Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Yeah...I figured that would be clear from the topic of the thread.
Yes an I figured by the name of the forum that topics would be about injecting and swallowing steriods and how to safely and maybe even talk about lifting heavy ass weights to grow muscles. However people like you prove me wrong everyday. It's a forum about customer service, shipping times , and please answer my email forum.
Yes an I figured by the name of the forum that topics would be about injecting and swallowing steriods and how to safely and maybe even talk about lifting heavy ass weights to grow muscles. However people like you prove me wrong everyday. It's a forum about customer service, shipping times , and please answer my email forum.
Feel ya. But this is specifically the QSC thread...
Here’s something interesting about cashapp, and why it’s so fast/cheap.

They bundle a shitload of tx’s into one, checkout the screenshots, the one transaction has a fee of $118. That’s paid for by every one sending bitcoin and choosing the “priority” option. So by choosing the standard “free” option you are basically hitchhiking.

Is the hgh sale still going on? And is there still 10x15iu? I don’t see them on qsc regular price list. but I did see someone post them on here maybe even tracy did
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Here’s something interesting about cashapp, and why it’s so fast/cheap.

They bundle a shitload of tx’s into one, checkout the screenshots, the one transaction has a fee of $118. That’s paid for by every one sending bitcoin and choosing the “priority” option. So by choosing the standard “free” option you are basically hitchhiking.
I had always wondered how they got away with such high tx fees.
Unless you are using a new wallet for every single transfer to QSC, its clear as day using blockchain analysis that the wallet you are sending to from the exchange is yours.

Every time your wallet interacts with a KYC point, think of it like its building a heat map. The more times your wallet sends/receives transactions with say your KYC Binance account, the clearer it is that the wallet belongs to the same person as the KYC account.

If your wallet interacts with your KYC Binance account once and then also interacts with your KYC Kraken account once..... Plant a giant sign on that wallet with your name on it!

The ONLY way to make it harder to trace back is by breaking the custody chain on the blockchain analysis. You need to use non KYC exchanges and hop to a privacy coin, then send off exchange, then back to another non KYC exchange, convert to the coin you want to send, withdraw off exchange to a clean layer of wallets that have and will never interact with ANY of your personal KYC points so that it can't be tied back to you through chain analysis

This is wholeheartedly false.

How exactly are your addresses in your wallet tied together? Short answer, they’re not. In reality, the extensive investigation required to determine a wallet on the Bitcoin blockchain simply will not occur for consumer level transactions.

Yes if you withdraw to the same ADDRESS from multiple KYC exchanges, which is bad practice, that can potentially be tied together assuming lots of factors and coordination across exchanges with LEO that really doesn’t exist yet.

The real risk lies with QSC, and the suppliers who need to cash out, with coin that could be easily earmarked as ‘bad’ after you get busted for possession and you give up your transactions in exchange for a deal.

However, there is a realistic chance that if you went direct from the exchange, and the address you sent to is leaked as related to an illegal transaction, the exchange has a duty to inquire, leading to a possible ban. If you took a single hop out to a private wallet that duty drops to essentially zero.

Mixers are for the way back to fiat, the off ramp. It’s not required for the on ramp unless you feel philanthropically obliged to support the cause.
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They add either uranium, lead or nothing depending on what u get. It's small amounts so I don't worry about it too much. Any Test is always blue, 19nors green, and whatever else is colorless. You hold them up to a UV or blacklight. Uranium glows green, lead glows blue, and nothing does well nothing. @mindgame1516