Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Sounds to me your planning job on placing your order sucks. That makes it okay to demand your shipment while the rest of us wait here patiently and planned accordingly for our products.
Sounds to me your planning job on placing your order sucks. That makes it okay to demand your shipment while the rest of us wait here patiently and planned accordingly for our products.
Well I originally posted to see if others were experiencing the same thing and no one replied, I’m just more confused on what’s going on with it.
Lol, the New Year’s party is coming up and I need to fill out with this injectable superdrol and some tren no ester before the party! Also I am moving and might not have access to the address after a couple weeks so It better come soon or else some random housewife will end up getting swole and a huge clit.
reasonable concerns lol

I’ve lost a large order because of a move before. Shipped to a girls house and she flips houses. She gave the address to house she was renovating. Sold it the next week lol. New people stole the package. I was there within 30 minutes of delivery. Said they didn’t get it.
would be cool if addressed recent issues with peptide dosages and semaglutide contaminations... has become more than a 1 or 2 off now...

anyone getting more concerned about what might be making the cloudy vials of tesemorelin etc?
That would be way more annoying for the newbie and way less annoying for everyone else.
I feel for those guys who are new to this game, that is why I implore the need to just sit back and wait. No need for this questions and extra concerns for something you can’t control.

Simple process. Pay, wait and receive your pack or a letter if snagged.
Even if your engineers suck, it wouldn't be off by that much (1/4th or 4x).

Did the raws test well? How consistent is Jano's assay for AOD-9604?
He explained the situation with AOD-9604 in full detail a week ago. You must of missed it

Basically this isn’t a surprise. Or the engineers sucking. It’s something he’s trying to find a solution to. I believe it’s an issue with the raws I think he said
Someone fucked up

It got contaminated with a harmless amount.

What else is there?
well was multiple peptides not just 1... for the IPA it was an active dosage someone could easily get and who knows the variances of the contamination aswell... would imagine likely not uniform by principal of contamination usually isn't homogenous... IPA folks use over a 5mg vial a week and would def have activity(and again who knows variance could be getting 400mcg a week but near ~200mcg/week if use ~1mg of IPA a day which isn't a crazy high dosage ie 250mcg x3-x4 a day)... perhaps someone is already taking sema and caused alot more side effects... at any rate folks shouldn't accept it..

at least imagine the recent price list shows the tests that show the contamination which is great... so folks can make informed decisions what's scary is how many resellers QSC has and those folks likely aren't at least posting results...

but the fact they haven't figured out why it happened and how to prevent it in the future is of concern for coming batches....

what's strange is the same contamination and not contamination from previous filling of vials.. ie not uncleaned filler lines contaminating the next batch with next peptide...
To all people wondering "were my pack at?"

Tracy told me she is delivering all packages in person, order by order and she is giving a freebie to all for the delays:

A red 20 inch dildo so you all can go f urselves for busting her balls about delays
reasonable concerns lol

I’ve lost a large order because of a move before. Shipped to a girls house and she flips houses. She gave the address to house she was renovating. Sold it the next week lol. New people stole the package. I was there within 30 minutes of delivery. Said they didn’t get it.

That's some Inception-level shit.