Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You can join this group, it’s heavily monitored as in no bullshit comments like here are acceptable. If you want something tested you posit it, if enough are interested everyone contributes to test cost and someone will send the sample, very organized.
You can join this group, it’s heavily monitored as in no bullshit comments like here are acceptable. If you want something tested you posit it, if enough are interested everyone contributes to test cost and someone will send the sample, very organized.

I would but I’m not interested in peptides. But I might hang out to see if I can learn something
I'd participate in a Meso effort but have no bandwidth to lead it. Already running a company, meetup group, have kids with active social lives, do gym and sports etc. But I can pitch in some $ here and there
I Store IT at 20 Celsius rooms Temperatur but after 2 days IT Starts to crash again.

Some vials are clear with Crystals in the ground and some went to a Milky solution.

Musst find a way to stabilisize
Heat up all vials to get back into solution, decap vials and pour all vials into beaker on hotplate and gently heat, add a small amount of BB (2%/vol), stir and gently heat. Allow to cool (Id throw in fridge personally and try to make it crash), if it holds, filter and bottle again.

If it crashes, repeat BB add step onwards.


Just heat gently to get into solution each time before pinning.
Why can’t meso get into testing like this?
Because someone needs to run the whole thing, organise the testing, organise samples and shipping to the lab, run polls on what is to be tested, organise and be trusted to hold donations to the cost of testing, deal with group members bitching that their favourite product didn't win the testing poll and get tested and they are threatening to throw a tantrum and leave the group, collate the results and publish them..... It can turn into a huge amount of work that your not getting paid to do.

That said, I'd love if someone did take it on and would happily contribute some $ for testing products. Really wouldn't take many people relative to the size of this board to bring the cost of testing down to less then $1.per person per item tested.

I know some other boards that do it (Usually for finished oils for domestic sources) and keep the testing results private for those that contribute $ for the testing program. I get why but I'm also a big believer in open sourcing stuff as information is power that puts pressure back onto manufacturers to ensure their products are constantly on point. Maybe a 1 - 3mth delay for public release would be a good middle ground....

If the group got big enough, I'd even support a stipend payment for the organiser to help offset the amount of time they are putting into the whole thing.
the group thing is a good idea for expensive testing like hgh

But that’s not what I’m talking about.
If you’re using something you should be testing it yourself.
Imagine if everyone did that, scammers would be denounced in short order. And it would also keep jano honest as he would be testing the same batches multiple times.
the group thing is a good idea for expensive testing like hgh

But that’s not what I’m talking about.
If you’re using something you should be testing it yourself.
Imagine if everyone did that, scammers would be denounced in short order. And it would also keep jano honest as he would be testing the same batches multiple times.
idk why people don't test powder or their finished product.

I am contemplating home brewing. I would probably just make it, and send in my Test U For finished oil testing.
idk why people don't test powder or their finished product.

I am contemplating home brewing. I would probably just make it, and send in my Test U For finished oil testing.

If I were a source I would test the finished product before sale, and then post the results. But I wouldn’t be doing it for meso it would just be a good business practice. I’d rather know about something first then have someone air the dirty laundry in the thread
If I were a source I would test the finished product before sale, and then post the results. But I wouldn’t be doing it for meso it would just be a good business practice. I’d rather know about something first then have someone air the dirty laundry in the thread

Didn't Tracy say a few days ago he was gonna do this going forward or did I misread that post?
the group thing is a good idea for expensive testing like hgh

But that’s not what I’m talking about.
If you’re using something you should be testing it yourself.
Imagine if everyone did that, scammers would be denounced in short order. And it would also keep jano honest as he would be testing the same batches multiple times.
So everyone should test every single thing they buy first? And to disregard any existing testing done or the sources rep in regards to testing and feedback so far?

I mean, unrealistic isn't even the word for that. Would it be the best way to know if it's what I bought and on the label? Yes but you think everyone has the money to test EVERYTHING. Have you looked through the lab testing section lately, hardly no one tests nowadays.

At the end of the day people take risks buying from sources. If I didn't trust any source enough that I had to test everything I buy, I'd just homebrew. Which Is what I'm going to say you do.