Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Oh I actually didn't even consider that. The lowest mg per ml I've ever used was 450mg but it also had 180mg of choline in it. Usually if taking just straight carnitine I'm using the 600mg per ml. Makes sense.
yeah, 600mg/ml is almost impossible to brew without a slight sting/pip.
Tracy has messaged me back

She said it was indeed a mistake on their end, and if i havent got the money back in my account in a week they will refund me in bitcoin

Which i will then use to order again i guess lol

Ill keep you all posted
Great to hear, but just ask them to keep the bitcoin and send your order or you’ll both be paying unnecessary fees
You're once again confusing Customs with LE / DEA. Customs is responsible for preventing illegal substances from entering the country, full stop.

Law enforcement does engage in controlled delivery, but it is absolutely not the norm. Typical practice is that an undercover officer (posing as a mail carrier) gets you to accept the package, they wait a few hours while surveiling your dwelling to give you time to dig in, and then they bust you.

If you got a package missing a vial, and it's been a month and the cops haven't showed up, it's a million to one that Customs simply didn't run a test that proved the contents of the missing vial were illegal.

The only other possible explanation is that they're working on a huge bust (presumably because you're part of a distribution organization). But in that case, they'd be going to pains to make sure you (and your partners) weren't aware they'd been intercepting packages. Missing vials would be very stupid in that context.
the argument is not wether they know what it is cause they do. to think a customs agent does know within 3 guesses the EXACT compound just by looking at a vile of oil your fooling yourself. its like cops look at a bong and not know what it is lol. vial with a needle and a bong and rolled up hundred are like symbols of illegal drugs. something in a vial is OBV for injection, they dont just let drugs in they have no idea what they are lol. give your head a shake, they are the same agency you meet when go through customs on a plane. same same, and if you think those guys will let you go through will 50 vials cause didn't test for fentanyl or meth your crazy man. of course much easier to pop you as you packed your bag and possession is 9/10s of the law.

They see where these packs go, see if someone even picks up, see who's sending, see what type of shipping methods they use, see if they have re shippers (as a known technique will route packages through other countries). is someone just ordering small packs but a large supplier, ie is one city getting ALOT more than others so prob a distributor etc. and yes the possible reason is to have a large bust, its not like what triggers them to look is a single address for the big boys as obv will change shit up..

BP, again, just doesn't steal a vial and not offer up explanation or a letter of how to get payed for it etc. lol esp if doesn't line up with declaration.

now if u just order a few kits, your not selling, probably not too much to worry about. but if next time they see you order decent amount of raws may not be so lucky, esp with a gov change and they want to get tuff on crime, or they find some Trans kid who was ordering testosterone/hormone blockers and causes them harm, hammer will drop on hormones...
the argument is not wether they know what it is cause they do. to think a customs agent does know within 3 guesses the EXACT compound just by looking at a vile of oil your fooling yourself. its like cops look at a bong and not know what it is lol. vial with a needle and a bong and rolled up hundred are like symbols of illegal drugs. something in a vial is OBV for injection, they dont just let drugs in they have no idea what they are lol. give your head a shake, they are the same agency you meet when go through customs on a plane. same same, and if you think those guys will let you go through will 50 vials cause didn't test for fentanyl or meth your crazy man. of course much easier to pop you as you packed your bag and possession is 9/10s of the law.

They see where these packs go, see if someone even picks up, see who's sending, see what type of shipping methods they use, see if they have re shippers (as a known technique will route packages through other countries). is someone just ordering small packs but a large supplier, ie is one city getting ALOT more than others so prob a distributor etc. and yes the possible reason is to have a large bust, its not like what triggers them to look is a single address for the big boys as obv will change shit up..

BP, again, just doesn't steal a vial and not offer up explanation or a letter of how to get payed for it etc. lol esp if doesn't line up with declaration.

now if u just order a few kits, your not selling, probably not too much to worry about. but if next time they see you order decent amount of raws may not be so lucky, esp with a gov change and they want to get tuff on crime, or they find some Trans kid who was ordering testosterone/hormone blockers and causes them harm, hammer will drop on hormones...
You need to change your username. You aren't clear headed at all, in fact you are the opposite.

Why are Canadians so fucking annoying? I thought your government indoctrinated you to be calm and submissive? You just go off on rants all the time. Your doctor needs to double your lithium prescription
Blockchain is the immutable (unchangeable) record of every transaction forever.... Its a surveillance wet dream!

Also worth noting, part of Binances settlement with the US DOJ was open books to the DOJ for ALL accounts! DOJ will have chain analysis running 24/7 on all of Binances account and tracking the transaction chains to and from all those accounts. This is what they are angling for industry wide! Its also why they are trying to bane privacy coins as they can break the transaction chain.

yup and Canadas conservative leader wants to start his own centralized digital currency, lol nothing to do with control of course, just to help inflation (even though canada is best for inflation compared to other g7 nations).... lol people are idiots if vote for that and care about freedom. funny enough his mentor wanted private prisons in canada AND just happens to be heavily invested in Israeli surveillance tech company... lol its part of his major platform... which is CRAZY as most folks hate our current PM because think he is a nazi...they have no idea what type of control gov is about to take if he gets voted in...
You need to change your username. You aren't clear headed at all, in fact you are the opposite.

