Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

He explained the situation with AOD-9604 in full detail a week ago. You must of missed it

Basically this isn’t a surprise. Or the engineers sucking. It’s something he’s trying to find a solution to. I believe it’s an issue with the raws I think he said

I misspoke. QSC has been my source for GH frag/AOD-9604 and I followed this controversy since the beginning.

I found another source that tested well but have been sourcing this compound here for a while. Guess I was just hoping for a positive update.
Wait.... So you think that BA has some magical property of inhibiting FURTHER bacteria growth..... But that it maintains whatever bacteria is present in solution.....

I mean, what TF can I say to that reasoning in reply!
Not sure what is crazy about this notion, it's literally the definition of a bacteriostatic agent, which benzyl alcohol is. Over time, the organisms, if in a vegetative state may die off, but if they are spore formers will remain viable for long durations in the presence of low concentrations of BA.
I do, tren just retriggers it. My point was.. I know multiple bbers that admitted this..of course after I did...so they no longer felt ashamed. Masterone makes you horny as well, but not this perversion so much. My original point was...why is it always tren? I think its because besides extreme androgenic effects...it also activates Progesterone receptor at the same time.
I fucking wish it did for me, would be amazing for my open/poly lifestyle. I've been on TRT, test-only blast, as well as test/tren/mast cruise and HCG/HMG and Arimidex or Aromasin and seems like I get most horny when my testosterone / anabolics are too low. Been less horny ever since getting on TRT. I still have a very reasonable sex drive, but nothing compared to the sex-obsessed demon I was pre-TRT. Mood is infinitely more stable though, which was critically needed, and I finally grew aesthetic muscle for the first time ever in my 30's after regularly lifting for 15 years.

OTOH test cruise + low dose tren & mast works infinitely better than using AI's. Fuck AI's. Never could dial them in, seemed like they were awful for me even in preposterously low doses. Dialed-in masteron is a godsend for estrogen sides.
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We will be experiencing more different express lines, and this is what is delaying some trackings now, always looking for better and safer options, thank you for your patience for all those who didn't receive theirs yet. We are just working on getting the most optimized pass rate.
Just to close on this off-topic... All the tren guys etc.....I actually dated probably the hottest preop trans in my country (Im probably fucking doxxing myself, but whatever)......Her DMs and not just those were and are BOMBARDED by guys...including tren and dopamin agonist users.....
And lets say... generally....THEY ARE NOT LOOKING TO TOP HER....you can do that with cisgirl..... If you catch my drift about prostate ;-).
What the fuck, over.
how much sema were you taking and now how much Tirz? Thank you
Worked my way up to max Sema dosage in 5 months. I have been on Tirz even longer and two separate runs like with Sema and I still haven’t reached max dosage. Been at 10mg for 5 weeks now. I think instead of increasing dosage I will increase dose frequencies. Maybe 10mg every 4 days.
What the fuck, over.
Stuff like this is what is making me (a very average looking face. 9.5 body but short) able to pound as much snatch as I want or can fit in my schedule these days because people like this guy are no longer competitors of mine.

They have become so perverse and sexually sick (probably from internet pron and research chemicals altering their brain chemistry) that normal dudes like me have it made dating in my early 40s because there’s so much phaggotry and perversion prevalent in the male population in 2023.
Stuff like this is what is making me (a very average looking face. 9.5 body but short) able to pound as much snatch as I want or can fit in my schedule these days because people like this guy are no longer competitors of mine.

They have become so perverse and sexually sick (probably from internet pron and research chemicals altering their brain chemistry) that normal dudes like me have it made dating in my early 40s because there’s so much phaggotry and perversion prevalent in the male population in 2023.
How so? All girls are met are secretly turned on by Kinky guys also. Has nothing to do with it.