Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Anyone else get left on read on WhatsApp for a few days after making payment? Iv had 2 successful orders with them made through email, first time with WhatsApp and I haven’t heard from them since sat but they read my messages. Not saying I got scammed or any thing but is this normal?
Some guys really need to understand placing orders for the products we’re buying isn’t the same is Placing online orders through a retail merchant. Learn the process before you order and accept it is what it is before you decide to place your order. This thread has turn into Reddit 2.0
Informed delivery. USPS, you need to sign up for it on their website
If you live in the USA you can download the usps app and sign up for informed delivery. It's where ad soon as a package label has been created for your address it will show up. It will say the origin Of where the label was created. So if you know what city your vendor ships from you know that's that specific package. You. An even have text messages sent to your phone e everytime there is an update on any package goi g to your address you will get a text
unfortunately I don’t live in the US but it’s all good my tracking number comes through once it comes into my country. Are they still sending tracking numbers to you?
I don’t think you understand what I said. Have you ever used a source that sends QR code? If so, did you pay promptly? And if so again, did any of those transactions end up with the source telling you you needed to send more?

Been at this a while now and it’s never happened to me when they send QR code. But it has happened when they only send BTC address and BTC total.

Of course I understand what you’re saying , you’re talking about invoices. You pay the exact amount requested.

But that doesn’t mean anything when you set a fee too low and it confirms 3 days later. And the price had dipped 10%

Unless you’re talking about lightning invoice which this isn’t an issue
unfortunately I don’t live in the US but it’s all good my tracking number comes through once it comes into my country. Are they still sending tracking numbers to you?
They have never just sent me one. I asked for a tracking one time and he give me one... but I had to ask. The onlly reason I asked was because it was an international order. Usually I know from inform delivery and I send a message a day before it arrives asking for codes on products. I've only ordered 4 times though or so. .... I need to probably stop ordering shit cause I got more than I can ever use..
I inject qsc testc and my total t levels are 2989 . I feel pretty good. ( I just want to set the tide on a different subject ) anyone???
I inject qsc testc and my total t levels are 2989 . I feel pretty good. ( I just want to set the tide on a different subject ) anyone???
im running about a gram and a half of gear of primo and test with mk677

and the real question i wana know is, if someone received the blood donation could they see any gains or side effects such as small balls, dick looking bigger
Not doing PCT have 2 kits each QSC Kisspeptan 10mg and HCG 2500IU tested 4300IU. DM if interested for research only.
Are you trying say you don't enjoy answering redundant questions that have been asked the last 200 pages on the daily?
It's the same shit everyday.... I mean it's not even like a weekly subject. I think most of the people in this thread probly wears flip flops.... cause they gave up on tring to learn how to tie their shoes!! I'm going to shut up lace up and tie my boots and go build shit outta dirt!!
I look forward to seeing the bullshit reads throughout the day!! Sometimes makes me
im running about a gram and a half of gear of primo and test with mk677

and the real question i wana know is, if someone received the blood donation could they see any gains or side effects such as small balls, dick looking bigger
Solid post I just did my daily injection of 300mg of test/primo/npp 1.5in pin deep down in that muscle. I mean when the needle got all the way in I dented it down in there just a little harder. Felt fucking great!!!
Solid post I just did my daily injection of 300mg of test/primo/npp 1.5in pin deep down in that muscle. I mean when the needle got all the way in I dented it down in there just a little harder. Felt fucking great!!!
I inject straight into my bone marrow for maximum effectiveness
It's the same shit everyday.... I mean it's not even like a weekly subject. I think most of the people in this thread probly wears flip flops.... cause they gave up on tring to learn how to tie their shoes!! I'm going to shut up lace up and tie my boots and go build shit outta dirt!!
I look forward to seeing the bullshit reads throughout the day!! Sometimes makes me
You're right. They might as well just start asking what sock goes on what foot.
Wearing boots I bet you dont subQ your oil like flip flop wearing sissys.
Want to pick your brain fellas -

Placing my QSC order, pre-emptive of my planned Autumn->Winter Bulk; intending to sticking with my bread-and-butter compounds of Test, Mast, DHB, and daily HGH - a quadfecta which I know agrees well with me.

Where I'm deliberating though is whether I'm better to just push the Test and doses, OR add in fast-acting Slin. Which do you think would be more efficacious:

400/200/200wk Test E/Mast E/DHB, with humalog at 10IUS peri-workout. OR would I be better off just pushing the doses up e.g. 600:300:300?
@connoristiny I want to tell you publicly, stop DMing me your beginner ass questions. I don't even know who tf you are but you message me like weekly.

Today's message "is dragon still gtg?" That one made me yell at my computer
Hey this guy does thr same to me..
Ine day he was like: do you use your real phone number for whatsapp,. I felt like that was a shady ass question