Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I don't know which Rep it was, Tracy or someone else, but it looks like the rep screwed up giving you the wrong information.

However if I were the rep, I wouldn't help you after you posted those photos.
Ok well 1. They are gone and 2. Its not like anyone cant get those details anyway
Ok well 1. They are gone and 2. Its not like anyone cant get those details anyway
So what you ordered, sent the $ to the wrong account, its their old account, they don't have access to that account or what, it seems like if it went through the account should still be open, I don't think they close an account and assign the same account # to anyone else.
I've seen production problems with qsc before but I have never seen them just steal money or not fix a problem if their mess up costs the customer money. I tend to think if the issue is their fault that they will fix it fairly quickly.
Hopefully there will be a satisfactory outcome for all parties involved.
I've seen production problems with qsc before but I have never seen them just steal money or not fix a problem if their mess up costs the customer money. I tend to think if the issue is their fault that they will fix it fairly quickly.
Hopefully there will be a satisfactory outcome for all parties involved.

Me too, man
A member got ripped for $1700, it pisses me off. And people can only talk about a random chinaman's bank details.

And that goes for anyone here. You have a problem with a source? Tell me about it and I'll have your back, even Jickzer. I won't shut up about it til there's a resolution.
Me too, man
A member got ripped for $1700, it pisses me off. And people can only talk about a random chinaman's bank details.

And that goes for anyone here. You have a problem with a source? Tell me about it and I'll have your back, even Jickzer. I won't shut up about it til there's a resolution.
I have no idea why this isn't the prevailing sentiment. It's the whole point of being part of a community.
So what you ordered, sent the $ to the wrong account, its their old account, they don't have access to that account or what, it seems like if it went through the account should still be open, I don't think they close an account and assign the same account # to anyone else.
All tracy said was "actual account details are xyz" but disregarded she sent me the old ones also in the original message when i ordered

No response yet
I've seen production problems with qsc before but I have never seen them just steal money or not fix a problem if their mess up costs the customer money. I tend to think if the issue is their fault that they will fix it fairly quickly.
Hopefully there will be a satisfactory outcome for all parties involved.
I hope so man i really do
All tracy said was "actual account details are xyz" but disregarded she sent me the old ones also in the original message when i ordered

No response yet
Give it some time but definitely let us know how it pans out. I always feel nervous about sending crypto because I can't copy and paste from whatsapp and I can never tell the difference between a zero and a capital o when I'm entering the wallet address. So far I haven't had any issues, but I'd be a little heated if I lost 1700.
Give it some time but definitely let us know how it pans out. I always feel nervous about sending crypto because I can't copy and paste from whatsapp and I can never tell the difference between a zero and a capital o when I'm entering the wallet address. So far I haven't had any issues, but I'd be a little heated if I lost 1700.
Wallet addresses are hexadecimal thus will never have the letter 'O'. Hexadecimal numbers will have the digits 0-9 and the letters A-F (or lowercase a-f.)
I hope so man i really do
Your bank also might be able to help you get your money back, its not like a crypto transaction where you're on your own. They have details about where the money went and can most likely send a request to have the money returned.
send monday orday email but still no reply.. how long i need to wait.. normaly 48h i got reply but this time no reaction
Does it matter? It’s the same concept. API in a freeze dried puck.
From a pharmaceutical company maybe not. The 1 kit I received had loose caps where air outside the vial could easily enter. Their "engineer" had not crimped the cap properly. That obviously is a bit more risky to use. I still used it, I figured the ba in the bac water would kill most things that could have entered.

Scare mongers are gonna scare monger but at the end of the day, you used it and it was fine.

But the 1% who are scare mongers here are very loud and winey about it (sometimes not entirely without reason, but still very winey).
Are you seriously suggesting that US CUSTOMS is forwarding along goods that they have proven to be illegal?

It is literally their job to prevent illegal goods from entering the US, and you're suggesting that they're tripping over the finish line?

I read a lot of smoothbrain shit on here but man you are upping the game today
This is something that customs and other LE agencies are known for. They document everything to build an air tight case. There jobs is to convict people of importing drugs into the states, not just confiscate the drugs.

Look at federal conviction rates, their around 95%. Also read up on some federal drug cases, and you will see this does happen. You obviously have never had any interaction with LE. If a vial is missing it was tested, and they know what is contained in the vial.
I'm listening.... lol I do want to try site injecting some of the aminos and stuff like that

400mg carnitine/200mg choline/50mg atp blend
D ribose
Alpha gpc

And your pre meal needs atleast 1500 mg sodium and 2000 potassium

Basic preworkout for me: 10 mg Adderall, 5 mg Aricept, and a cup of coffee. Two cups on leg days. Agree with a few IU insulin pre-workout if you can effectively time/plan meals.
This is something that customs and other LE agencies are known for. They document everything to build an air tight case. There jobs is to convict people of importing drugs into the states, not just confiscate the drugs.

Look at federal conviction rates, their around 95%. Also read up on some federal drug cases, and you will see this does happen. You obviously have never had any interaction with LE. If a vial is missing it was tested, and they know what is contained in the vial.
You're once again confusing Customs with LE / DEA. Customs is responsible for preventing illegal substances from entering the country, full stop.

Law enforcement does engage in controlled delivery, but it is absolutely not the norm. Typical practice is that an undercover officer (posing as a mail carrier) gets you to accept the package, they wait a few hours while surveiling your dwelling to give you time to dig in, and then they bust you.

If you got a package missing a vial, and it's been a month and the cops haven't showed up, it's a million to one that Customs simply didn't run a test that proved the contents of the missing vial were illegal.

The only other possible explanation is that they're working on a huge bust (presumably because you're part of a distribution organization). But in that case, they'd be going to pains to make sure you (and your partners) weren't aware they'd been intercepting packages. Missing vials would be very stupid in that context.
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This is something that customs and other LE agencies are known for. They document everything to build an air tight case. There jobs is to convict people of importing drugs into the states, not just confiscate the drugs.
Law enforcement does engage in controlled delivery, but it is absolutely not the norm.

In my limited experience, that was the case. Controlled delivery.

