Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It's interesting though that the people who start getting worked up about testing are funnily enough people who don't do any testing.

And even stoop to licking a sources feet when they do the testing for them.

I don't see your name in there, i don't see Spiff (he says he did a test, but i don't see it in there) i don't see any of you suckers doing testing. But you want to gaslight me, saying i'm stupid and that i want free stuff.

What i'm saying shouldn't be controversial, unless of course you have a vested interest in source-only testing.
It's interesting though that the people who start getting worked up about testing are funnily enough people who don't do any testing.

And even stoop to licking a sources feet when they do the testing for them.

I don't see your name in there, i don't see Spiff (he says he did a test, but i don't see it in there) i don't see any of you suckers doing testing. But you want to gaslight me, saying i'm stupid and that i want free stuff.

What i'm saying shouldn't be controversial, unless of course you have a vested interest in source-only testing.
I did a semaglutide with the last batch that tested at 5.75.

I'm also going to be submitting some tests from different sources within the next month. Dropping 600+ dollars of my own money. Hcg and multiple anabolics.

I agree with this. Honestly, If I was paying to have it tested myself I wouldn't share the results with anyone unless it was just complete trash or the wrong compound then maybe. If any supplier offered reimbursement or discounts for testing then yeah, sure share away.
why not share positive tests too? Like they apparently do on discord, even positive accountability helps. They do a good job, they sell more. They do a bad job, they sell less.
That’s… not at all what I said but I wish you the best with recovery
Everyone here knows the risk. It’s part of the game, if you don’t want to risk going to jail then don’t use drugs. Lucky for me our country allows us a little leniency on aas and full freedom to use and possess certain amounts of hard drugs lol.

For you guys in the US of A, good luck.

Got this today, going to send to jano tomorrow or next day.
Don't worry Pinnacle Elements i sent this image through the Tails Metadata Cleaner
Had my 3rd (of 4) BF orders touchdown today (US). Was not shipped by DHL and once in transit I got it next day... pretty nice. Pack is complete minus the Semaglutide, I'm guessing it will ship separately once the testing is available but haven't heard confirmation of that yet.

My 4th order is Sema only which explains the delay on that one as well.
Go to blockcypher. Type in your tx i.d.
You can confirm yourself. Keep your msg to Tracy concise and your order will be processed faster.
While you waiting, punch in qsc btc code in blockcypher and tell me how much digital gold is in that wallet.
Best to use Tor / Onion Browser to look these up. Also while I’m on the topic best not to look uo your tracking number at all. If u look it up in a normal browser they can prove u were aware of the package and if you look it up using Tor it can give then a heads up to flag that package.
It's interesting though that the people who start getting worked up about testing are funnily enough people who don't do any testing.

And even stoop to licking a sources feet when they do the testing for them.

I don't see your name in there, i don't see Spiff (he says he did a test, but i don't see it in there) i don't see any of you suckers doing testing. But you want to gaslight me, saying i'm stupid and that i want free stuff.

What i'm saying shouldn't be controversial, unless of course you have a vested interest in source-only testing.
Who's getting worked up over this? I'm not seeing anyone who is, at least enough to mention their name. Your suggestion of lab testing products i use i agree with, I don't think anyone disagrees.

It's your idea that everyone should test EVERY SINGLE THING they buy. Regardless of existing source or blind testing. I can see reasoning over your reasons for this with you would be a waste of time. Most customers never test a thing they use, let alone everything they do.
Anybody know why QSC raw L-Carnitine Base is so much more expensive that domestic sources? I'm spoiled to Q being 1/10th the price on most stuff...so the 'expensive' L-Carnitine Base has me wondering if I"m missing something.
I encourage all you new members to go read Cat Cafe’s thread. A long time source who is always active is MIA and website is down. Liska even (to her account) practiced OPSEC to the modern industry methods.

You are foolish if you think that LE has no reason to monitor this mass distribution of patented/illegal pharmaceuticals.

Tracy reiterated that this sale was a test for their express shipping. Basically- direct to consumer so you take on customs risk.

Stay woke, you’re not invincible. Posting the hub your illegal imports are at is, well, fucking stupid.
Uh well I was in complete agreement with you and been here a lot longer than you so not sure why to lumped my comment in with the testing police tests but oh well idc either way lol

I did a semaglutide with the last batch that tested at 5.75.

I'm also going to be submitting some tests from different sources within the next month. Dropping 600+ dollars of my own money. Hcg and multiple anabolics.

View attachment 273047
And we appreciate all you do for the community out of your own pocket no less without asking for anything in return

I vote rectal administration lol
He would enjoy that too much but it wouldn’t fit because his heads already got that hole filled up
And when they get caught it’s all “Ohhh, you know what, something weird happened. Let me investigate this”

Supports the idea for full reimbursement of customer testing. Even if it's redundant or for products that tested well in the past.

*this means prices might go up, but not much because people still dislike the hassle of sending samples for testing
Then members can test on their own. That's their problem.

I am all for testing but that is up to the users if they want to prevent harm or mixups to themselves.

Yeah but you have to be equally pro-reimbursement. People won't test their own gear if it has black specs in it. They'd rather bin it (or filter if motivated).

Sending products for testing is a hassle and most won't even do it if reimbursed. I don't think sources would lose money by offering full reimbursement for testing.

Probably make more in the long-run. @baxter0312
Sending products for testing is a hassle and most won't even do it if reimbursed. I don't think sources would lose money by offering full reimbursement for testing.
Doubtful they will reimburse
Manufacturer lacking testing is clearly not affecting their business. Constantly selling out of oils

I think people should either.
A. If testing is important to them, buy from a domestic brewer that tests frequently.
B. If they dont want to be cheap and not buy from a domestic brewer, buy from a manufacturer and test it themself
C. Just buy from the manufacturer and disregard testing, dont cry about it not being tested
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Manufacturer wont reimburse. but its up to them.
Manufacturer lacking testing is clearly not affecting their business. Constantly selling out of oils

I think people should either.
A. If testing is important to them, buy from a domestic brewer that tests frequently.
B. If they dont want to be cheap and not buy from a domestic brewer, buy from a manufacturer and test it themself
C. Just buy from the manufacturer and disregard testing, dont cry about it not being tested
Or use humangrade products through clinics if you can afford it.