Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Still the best price and quality I've dealt with, just did the 100g of Tadafil raw, USA domestic, came quick. Threw 250mg into a 10ml amber glass bottle then added food grade propylene glycol. 17~ cents worth of raw to make 25x10mg doses, hope this raw is shelf stable, I got 9997 more doses to go
It's not this. I'm not worried about the messages, which are encrypted anyway.

For the below, I'm speaking specifically about US law, but it will probably be similar in any nation with a common law system.

There is a different "privacy standard" for the content of a message, versus the metadata of a message (information about the message itself).

Basically the cops need no justification to get your metadata, whereas the actual contents of your communications are highly privileged.

And boy are you fucked if the cops intercept a package full of illegal drugs addressed to you two weeks after the metadata indicates your cell phone messaged the WhatsApp number of a known vendor.

If you think you're too small fry to go to jail, that's okay. Live your best life. I guess I'm just one of those losers that wears a seatbelt and doesn't commit crimes via WhatsApp.

I should add that I'm not really blaming Tracy here, QSC probably (I hope) just got a nice new CRM package for WhatsApp and it's making his life so much easier he doesn't even want to use email anymore.

So, Tracy, I'm sorry if I'm fucking up a good thing for you here. But uh guys QSC transacts in illegal drugs, not party balloons. If you want me to use a messenger app, I'm willing to use Signal, that doesn't record any metadata. Meta is just about the least privacy-respecting company on the fucking planet. Using their product for drug deals is lunacy.
Give me proof of what was in message to the “known dealer” without knowing the contents.
…At that stage you can’t.
And yes if they intercepted a package and had meta data that you messaged the “known dealer” they could possibly get a warrant to read the actual content of your messages.
BUT do you think they are going to spend the resources on something like that to prosecute you over 100 vials of steroids?
Unless you’re already on their radar and they want you something they will just seize your package.
This kinda thing don't belong here. And it ends now. That goes for everyone posting off-topic. There's a new sheriff in town who's aims to clean up this godforsaken thread. Best do what he says. Step out of line and ...
So Tracy hired a rent-a-cop and compensates you with 5 cents store credit per post. Sick deal bro. QSC thread is the 4chan of Meso. Good luck to you sir.
What's everyone's take on Sessions? That seems to be what many of my prior wickr friends have moved to. Isn't it very secure like whatsapp?
Hi everyone, hope you're fine and sorry for the lack of presence in forums.

I just finished catching all the delay on whatsaaps, I strongly recommend that you use it, for the simple reason that it avoids the multiple conversations, unlike emails. It's time saving for me, and of course a day I spend on whatsaap I process x 3 number of orders compared to the day I am gonna spend on email.
For security, c'mon, even biggest sources here use whatsaap to reach me, and since when emails are 100% secure, nobody cares about your personal use orders, so this kind of debate can be avoided, but sure if you aren't feeling confortable with it, understandable, wait for my replies on emails, that might take a lot of time.
During this time I don't have yet the assistants to help me on emails, and I am suffering.


So it will be great if most of you switch to whatsaap and make my life easier.

I will spend today on emails, trying to catch up the maximum I can.

WhatsApp : +86 16503300980

Test e is available now us domestic,

From middle of the week, we can consider the holidays started, so domestic orders can be processed, international orders are considered as preorders, preorders cannot be modified during holidays, nor refunded.

preorders will be interesting once we test the new peptide series: HGH 24iu, BPC157 and TB500 versions, sermorelin, hexarelin, TA1, MT1, AOD9604 new batch, DSIP and the HCG, I saw that someone posted the results of HCG 2500IU testing around 4800-5000iu, 2 vials tested, the next batch is expected to be above 8000IU and price will be much better $/IU.

If you have some questions, feel free to ask them, I'll find sometime to answer all questions posted in forum tomorrow.
I will spend today on emails, trying to catch up the maximum I can.
I appreciate this.

I think I'm just gonna have to look at getting a burner phone in the future. Stay safe out there everybody.

From middle of the week, we can consider the holidays started, so domestic orders can be processed, international orders are considered as preorders, preorders cannot be modified during holidays, nor refunded.

preorders will be interesting once we test the new peptide series: HGH 24iu, BPC157 and TB500 versions, sermorelin, hexarelin, TA1, MT1, AOD9604 new batch, DSIP and the HCG, I saw that someone posted the results of HCG 2500IU testing around 4800-5000iu, 2 vials tested, the next batch is expected to be above 8000IU and price will be much better $/IU.
Just a point of clarification, you are saying that if an order is completed now, then it is a "preorder" since it won't ship until after CNY? So adding HCG would not slow it down?
I appreciate this.

