Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Thats been my order process for 2 years except number 4 is the tracking info.

I send email with order laid out
get reply with total and payment instructions
I pay
get email with tracking number

sometimes process takes 4 days sometimes takes 10 days, I just wait.

You are correct about the needless chitchat slowing everything down. its not order chitchat its people are impatient and send 12 emails if they don't get a reply in 4 hours

Well they ask questions. Think how Connor’s order must look like. And I’m sure there’s chitchat going on

If Tracy wants to chitchat he can do that here when they let him out of his hamster wheel for a break.
Well they ask questions. Think how Connor’s order must look like. And I’m sure there’s chitchat going on

If Tracy wants to chitchat he can do that here when they let him out of his hamster wheel for a break.
Connor probably does pretty good with women though. Women love to talk about themselves, so he just sits back and does his thing. Asking questions for hours
My Boxing Day sale order arrived today via Canada Post (once it made it here)

Order placed December 1st, and everything was nicely packaged and labeled as per Tracey’s email.

(For those that don’t know: you get an email with your ordered items and a number, that number is written on the kit box)

Thank you, Tracey!!
And yet the process was simple and well explained.

If you want faster channel of communication, use whatsaap because of the flow of order, it was expected that communication will be super slow by email. But no, crying baby prefer emails because it's more secure and he doesn't trust meta, no problem.

Ordering form was simple, list of items, shipping info and preferred payment method.

So logically it takes 2 emails to get the order done, the first one with your order and info and second one with payment confirmation and transaction ID, but no you prefer to start asking all the unecessary questions during the process.
Is it possible to pay by alibaba?
Do you have the lab test of the hgh 24iu?
Is your primo 200 pip free?
is BPC157 back to stock so I can add it to my order?
do you use stealth shipping?
Can you give me the breakdown of the price and how much shipping?
can you please remove 1 kit sema and add.... ?

People who respected the process had their order processed fairly quickly, and those who chose to slow it down have to accept the wait time.
Have you ever thought about streamlining the ordering process like Jano does? I can only image all the needless chitchat that slows everything down

1) Customer:
<order details>
<payment method>

2) You:
<itemized total>
<payment instructions>

3) Customer:
<payment details>
<shipping info>

4). You:
That pretty much is how Tracy has asked for orders to be done.... Where the slow down comes is people asking questions about shit they have readily available by reading a price list.... Or even worse, changing orders AFTER sending the order. That would throw a spanner into anyone's system!

End of the day, these are just teething problems that any successful business goes through when it grows quick (which is a great problem for any business to have to solve)

We have already seen what happens trying to backfill gaps quickly in the production side and got a bad Jessie who didn't clean equipment properly between batches. So they fired them and went looking for a Walter, that takes time, now its sorted and things on that front a running very well!

Tracy has clearly said that support staff are being TRAINED, lesson learned from the production side not to rush staffing (Which is great to see). Everyone should just chill, give them time to get new support staff trained and up to speed and I'm guessing we will see a huge improvement just on the other side of the upcoming break
maybe some veteran customer can answer this for me.
I need 2 kits of hgh and 1 kit of mast e.
Domestically you can only order kits in multiples of 5.
Domestically mast e is sold out.

Can I order 2 kits of hgh and 1 kit of mast e, internationally?
Or do I have to buy hgh domestically if it's available?
maybe some veteran customer can answer this for me.
I need 2 kits of hgh and 1 kit of mast e.
Domestically you can only order kits in multiples of 5.
Domestically mast e is sold out.

Can I order 2 kits of hgh and 1 kit of mast e, internationally?
Or do I have to buy hgh domestically if it's available?
Right now it's a 5 kit hgh minimum US.
maybe some veteran customer can answer this for me.
I need 2 kits of hgh and 1 kit of mast e.
Domestically you can only order kits in multiples of 5.
Domestically mast e is sold out.

Can I order 2 kits of hgh and 1 kit of mast e, internationally?
Or do I have to buy hgh domestically if it's available?
What I do is if they have 10iu domestic I bought the 15iu international.
maybe some veteran customer can answer this for me.
I need 2 kits of hgh and 1 kit of mast e.
Domestically you can only order kits in multiples of 5.
Domestically mast e is sold out.

Can I order 2 kits of hgh and 1 kit of mast e, internationally?
Or do I have to buy hgh domestically if it's available?
yes you can get all international