Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

I placed a +3k ordered Dec 17 and still haven't received a tracking number. Following Tracy's advice and not messaging on WhatsApp but .. 20 days without a response. I know the replies to this will be to wait but if you were sitting where I am, waiting on a response, wouldn't you'd be concerned too?
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

I placed a +3k ordered Dec 17 and still haven't received a tracking number. Following Tracy's advice and not messaging on WhatsApp but .. 20 days without a response. I know the replies to this will be to wait but if you were sitting where I am, waiting on a response, wouldn't you'd be concerned too?
Maybe you don't get one until it's in your county?
I'm worried that Tracy doesn't like me anymore, she doesn't answer my emails, she doesn't answer my texts, she hasn't sent a dick pic in months. Relationship advice anyone?
Hey GSC, my order has been delivered but I have no way of knowing which peptide is which. I ordered CJC-1295 no dac, Ipamorelin, Epitalon, MOTs-C, and GHRP-6. Can you tell me which is which please? 2 of the boxes have the same color blue tops. Thanks
Normally there's a single digit number under each if the white boxes. 1,2,3.... The numbers correspond to the original order. Do if you originally via Whatsapp submitted your order as
Etc then 1 weighs be the first line, and so on.
For the emails, I am on yesterday's emails, about 250 email left.

So if you say you sent an email beginning of the week, or earlier and haven't got a reply, it means your email didn't go through, or missed, or just waiting for tracking number that I don't have it yet to send it to you.

Since today is the last day for promo via emails, emails are prioritized, once done, I'll move to answers your whatsaaps; so please be patient, I am trying my best, probably gonna be over 550-600 whatsaap once I finish the emails, as it's already more than 400 new whatsaap since a day and half:


If I spend only 1 minute per mail/whatsaap, that's more than 8 hours of work left, still have to eat, lift and read your comments here.

And we also have some more good news, plenty of raws now available in USA warehouse : test e, test c, susta, test p, tren e, tren a, mast p, primo, winstrol, anadrol, dianabol, oxandrolone, telmisartan, tadalafil, sildenafil and DNP .

We also restocked 5 kits HGH packs in USA warehouse.