I think I'm just gonna have to look at getting a burner phone in the future. Stay safe out there everybody.

Just a point of clarification, you are saying that if an order is completed now, then it is a "preorder" since it won't ship until after CNY? So adding HCG would not slow it down?
Only tested peptides can be ordered, so until the day we have the janoshik results, items will remain crossed out in the price list and cannot be preordered. results will be received during chinese new year holidays and by then you can preorder all those items.
Hi everyone, hope you're fine and sorry for the lack of presence in forums.

I just finished catching all the delay on whatsaaps, I strongly recommend that you use it, for the simple reason that it avoids the multiple conversations, unlike emails. It's time saving for me, and of course a day I spend on whatsaap I process x 3 number of orders compared to the day I am gonna spend on email.
For security, c'mon, even biggest sources here use whatsaap to reach me, and since when emails are 100% secure, nobody cares about your personal use orders, so this kind of debate can be avoided, but sure if you aren't feeling confortable with it, understandable, wait for my replies on emails, that might take a lot of time.
During this time I don't have yet the assistants to help me on emails, and I am suffering.

View attachment 275483

So it will be great if most of you switch to whatsaap and make my life easier.

I will spend today on emails, trying to catch up the maximum I can.

WhatsApp : +86 16503300980

Test e is available now us domestic,

From middle of the week, we can consider the holidays started, so domestic orders can be processed, international orders are considered as preorders, preorders cannot be modified during holidays, nor refunded.

preorders will be interesting once we test the new peptide series: HGH 24iu, BPC157 and TB500 versions, sermorelin, hexarelin, TA1, MT1, AOD9604 new batch, DSIP and the HCG, I saw that someone posted the results of HCG 2500IU testing around 4800-5000iu, 2 vials tested, the next batch is expected to be above 8000IU and price will be much better $/IU.

If you have some questions, feel free to ask them, I'll find sometime to answer all questions posted in forum tomorrow.
Can you expand on BPC157 and TB500 “versions”

Do you just mean different total dose?
Hi everyone, hope you're fine and sorry for the lack of presence in forums.

I just finished catching all the delay on whatsaaps, I strongly recommend that you use it, for the simple reason that it avoids the multiple conversations, unlike emails. It's time saving for me, and of course a day I spend on whatsaap I process x 3 number of orders compared to the day I am gonna spend on email.
For security, c'mon, even biggest sources here use whatsaap to reach me, and since when emails are 100% secure, nobody cares about your personal use orders, so this kind of debate can be avoided, but sure if you aren't feeling confortable with it, understandable, wait for my replies on emails, that might take a lot of time.
During this time I don't have yet the assistants to help me on emails, and I am suffering.

View attachment 275483

So it will be great if most of you switch to whatsaap and make my life easier.

I will spend today on emails, trying to catch up the maximum I can.

WhatsApp : +86 16503300980

Test e is available now us domestic,

From middle of the week, we can consider the holidays started, so domestic orders can be processed, international orders are considered as preorders, preorders cannot be modified during holidays, nor refunded.

preorders will be interesting once we test the new peptide series: HGH 24iu, BPC157 and TB500 versions, sermorelin, hexarelin, TA1, MT1, AOD9604 new batch, DSIP and the HCG, I saw that someone posted the results of HCG 2500IU testing around 4800-5000iu, 2 vials tested, the next batch is expected to be above 8000IU and price will be much better $/IU.

If you have some questions, feel free to ask them, I'll find sometime to answer all questions posted in forum tomorrow.
Hi Tracy. I don't want to clog up your email, and I'm one of the weird ones who don't want to use WhatsApp yet.

Was just wondering 2 things.

1. Best way to get a price list is via email?
2. I made an order for new year's promo, paid and received tracking and such. I asked what the best practice for shipping to Canada was, didn't receive a reply just a prompt for payment which is fine. Payment was 20% more than item total with shipping included - can I assume insurance was tacked on?
I don't remember this guy's drugs being anything crazy during that time. The worst thing was just 150mg winstrol leading up to the show and this guy was a super heavyweight

Allegedly, he pushed diuretics too hard on some clients. Similar protocols have a reputation of not ending well.