Why are Canadians so fucking annoying? I thought your government indoctrinated you to be calm and submissive? You just go off on rants all the time. Your doctor needs to double your lithium prescription
lol Americans cant handle a little truth, want to cover there ears and eyes.. CANADA is actually 6th freest country, USA is 15th lol.. so naa we are much freer in every sense so not indoctrinated, we do care for each other more though.

I can totally understand getting popped because you signed for a couple packages recently and didn't think anything special of it when the "mailman" wanted a signature for your sketchy package from China, too.

But after having an opportunity to think about it, if you still decide to fucking dial up the government and set an appointment to go collect your illegal drugs from a federal building, you are a bona fide moron.

They never posed as the mailman. They always had the regular guy deliver the package to avoid any speculation. And the package was delivered in such a way that the watching agents had a clear view of the package on the porch. So if your regular mailman would always leave it right next to the door but this time it's down at the beginning of the porch, that was a red flag.

Other red flags:

They will play dirty to get you into the post office. They'll start to not deliver all of your mail and hold it at the station for no reason.

If a package isn't delivered because of required signature that's nothing to get excited about. You don't have to go to the post office. On the back of the pink slip there's a redelivery section. You fill that out and they redeliver it on the date you specify. If they don't do it, red flag.

Whatever you do, don't go there at a specified time. Just show up and ask that you have a package. The clerk will go back looking for it. This should not take more than a couple minutes. If it does you should trust your gut and abort, but don't just run out of the building. Wait for them to come out with it, calmly say that that's not the one and that you ordered something else.
yup and Canadas conservative leader wants to start his own centralized digital currency, lol nothing to do with control of course, just to help inflation (even though canada is best for inflation compared to other g7 nations).... lol people are idiots if vote for that and care about freedom. funny enough his mentor wanted private prisons in canada AND just happens to be heavily invested in Israeli surveillance tech company... lol its part of his major platform... which is CRAZY as most folks hate our current PM because think he is a nazi...they have no idea what type of control gov is about to take if he gets voted in...
You need to zoom out, digital currency/cbdc is a global goal, already implemented by WEF and IMF. You will own nothing and be happy, these leaders are merely their puppets
You need to zoom out, digital currency/cbdc is a global goal, already implemented by WEF and IMF. You will own nothing and be happy, these leaders are merely their puppets

I guess its just so overt that I find it WILD folks are down for it, esp when it goes against SOO much of what folks hate about JT MSM etc.. Im sure when things get closer it will get picked apart, I haven't looked for articles about why its a bad idea, but maybe as you say MSM is all part of it to REALLY get control... or maybe they will let him make more adds about it really cement his idea as part of his platform and than rip PP a new PP.. I know he got alot of criticism for the BTC (as he obv would personally benefit, but after talked about why BTC will fight inflation and is the best it crashed so he pivoted slightly to Canadas very own Digital central currency). I dont think boomers even understand what it means as basically back currency by energy price and computing power. wonder how much PP personally has invested in the chip company he plans to use lol.

dont want to go on another rant, but its pretty obvious PP just plans to make him and his buddies very rich and his first 3 platforms will do that. than somehow spins it to say eh kids we are going to over reach into cities politics and crash housing market so you can buy a house lol.. And perhaps as you say all part of WEF, crash housing market let the big boys come in and build apartments and buy up cheap real estate just to jack it all up in 15 years so everyone just has to rent and be happy about it lol...
It seems postal inspection is moving away from controlled delivery and trying to get you to come into the post office to get the package. You call up asking about the package and then they give you a phone number. That's postal inspection and they'll set you up to come at a certain time.
I've never had anything sent to the post office. Are u referring to larger orders?
the version from QSC has no PIP since it is dosed quite low with 250mg/ml. Pip usually comes from higher concentrations. I brew my own since some weeks and up to 400mg/ml, PIP is not there or very mild.
600++ mg/ml leads to a very thick solution which leads to more PIP. or if you dont correct the PH value of the solution it stings and will give you some PIP
I’ve used it a while ago without any PIP.

The 500mg/ml from ccusa has no PIP. If you buffer the solution correctly, it won’t hurt. But it needs the pH balanced.
I've never had anything sent to the post office. Are u referring to larger orders?

Great question, mail comes to your house from the post office.

If a source is already under observation everything they send out is being observed also. Postal inspection knows even better than the tracking states where a package is at a given moment. As soon as it arrives at your post office they take control of it. The tracking at this point can say all manner of things. "Out for delivery" even when it's not out for delivery, "In transit to the destination", or "Arrived at post office" and that's it.
So proton isn’t working as a method of contact, anyone have any luck with Tutanota? Been about 10 days, so not sure if the email went through. Thanks.
Tracy has messaged me back

She said it was indeed a mistake on their end, and if i havent got the money back in my account in a week they will refund me in bitcoin

Which i will then use to order again i guess lol

Ill keep you all posted
This is one reason why I use QSC even though there are tons of other Chinese pharmaceutical companies out there. As others have posted that there are other sources that aren't on meso, that isn't necessarily a good thing. There's accountability here. Whether it was a fuck up or another rep trying to grease someone, it was fixed. You can't say that would happen with other companies who aren't on forums like this where there are plenty of people to hold them accountable.
You need to change your username. You aren't clear headed at all, in fact you are the opposite.

Why are Canadians so fucking annoying? I thought your government indoctrinated you to be calm and submissive? You just go off on rants all the time. Your doctor needs to double your lithium prescription
This retard does not speak for all Canadians. Not all of us are this annoying.