Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I keep reading this over and over and I don’t know what the hell it means
Holiday starts in the middle of this week. If the items you purchase during this time are domestic they will be shipped during the holiday. If you order your items from china they will accept the payment but it will not ship until the holiday is over. Even if your item has not shipped you cannot modify the items/amounts, and you cannot cancel the order if you think its taking too long too ship.
Holiday starts in the middle of this week. If the items you purchase during this time are domestic they will be shipped during the holiday. If you order your items from china they will accept the payment but it will not ship until the holiday is over. Even if your item has not shipped you cannot modify the items/amounts, and you cannot cancel the order if you think its taking too long too ship.

But when was the cutoff for international shipments?
Allegedly, he pushed diuretics too hard on some clients. Similar protocols have a reputation of not ending well.
He did have him taking diuretics for the show. I don't know how much but my friend didn't think they made him better and kept saying he's not doing this shit next prep and then he hired matt janson after that show.
But when was the cutoff for international shipments?
The cutoff was January 18 for international orders. If you ordered after, your order will not be shipped until the holiday is over, however you can pay for the order and it will be listed to be shipped in the order it is received in with the rest.

But the question that I think a lot of EMAIL USERS are wondering is if the order that they put money into like 8-12 days ago before the Holiday will be considered a pre-order due to the fact that Tracy hasn't even really checked emails in like a week or two. Or if it is sent out like the rest. Right? Correct me if I am wrong.
He did have him taking diuretics for the show. I don't know how much but my friend didn't think they made him better and kept saying he's not doing this shit next prep and then he hired matt janson after that show.

Oh shit, I think I know who you're talking about. That's fucked up.
The cutoff was January 18 for international orders. If you ordered after, your order will not be shipped until the holiday is over, however you can pay for the order and it will be listed to be shipped in the order it is received in with the rest.

But the question that I think a lot of EMAIL USERS are wondering is if the order that they put money into like 8-12 days ago before the Holiday will be considered a pre-order due to the fact that Tracy hasn't even really checked emails in like a week or two. Or if it is sent out like the rest. Right? Correct me if I am wrong.

There are people who have had their payments confirmed but heard nothing else.. for two maybe three weeks?
We’re even more free to buy illegal substances online with no COA

God I fucking love America. Guns, steaks, freedom and no COAs for our underground drugs.

It’s almost like the founding fathers foresaw this coming. “Thou shall have the right to indulge in consumption without a COA” certain, and unalienable. Fucking ‘merica, baby.

*edit: tren
The problem is that no form of communication counter measure will prevent this type of arrest. The package was flagged by the carrier and fitted with a tracker. They (cops) just wanted to bust someone that was 'popular'.
yup only popular cool kids in jail.. good point..
If you have some questions, feel free to ask them, I'll find sometime to answer all questions posted in forum tomorrow.
I’ve not used QSC before….Anybody know what’s the average time scale between ordering to delivery from EU warehouse to UK?
I assume it would be faster than international line to UK, and the better option? Or can UK customers only use International warehouse - in which case, what’s the average time to UK for that?
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I'm not angry that you value op sec a bit more than is needed (see last text snippet), always cool to play on the safer side of things. However, when you're the 900th person to bitch and moan about how their new preferred communication method is negligibly less safe than the prior one, it leaves no contribution. They will not go back to an inferior communication method (for whichever reasons they deem that to be) because 1% of their customer base doesn't like it, that's just how it is. Just like how they added an Alibaba fee, people bitch about it, nothing changes, and it's just how it is moving forward. Tracy (/QSC team) seems to value what works better for QSC as a whole, and complaining about some change that quite frankly, is negligible, is a waste of time for all parties involved.

It's really easy to google "person arrested for steroids", find three articles, and believe that the issue is much more prevalent than it really is. I personally don't know a single person who has ever been "busted" (beyond receiving a seizure letter or non-delivery) whether it be AAs or other illicit substances. I'd be willing to bet you also don't know anyone who has had this happen either. Nobody is denying that this happens, it is just extremely unlikely to happen to you.

A couple of reasons why are safer than you think:
1. The average postal worker doesn't give a fuck
2. If the box doesn't have visible traces of drugs they won't know what it is and cannot open it (not that they have any reason to, or suspect the package of being illicit whatsoever).
3. Law enforcement doesn't just set up a CD the second you receive a few kits of gear in the mail, 99.5% of the time you will receive a letter of seizure that you will then ignore, and not ship shit to that address again for 5+ years. I've had many friends receive seizure letters, and following this extremely common protocol, nothing ever came of them.

Additionally, you do understand that you can buy a burner number, use the webapp or an emulator (to use WA on a computer), and use a VPN right? It's not like using WA exclusively limits you to texting on your real phone with your real number, with no security measures in place. If you can properly explain how that combination is less safe than protonmail with a VPN to some significant degree I'll shut the fuck up forever and protest with you
I think you had a privileged upbringing in the suburbs... its pretty clear. no hate, thats what you got.. just know, thats not the norm ESP in USA.. but thats nice for you and your private school friends sitting at daddies pool trying to look pretty, pretending your important.. OR just don't have many friends, if don't have a friend or friend of friend who went to jail or got probation at least.

lol ya you can buy a burner phone disable gps dont use a card to purchase sim, obv cant purchase a plan for it either.. dont EVER connect it to wifi insecure... OR just VPN and open a email lol.. which is easier?

anyway, glad you agree I was right and better to be secure... and glad you agree its important to hold standards for UGL thats why shit got as good as it is...
Guys I don't feel like scrolling through 2k pages so can anybody tell me if they have a EU stock or do the just reship through an EU warehouse? Also can't find any price list anybody mind sending it to me?