Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It's simple, you will wait 1 month from last tracking update to get a reship for USA orders placed in november and not received yet, because I've had several packs landing by that time, by day 60-70 days, and when you tell customer hey we resent your parcel but you received the initial one, they refuse to pay for them, so you will wait patiently and respect the policy of awaiting 1 month from last tracking update.

My last update was November 4th. It's been 74 days and no other update. Someone else also posted it was November 4th for them too, no update.

If the other one came I would pay for it. Anyone who doesn't should be made public so that no other people like you get screwed.
Sorry for what is most likely a stupid question but where is the WhatsApp for contact?

Feel free to flame me

flame thrower fire GIF
My last update was November 4th. It's been 74 days and no other update. Someone else also posted it was November 4th for them too, no update.

If the other one came I would pay for it. Anyone who doesn't should be made public so that no other people like you get screwed.
I don't think "public shaming" is a realistic solution (clearheaded publicly shames himself for free), but maybe making a refundable deposit / escrow payment would be a good compromise.
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where did you get those stats just curious lol?
fraser institute, why? weird when reality doesn't match your world view, eh? at any rate yes canada is always listed as more free compared to USA.

also: @Jpxxx @SkankHunt
CountryFreedom in the World 2023[13]ScoreIndex of Economic Freedom 2023[14]ScorePress Freedom Index 2023[3]ScoreDemocracy Index 2023[9]Score
free98mostly free73.7satisfactory83.53full democracy9.24
United States
free83mostly free70.6satisfactory71.22flawed democracy7.92
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fraser institute, why? weird when reality doesn't match your world view, eh? at any rate yes canada is always listed as more free compared to USA.

also: @Jpxxx @SkankHunt
CountryFreedom in the World 2023[13]ScoreIndex of Economic Freedom 2023[14]ScorePress Freedom Index 2023[3]ScoreDemocracy Index 2023[9]Score
free98mostly free73.7satisfactory83.53full democracy9.24
United States
free83mostly free70.6satisfactory71.22flawed democracy7.92
your sir are very self righteous and sensitive A? It was a simple question requiring a simple example not your butt hurt commentary
fraser institute, why? weird when reality doesn't match your world view, eh? at any rate yes canada is always listed as more free compared to USA.

also: @Jpxxx @SkankHunt
CountryFreedom in the World 2023[13]ScoreIndex of Economic Freedom 2023[14]ScorePress Freedom Index 2023[3]ScoreDemocracy Index 2023[9]Score
free98mostly free73.7satisfactory83.53full democracy9.24
United States
free83mostly free70.6satisfactory71.22flawed democracy7.92
I doubt that rating system factors in semi automatic weapon ownership. Add that in and we win by a landslide. Canada literally has laws to control what you are allowed to say. I'm pretty sure beavers are prey animals for bald eagles as well. GTFO with this nonsense. That scale is problem cooked up by some metro hyper liberal maple boy.
I doubt that rating system factors in semi automatic weapon ownership. Add that in and we win by a landslide. Canada literally has laws to control what you are allowed to say. I'm pretty sure beavers are prey animals for bald eagles as well. GTFO with this nonsense. That scale is problem cooked up by some metro hyper liberal maple boy.
plenty of other lists say the same thing..... there is a reason USA has most people locked up per capita, and its not cause they are free.. but yes you are right, FAR more free to shoot people in the USA.. and yes we are required by law not to be dumb and wear helmets on motorbikes too, and no booze in every gas station, but you can legally get killed in canada! gay marriage, abortion, legal weed, euthanasia.. very progressive and free!

anyway, hopefully will make you want to look into what freedom really looks like, and maybe things you have been told your whole life aren't as self evident as you may think....
I doubt that rating system factors in semi automatic weapon ownership. Add that in and we win by a landslide. Canada literally has laws to control what you are allowed to say. I'm pretty sure beavers are prey animals for bald eagles as well. GTFO with this nonsense. That scale is problem cooked up by some metro hyper liberal maple boy.

But what about a moose
plenty of other lists say the same thing..... there is a reason USA has most people locked up per capita, and its not cause they are free.. but yes you are right, FAR more free to shoot people in the USA.. and yes we are required by law not to be dumb and wear helmets on motorbikes too, and no booze in every gas station, but you can legally get killed in canada! gay marriage, abortion, legal weed, euthanasia.. very progressive and free!

anyway, hopefully will make you want to look into what freedom really looks like, and maybe things you have been told your whole life aren't as self evident as you may think....
It's like there is a stupid cunt quota on this forum. I ignore one and then a new stupid cunt steps up to take the old stupid cunt place.
You are the new stupid cunt I guess.
It's like there is a stupid cunt quota on this forum. I ignore one and then a new stupid cunt steps up to take the old stupid cunt place.
You are the new stupid cunt I guess.
The ignore button is perfect for him. There’s only so many incoherent paragraphs you can attempt to read. He’s also the only person besides my grandpa who uses the word “anyhoo”.
No, you buy the L-Carnitine Base as a raw, then put it into solution. (Be warned, its a bitch to filter at 600mg/ml)

Thanks for the heads up. I want to give this a try, do you have any specific suggestions on the prep process? I thought it was just adding bacteriostatic water to achieve a given concentration.