Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

did we ever get an answer how semaglutide got into other peptides?

will be interesting if anyone else got that milky bac water like buddy... sorta weird if only one box.. perhaps reverse scammer... who knows.
The story is a new hire (since fired) failed to adequately clean the machines between runs.
Atleast a basic alcohol swab on the cap and injection location go a long way.

I have a friend where I just found out he was refusing needles. Made me wanna vomit. He has been on gear for 15+ years

Also holy fuck syringes and needles are so, so cheap. I have no idea why IV drug users or AAS users ever have to re-use them.
It’s called being, brain dead, lazy and ignorant. Can you imagine the rest of their hygiene?? Disgusting
To be fair, The case report posted could have actually been the gear. Just kept powering through the pain on injection

Could have put oil+raws in a spoon, heat it up/inject it. Heroin style.
Sadly, semaglutide is not stable in the lyophilized form refrigerated long term. I have a box of QSC vials from over a year ago that are completely inactive now. They were good when I got them and never finished the whole box. Just recently prepared a vial and no effect. Kept increasing the dose to where I shot half the vial with no effect on appetite.

Now I'm concerned that the GH I ordered at the same time is inert as well.
Just finishing HGH blue tops that were purchased 12mths ago with zero degradation noticed. Take that for whatever its worth, no lab yests though to confirm.

Pretty confident that HGH is good for multi years as long as its not reconstituted.
To be fair, The case report posted could have actually been the gear. Just kept powering through the pain on injection

Could have put oil+raws in a spoon, heat it up/inject it. Heroin style.
I met on bodybuilding forums in real life in 2009. He would brew his gear and never filtered anything. Somehow he never got an infection.

Also work with a guy who never swabs his vials or injection site. He swears every time he uses alcohol swabs he gets an infection
Speaking of stability - if I drop my vial of GH on the kitchen counter when it's not constituted yet, is it ruined? I know it sounds like a stupid question but I've read online that GH is not stable and shit like that "ruins" it.
So do you suppose that they ship fully reconsituted GH, prescription Genotropin or Serostim, all over the world over the world in shock proof containers? Not! Test it for purity and use it!

Spaceman Spiff- picked up the wrong thread in my response.​

The amount of Idiocracy in this thread is wild... Where do u dipshits come from? Surely not all from reddit. I have to remember we aren't all created equally...
I’ve also noticed this. I used it to cut, and then when I moved into a surplus I kept sema in a lower dose to control appetite and not gain super fast and worked EXTREMELY well(on blast whole time)
Is that to say it helped with preventing fat gain, and you feel there was less fat accumulation compared to not using sema? Or you feel it also helped in other ways besides appitite? Thanks!
have been running the blue tops for about a year now with consistent good bloods and currently using there test e and primo e 200mg it’s doing what it should. All up done about 10 orders never had an issue some of you guys need to calm down your shit will come. Please start stocking more oils on the Aussie warehouse haha