctuate, but around 10%.

Nobody is saying that if it shows 20% less then Pregnyl - then it's underdosed, but if it's less 5 times - obviously something is wrong.

And this test is widely used in Eastern Europe. And results are consistent.

For example my experience:
12h after 1500IU of pharma Pregnyl always show 45-55 mIU/ml. So we may consider it as a reference.
Before Pregnyl I tested 1 month ago:
AminoAsylum - 9mIU/ml. Obviously underdosed.
ZyHCG - 6 and 7 mIU/ml, underdosed
Ultima hcg - < 5
swiss chems - < 5.

2 years ago Indian ovidac showed 31-35 mIU/ml that is considered also good, but I had different body weight.

I won't list others as it's a long list, but anyway you can see that results 5-10 times less then Pregnyl.
And it's not just fluctuation, that's poor quality.

And regarding bioactivity Jano mentioned in HCG thread that one of the reliable methods is checking testosterone response of Leydig cells after HCG administration, So you may add Total Testosterone(that is also quantitative test) to the HCG Quantitative to make it even more accurate.
I’m not an expert in all this but I do remember reading a while back that @janoshik specifically reports the subunit of HCG that is important and neglects the other forms that are present.

I think Tracy had mentioned it when discussing joining QSC where they were advertising their HCG as 5000iu because that was the “total” where in reality that subunit is the one we care about. So Tracy stopped advertising their HCG as 5000iu and correctly adhered to Jano’s report of the 2500iu proper subunit.

I could be wrong but, this is what I recall. One of them can probably shed more light.
Most of the hcg is underdosed. But a blood test to determine if it is or not is a little ridiculous. Looking at this guy's post history he is trying to get hcg testing credit from using his blood work.

Just some obsessive nonsense. It's not like testosterone where we assuming a 5x multiplier is normal
The serum levels of HCG for the same individual with the same body weight fluctuate, but around 10%.

Nobody is saying that if it shows 20% less then Pregnyl - then it's underdosed, but if it's less 5 times - obviously something is wrong.

And this test is widely used in Eastern Europe. And results are consistent.

For example my experience:
12h after 1500IU of pharma Pregnyl always show 45-55 mIU/ml. So we may consider it as a reference.
Before Pregnyl I tested 1 month ago:
AminoAsylum - 9mIU/ml. Obviously underdosed.
ZyHCG - 6 and 7 mIU/ml, underdosed
Ultima hcg - < 5
swiss chems - < 5.

2 years ago Indian ovidac showed 31-35 mIU/ml that is considered also good, but I had different body weight.

I won't list others as it's a long list, but anyway you can see that results 5-10 times less then Pregnyl.
And it's not just fluctuation, that's poor quality.
Then keep buying pregnyl
Most of the hcg is underdosed. But a blood test to determine if it is or not is a little ridiculous. Looking at this guy's post history he is trying to get hcg testing credit from using his blood work.

Just some obsessive nonsense. It's not like testosterone where we assuming a 5x multiplier is normal
what is "testing credit"? The only thing I asked is did anyone try testing it this way?

And in Liska's thread I just asked what would they do if it is underdosed? I don't need any credit or whatever, I just need a reliable source.

So don't make stupid assumptions
what is "testing credit"? The only thing I asked is did anyone try testing it this way?

And in Liska's thread I just asked what would they do if it is underdosed? I don't need any credit or whatever, I just need a reliable source.

So don't make stupid assumptions
No need to
Reinvent the wheel buddy HPLC testing is what is used here.
You can do other testing if you wish and share the results but others wont bother so no point in insisting in every thread possible.
No need to
Reinvent the wheel buddy HPLC testing is what is used here.
You can do other testing if you wish and share the results but others wont bother so no point in insisting in every thread possible.
HPLC testing done by companies has one huge disadvantage. You have no idea how someone is storing vials before sending them to you.
So of course you may send it to HPLC yourself, but it's time, money and not legal, as even HCG is controlled substance in 5 states, So it's trafficking.

But you're right, I've just asked in threads I was interested in.
So if the answer is no - it's fine, I'll be doing it myself until I find something :)

The only thing that disappoints me is that most people here saying some shit without arguments instead of constructive conversation.
HPLC testing done by companies has one huge disadvantage. You have no idea how someone is storing vials before sending them to you.
That's right, but what's your point? It will not lose any potency within 2 or 3 weeks of sending it to Janoshik as long as it is not reconstituted.

The point is, that 100 tests of Janoshik will more or less show the same results. But injecting 100 different people with the same compound and let them do bloodwork will show a much bigger variance of results. It seems that you dont get that.
That's right, but what's your point? It will not lose any potency within 2 or 3 weeks of sending it to Janoshik as long as it is not reconstituted.

The point is, that 100 tests of Janoshik will more or less show the same results. But injecting 100 different people with the same compound and let them do bloodwork will show a much bigger variance of results. It seems that you dont get that.
My point was that it is controlled substance in a few states and may be considered trafficking. So possible, but takes time, money and risk, while there is another way to approximately check if it is legit enough

You probably didn't read accurately what I wrote. It will be different in different people, but I emphasised that for the same individual with the same body weight it shows legit and consistent results.
But 1500 IU will not show 5 mIU/ml in any individual, I totally accept that between different individuals it may fluctuate 30-70 as results on Pubmed show, but it will detect approximately if it's crap or not.
And If you know you levels - you may check for yourself other products.

So I asked the question because if anyone got results like 25-60(from 1500 IU) - it definitely worth trying the product. Because if its <10, it's just a bad product irrespective of body weight(if it's not 200kg, of course).

At least this test is not as dumb as testing with pregnancy kit :D