Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

have been running the blue tops for about a year now with consistent good bloods and currently using there test e and primo e 200mg it’s doing what it should. All up done about 10 orders never had an issue some of you guys need to calm down your shit will come. Please start stocking more oils on the Aussie warehouse haha
all bunch of lil sissies here.... oh mommy wheres my milk

prob all living in basement sucking on titties
have been running the blue tops for about a year now with consistent good bloods and currently using there test e and primo e 200mg it’s doing what it should. All up done about 10 orders never had an issue some of you guys need to calm down your shit will come. Please start stocking more oils on the Aussie warehouse haha

Please share your GH dosing protocol and blood test results. If you had IGF-1 measured, too.

Baselines? [that's probably asking too much]
Is that to say it helped with preventing fat gain, and you feel there was less fat accumulation compared to not using sema? Or you feel it also helped in other ways besides appitite? Thanks!
I have an abnormally large appetite, so the low dose sema allowed me to keep my surplus at an optimal level(200-500cals) whereas normally I could easily in a 1000 or more calorie surplus comfortably.
So sema essentially let me gain slower than I would normally.
Please share your GH dosing protocol and blood test results. If you had IGF-1 measured, too.

Baselines? [that's probably asking too much]
2iu in the morning don’t have baseline igf1 but pulled 23 on another sellers gh and was 35 on my last bloods on qsc
I have an abnormally large appetite, so the low dose sema allowed me to keep my surplus at an optimal level(200-500cals) whereas normally I could easily in a 1000 or more calorie surplus comfortably.
So sema essentially let me gain slower than I would normally.

The quantity is not all...the most important thing is how the body manage the food/nutrients/ped's....
...if the "sistem" works well, you can achieve more output with less of an input ant less residue/inflamation and such.
Sema improves how insulin and insulin receptors work, that is the most important thing for muscle building/maintaining.
All the other peds you'll notice that is going to work even better...I'm talking from personal experience.
But don’t you think that in his case, he’ll build up a tolerance to sema and it will no longer provide the benefits he’s looking for? Btw that’s a really cool “hidden” benefit to sema that I never knew about, gonna check out that GLP bodybuilding article to learn more.
From a certain point of view, insulin is the most anabolic hormone ... the problem is in how your body get to use it.
The GLP agonists drugs can help achieve a better use of insulin ... combined with other measures can provide a lot of benefits.

Tolerance is something that affects all compounds .
I met on bodybuilding forums in real life in 2009. He would brew his gear and never filtered anything. Somehow he never got an infection.

Also work with a guy who never swabs his vials or injection site. He swears every time he uses alcohol swabs he gets an infection
I dont swab either... There was some study in europe showing its totally useless anyway.