Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

sure do since the late 90's and forums have turned into little bitches lately
Yup you definitely sped up the process. Are you that scared and insecure at looking at someone's physique who claims they run a ridiculous stack? Tren year found LOL gimme a break
I'm very happy I just got my 3 kits hgh order to Scandinavia 30 days after purchasing without any problems with the customs only I had to pay 6€ VAT including handling fee. The customs didn't need any receipt, I just gave them same price as Sigma had written. I used free shipping method, not this new special line. This was my second order after a new VAT system.
Their hgh it's very good quality. I've done blood working test, released here and used small amounts of their hgh 2-3iu a day over a year now and I've been very happy of the results.
Me either.

I think so many people parrot bro-science tren stories online it makes them believe tren is making them aggressive or angry. Similar to how if you give someone a placebo drug and tell them it’s a narcotic they will sometimes believe they feel the effects of a drug they aren’t even on. I’ve never once lost my temper on tren. If anything I’m happier because I’m looking better by the day….
Haha yeah exactly. Even when I was running UGL gear for $100 a vial of Tren, I was never angry. Even at 500mg of the stuff. People placebo themselves into thinking they're angry because they're on steroids.
Yeah just as I thought, silence. You would think with all of that under dosed shit he runs he would look half decent.
You wish it was underdosed. Crawl back under that bridge you came from Arnold fanboy. Qingdao Sigma's gear is stronger than the overpriced UGL garbage I was buying for years, but nice try.
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@FiendedPower ok homo keep spreading your gaping asshole to ding dong ligma.

Ive literally made purchases from every single Canadian UGL and I guarantee you I look a million times better than you. Like I said, post up a pic and we will let others be the judge. I'll eat my words if you look as half as good as I do. Who the fuck runs tren year round? Is your name Bostin Lloyd?

Oh and I just realized every single one of your posts was on this thread lmao. You're a sad joke. Run along now gimmick. Get back into your cage.
@FiendedPower ok homo keep spreading your gaping asshole to ding dong ligma.

Ive literally made purchases from every single Canadian UGL and I guarantee you I look a million times better than you. Like I said, post up a pic and we will let others be the judge. I'll eat my words if you look as half as good as I do.

Oh and I just realized every single one of your posts was on this thread lmao. You're a sad joke. Run along now gimmick. Get back into your cage.
You probably look like an average natty gym rat with that Arnold profile picture little man. I guarantee people don't even look twice at your physique in the gym because you're nothing special.

You claim I run a ridiculous stack, but I was on 125mg of Test E for months, and recently added in 300mg of Tren and 50mg of Var. You probably abuse roids year round, and still look like my asshole. I'm also under 25 and still probably look 100x better than you.

Moron doesn't understand I'm being sarcastic half the time. Mush Brain.
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You probably look like an average natty gym rat with that Arnold profile picture little man. Guarantee people don't even look twice at your physique in the gym because you're nothing special.

You claim I run a ridiculous stack, but I was on 125mg of test for months and recently added in 300mg of Tren and 50mg of Var. You probably abuse roids year round and still look like my asshole.
I called you out hot shot. Yeah once again, just as I thought. All bark and no bite.

If you had a single shred of intelligence left in that pea brain you could see that I've made posts where I mentioned I've been off for the last 6 months and just got back on the other day.

I have definitely experimented with higher doses and I am by no means a specimen but I do look better than 95% of the guys at the gym and I am almost certain I look better than you.

The next post of yours better be a pic otherwise I'm done entertaining your pathetic self.
Lmao keep editing your nonsense. What's the matter? Are you all flustered? You're the type of man who would hold another man's pocket in the pen and be his little bitch.
sure I get it if you are going to a event but not going full blast on a forum. You a pic collector? Dam
I think you're missing the point. In all my years on this forum I've never asked anyone for a pic but I made an exception for this special character since he claimed to run tren year round, which he then after being called out backtracked and said he was being sarcastic (insert roll eyed emoji of your choosing)

He's so full of shit and every single one of his posts have been in this thread. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a paid fan boy.
Physique has never looked better thanks to Qingdao Sigma's gear. Feel and look great too.
Just one post of his stating he has "never looked better"

And dont forget this is the same retard who said he took 1gram of anavar because he was eye balling it but once again back tracked and claimed he was joking. The kids a total tool
@gobig2 the guy is clearly full of shit and is another shill pushing this sources gear, blabbing about paying for $100 bottles of gear from domestic supply jus like his buddy Cherokee.

He comes in talking up this gear claiming it’s better than all the other gear out there. But he has not tested the gear and has no lab reports to post, nor does he have any blood work. His only point he keeps bringing up is “how good his physique looks”

So he has no valuable data to back up the claims the gear is good other than the fact that “his physique looks amazing”

So the least he can do is post up a physique pic to back up his claims which hold absolute 0 merit. I posted it as a joke because it’s comical. @marco11 chimed in and now you guys are blasting him.

It’s a running joke I have with a lot of members on this forum who also frequent other forums I’m in when I tell someone to “post physique pic”

Because I know they look like shit and don’t train or diet in the first place.

Which brings me to my final point. @FiendedPower the way you’re talking up how good you look In every post, and how your physique has never looked better, one would think you would be dying to show off your hard work that you keep bragging about and using it as a selling point for this brand.

It’s a joke…… because the guy most definitely looks like a fat piece of shit sitting on his couch talking about how amazing he looks.

And before you guys start with your bullshit I’m more than happy to post physique pics and I have before lol.

Now @gobig2 stfu with your homophobic shit, this is a bodybuilding forum. If you’re that insecure about it, it’s clear to me you are also not into the bodybuilding lifestyle either.
@gobig2 the guy is clearly full of shit and is another shill pushing this sources gear, blabbing about paying for $100 bottles of gear from domestic supply jus like his buddy Cherokee.

He comes in talking up this gear claiming it’s better than all the other gear out there. But he has not tested the gear and has no lab reports to post, nor does he have any blood work. His only point he keeps bringing up is “how good his physique looks”

So he has no valuable data to back up the claims the gear is good other than the fact that “his physique looks amazing”

So the least he can do is post up a physique pic to back up his claims which hold absolute 0 merit. I posted it as a joke because it’s comical. @marco11 chimed in and now you guys are blasting him.

It’s a running joke I have with a lot of members on this forum who also frequent other forums I’m in when I tell someone to “post physique pic”

Because I know they look like shit and don’t train or diet in the first place.

Which brings me to my final point. @FiendedPower the way you’re talking up how good you look In every post, and how your physique has never looked better, one would think you would be dying to show off your hard work that you keep bragging about and using it as a selling point for this brand.

It’s a joke…… because the guy most definitely looks like a fat piece of shit sitting on his couch talking about how amazing he looks.

And before you guys start with your bullshit I’m more than happy to post physique pics and I have before lol.

Now @gobig2 stfu with your homophobic shit, this is a bodybuilding forum. If you’re that insecure about it, it’s clear to me you are also not into the bodybuilding lifestyle either.
Oh im into it just a old man now.