Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It's not this. I'm not worried about the messages, which are encrypted anyway.

For the below, I'm speaking specifically about US law, but it will probably be similar in any nation with a common law system.

There is a different "privacy standard" for the content of a message, versus the metadata of a message (information about the message itself).

Basically the cops need no justification to get your metadata, whereas the actual contents of your communications are highly privileged.

And boy are you fucked if the cops intercept a package full of illegal drugs addressed to you two weeks after the metadata indicates your cell phone messaged the WhatsApp number of a known vendor.

If you think you're too small fry to go to jail, that's okay. Live your best life. I guess I'm just one of those losers that wears a seatbelt and doesn't commit crimes via WhatsApp.

I should add that I'm not really blaming Tracy here, QSC probably (I hope) just got a nice new CRM package for WhatsApp and it's making his life so much easier he doesn't even want to use email anymore.

So, Tracy, I'm sorry if I'm fucking up a good thing for you here. But uh guys QSC transacts in illegal drugs, not party balloons. If you want me to use a messenger app, I'm willing to use Signal, that doesn't record any metadata. Meta is just about the least privacy-respecting company on the fucking planet. Using their product for drug deals is lunacy.
You're a fucking clown bro. If you gave a shit about anything you said you wouldn't even post a rant like this in the open on the clear web making your digital footprint bigger.

All the shit LE can do, they can do here too with your digital footprint. You act like everyone is here is so clueless as to what we are doing like its our first time.
The article says she's Canadian. It's a well known fact that Florida cops hate communist immigrants. Canucks redline their freedom meters and the stink of cold and ice alerts their dogs immediately.

This kinda thing don't belong here. And it ends now. That goes for everyone posting off-topic. There's a new sheriff in town who's aims to clean up this godforsaken thread. Best do what he says. Step out of line and ...
This kinda thing don't belong here. And it ends now. That goes for everyone posting off-topic. There's a new sheriff in town who's aims to clean up this godforsaken thread. Best do what he says. Step out of line and ...
resist self-defence GIF by Amy
so what I understand from the last 5 pages is….
Once again, women ruined a great thing for men because they wanted to be included?

What happened to the good ol’ days when I could email a Chinese steroid distributor from my hotmail with my real name and date of birth? Now these lazy soccer moms are going through renal failure and I’m having my drugs taken from me.

Also, to the guy who was on meso encouraging a 40 year old Pilates / Zumba lady to do Sema + GH to “lose fat and gain muscle”….. I TOLD YOU SO. Stop hyping up these idiots from Facebook and Reddit to make bad decisions.

Oh well. My physique is shit. I’ll just stand in front of the jury and ask “do I really look like I use steroids?” And that should get my case dismissed
funny how folks get angry when people actually want to do the smart thing and think for 30 seconds..."why you would think not to go to jail is beyond annoying"...
I'm not angry that you value op sec a bit more than is needed (see last text snippet), always cool to play on the safer side of things. However, when you're the 900th person to bitch and moan about how their new preferred communication method is negligibly less safe than the prior one, it leaves no contribution. They will not go back to an inferior communication method (for whichever reasons they deem that to be) because 1% of their customer base doesn't like it, that's just how it is. Just like how they added an Alibaba fee, people bitch about it, nothing changes, and it's just how it is moving forward. Tracy (/QSC team) seems to value what works better for QSC as a whole, and complaining about some change that quite frankly, is negligible, is a waste of time for all parties involved.

It's really easy to google "person arrested for steroids", find three articles, and believe that the issue is much more prevalent than it really is. I personally don't know a single person who has ever been "busted" (beyond receiving a seizure letter or non-delivery) whether it be AAs or other illicit substances. I'd be willing to bet you also don't know anyone who has had this happen either. Nobody is denying that this happens, it is just extremely unlikely to happen to you.

A couple of reasons why are safer than you think:
1. The average postal worker doesn't give a fuck
2. If the box doesn't have visible traces of drugs they won't know what it is and cannot open it (not that they have any reason to, or suspect the package of being illicit whatsoever).
3. Law enforcement doesn't just set up a CD the second you receive a few kits of gear in the mail, 99.5% of the time you will receive a letter of seizure that you will then ignore, and not ship shit to that address again for 5+ years. I've had many friends receive seizure letters, and following this extremely common protocol, nothing ever came of them.

Additionally, you do understand that you can buy a burner number, use the webapp or an emulator (to use WA on a computer), and use a VPN right? It's not like using WA exclusively limits you to texting on your real phone with your real number, with no security measures in place. If you can properly explain how that combination is less safe than protonmail with a VPN to some significant degree I'll shut the fuck up forever and protest with you
And a phone
You do not need a phone. A computer and access to a phone number is enough
Is he around ? I’ve tried to reach order 3 diff times. He was always responsive bout a year ago
I would like to inform you in advance that the Chinese New Year is approaching, from January 18 you can consider that China is on vacation, so do not hesitate to plan in advance to ensure that your orders would be sent before the holidays, don't wait until the 18th january to place yours.
This + try WhatsApp if you are using email + make sure email/number is correct from price list
their new preferred communication method is negligibly less safe than the prior one
This is just not true. You are giving Meta, one of the least privacy-respecting companies on the planet, permanent metadata indicating that a cell phone number connected to your real identity messaged a number known to everyone to be a vendor of illegal steroids.

This simply DOES NOT HAPPEN if you are using Protonmail or Tutanota or whatever, regardless of whether you're using Tor or a VPN.

If you use a burner phone, and you paid with cash or crypto, then yes. The number is not connected to your real identity, and you don't have to worry about creating that metadata.

So in that sense I am whining: I do not think it should be necessary to go pay for a burner number because the source changed his mind about what communication method is acceptable in the middle of a transaction via email.

If that's unreasonable, I mean, ok. Fuck you too.

You do not need a phone. A computer and access to a phone number is enough
Yes you do. You have to be able to receive the WhatsApp SMS, and a computer can't receive an SMS. Once you've authenticated the number, you can start emulating the phone or using the Webapp, but at that point, why?

There are temporary and virtual number services you can use to receive SMS (some of them are even free), but that's maybe even worse than just using your real phone because someone else controls the SIM card and can take over your WhatsApp at any time.

3. Law enforcement doesn't just set up a CD the second you receive a few kits of gear in the mail, 99.5% of the time you will receive a letter of seizure that you will then ignore, and not ship shit to that address again for 5+ years. I've had many friends receive seizure letters, and following this extremely common protocol, nothing ever came of them.

I totally agree with this. Don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying "eVeRy OnE uSiNg WhAtSaPp iS gOiNg To JaIl" but people absolutely can and do go to jail, and I'm highly motivated to make that as unlikely as possible. Imo good opsec is a type of harm reduction.
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