Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

lol Americans cant handle a little truth, want to cover there ears and eyes.. CANADA is actually 6th freest country, USA is 15th lol.. so naa we are much freer in every sense so not indoctrinated, we do care for each other more though.
where did you get those stats just curious lol?
don't get tired of always writing the same things, in my opinion Tracy knows you and it's on purpose :)

I wrote to him on Friday morning, she replied to me in the afternoon, I paid immediately and yesterday he sent me the tracking,

How many weeks of a package not updating pre-USPS arrival before y’all consider it lost?

Shipped November 10th and been bouncing between ‘arrived’ and ‘departed’ shipping partner facility for two months now. Tracy said it looks lost but hasn’t provided any reship details yet
How many weeks of a package not updating pre-USPS arrival before y’all consider it lost?

Shipped November 10th and been bouncing between ‘arrived’ and ‘departed’ shipping partner facility for two months now
That recently happened to me with a table I bought online. I had to contact the shipping partner because the label was damaged and it keep looping back and forth. Finally got it like 3 weeks later
That recently happened to me with a table I bought online. I had to contact the shipping partner because the label was damaged and it keep looping back and forth. Finally got it like 3 weeks later
Thanks - the only tracking I have is USPS and fast track express doesn’t recognise that tracking number. Hopefully Tracy has some input
I have been around for a while and gave QSC a try a while back. 2022 and summer of 2023. Always landed in 2-3 weeks international to the us.

But my last order was the first week of November, and the last update on tracking was from the first week of November. No other updates. I used all of the other links people posted here, it shows the same thing. No updates since the first week of November.

It looks like all of the orders placed in November were lost or seized, because I found other people here saying the same thing.

"Not everyone is having an over 2 month delay while being stuck in limbo. Your reship policy states nothing about being stuck in limbo. So as long as it updates in the same location indefinitely, you're not going to honor a reship? Since I paid for domesic reship, how do I know it wasn't seized? I wouldn't get any letters sent to me. "

"I've been patiently waiting for my order since shipping label was created on Nov 4. It's been going back and forth to the shipping partner facility for the last two months."

"How many weeks of a package not updating pre-USPS arrival before y’all consider it lost?

Shipped November 10th and been bouncing between ‘arrived’ and ‘departed’ shipping partner facility for two months now. Tracy said it looks lost but hasn’t provided any reship details yet"

I haven't emailed Tracy yet because I thought I was the only one. But I see there's a few guys here having the same issue. I hope that Tracy fixes all of them and mine too before February.
After I pay by bitcoin and provide transaction ID, Does tracking get forwarded after that? Or do I request it?

Is there any type of order confirmation after I send TX ID?

It's for domestic
I have been around for a while and gave QSC a try a while back. 2022 and summer of 2023. Always landed in 2-3 weeks international to the us.

But my last order was the first week of November, and the last update on tracking was from the first week of November. No other updates. I used all of the other links people posted here, it shows the same thing. No updates since the first week of November.

It looks like all of the orders placed in November were lost or seized, because I found other people here saying the same thing.

"Not everyone is having an over 2 month delay while being stuck in limbo. Your reship policy states nothing about being stuck in limbo. So as long as it updates in the same location indefinitely, you're not going to honor a reship? Since I paid for domesic reship, how do I know it wasn't seized? I wouldn't get any letters sent to me. "

"I've been patiently waiting for my order since shipping label was created on Nov 4. It's been going back and forth to the shipping partner facility for the last two months."

"How many weeks of a package not updating pre-USPS arrival before y’all consider it lost?

Shipped November 10th and been bouncing between ‘arrived’ and ‘departed’ shipping partner facility for two months now. Tracy said it looks lost but hasn’t provided any reship details yet"

I haven't emailed Tracy yet because I thought I was the only one. But I see there's a few guys here having the same issue. I hope that Tracy fixes all of them and mine too before February.
Seems like quite a few of us in the same boat. I messaged Tracy after waiting two months as I know it can take time. He offered to ship 2x2mg or wait for the 5mg to have Jano testing - I opted to wait for 5mg which hasn’t been shipped yet. So they’ve realised it’s lost it’s just a case of executing on their reship policy. Heck if the original missing one showed up after the reshipped one I’d pay for it… it’s just waiting for something with no movement (which will
Not change) that’s frustrating. My label was also created nov 4 so perhaps that shipment has been lost all together? Wouldn’t be difficult for Tracy to xreference all orders batched on 11/04
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It looks like all of the orders placed in November were lost or seized, because I found other people here saying the same thing.

My label was also created nov 4 so perhaps that shipment has been lost all together? Wouldn’t be difficult for Tracy to xreference all orders batched on 11/04

Same here, I had the USPS label created for my order on Nov 19th.
Nov 20th it updated to USPS is waiting for the package and it hasn't updated since.

I've messaged Tracy about this a while back but haven't heard back from them but I don't really worry too much. I guess they've been swamped with orders on these last 2 back to back promos.
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It's simple, you will wait 1 month from last tracking update to get a reship for USA orders placed in november and not received yet, because I've had several packs landing by that time, by day 60-70 days, and when you tell customer hey we resent your parcel but you received the initial one, they refuse to pay for them, so you will wait patiently and respect the policy of awaiting 1 month from last tracking update.
Anyone know what the DNP powder comes in? Ziplock or one of those plastic coffee bean bags or something else? DNP gets thru capsules so I'm wondering if they do anything special if you order the powder......