Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

When can we expect the updated EU warehouse pricelist? I want to make an order but also would wait if there is cool goodies...maybe PGE1?!
Asked sunday for the new pricelist and received it on monday. Very fast.
But one question..
Why is the telephone number required when ordering via mail?
The promo for HGH will be extended for one week, until I catch up on all the backlog of orders, you can continue to order GH at our wonderful prices.
10x10iu $40/kit
10x15iu $53/kit
10x24iu $90/kit

QSC has lots of surprises in store for you after this Chinese New Year, during which we charged the batteries well to kick ass for the rest of the year.

We will add a new variety of products that you have been waiting for a long time, of course, after testing it ;)

We are also going to make our overseas warehouses full of a little bit of everything, more variety planned in Canada, EU, and of course in USA we will put almost everything we can.

Communication will improve very soon with new arrivals who will help me with emails.

QSC will very soon be a one stop shop for you all
How do you accept and receive payment and ignore customer ? What kind of business is this ?
This is wholeheartedly false.

How exactly are your addresses in your wallet tied together? Short answer, they’re not. In reality, the extensive investigation required to determine a wallet on the Bitcoin blockchain simply will not occur for consumer level transactions.

Yes if you withdraw to the same ADDRESS from multiple KYC exchanges, which is bad practice, that can potentially be tied together assuming lots of factors and coordination across exchanges with LEO that really doesn’t exist yet.

The real risk lies with QSC, and the suppliers who need to cash out, with coin that could be easily earmarked as ‘bad’ after you get busted for possession and you give up your transactions in exchange for a deal.

However, there is a realistic chance that if you went direct from the exchange, and the address you sent to is leaked as related to an illegal transaction, the exchange has a duty to inquire, leading to a possible ban. If you took a single hop out to a private wallet that duty drops to essentially zero.

Mixers are for the way back to fiat, the off ramp. It’s not required for the on ramp unless you feel philanthropically obliged to support the cause.
How are the address tied together..... Lets say you have a Binance account (KYC'd) and a metamask wallet address (Non-KYC'd) You have withdrawn from Binance to this Metamask wallet 20 times over 3yrs. Is that indisputable proof that the Metamask wallet is owned by you... Not definitively but if someone is taking a look at you, it will 100% be flagged in chain analysis as having a high chance that it is your wallet and the transactions branching out from that wallet will be tracked to see if they lead anywhere of interest.

For consumer level..... Of course they aren't going to the effort.... Yet. (That will change with the rise of AI though, blockchain analysis will be completely automated and national tax departments in several countries are already paying 3rd party providers for services to track tax obligations for flagged individuals).

But, we aren't talking about consumer level in our case, are we..... The potential risk is that at some point our activities of buying PED's may fall under a LE investigation. They certainly WILL be taking a more proactive approach in tracking transactions and linking wallets back to known KYC points to tie it back to personals ID's. It has nothing to do with the exchange taking action Why would I care if an exchange closed my account, I just open up 10 more exchange accounts! The ONLY real risk is future LE taking a interest and blockchain IS an IMMUTABLE record of all transactions forever.....

As for co-ordination across exchanges.... That is already here (at least in my country) Each exchange that has a footprint in my country MUST be KYC'd and MUST report each account holders activity to the national tax department.

There is no risk on QSC's end.... They are conducting a 100% legal business in their country. The worst that would happen is their exchange account is shut down and they just spin up another account.

Why would you bother with mixing only for the off ramp..... In our case, your on ramp transactions already tie you to whatever your trying to hide.
Ffs, can we have a separate section for the paranoid steroid users !! Most of this is wankers arguing how to pay via fucking bitcoin and fees. Just pay bank or go natty instead of fake nattys .
Reta 15mg us domestic available now

test E and test C and tadalafil raws us domestic sold out

Please avoid contacting on both email and whatsaap, answers now are much faster than before and sending double messages just confuse my new assistant, duplicate orders can be avoided if you just choose and stick to one channel to place your orders.

Yesterday all whastaaps were answered, so if you think you had a message waiting more than a day or two, do not hesitate to contact me again about it.

Customer who place orders and have their orders shipped via EU special line, UK special line or Australia special line, it's pointless to ask for tracking before 1 week, it's always the same we ship the order and we receive tracking from freight forwarder 1 week later. These special line orders are always posted within 24 hours after payment confirmation, but tracking won't be available until one week later.

I'll prepare for you a pastbin in few days, since now I have less work to do.
Thanks Tracy!
The ONLY real risk is future LE taking a interest and blockchain IS an IMMUTABLE record of all transactions forever.....

In which case, it becomes evidence that a certain individual in the US sent funds to another entity. In and of itself, it doesn't represent evidence of illegal activity and would serve no purpose other than to corroborate actual evidence of illegal activity.

As a result, if LE busted you with a shipment of PEDs, which they likely wouldn't because they DGAF unless we're talking 7 figures worth of business, they could potentially use the blockchain to confirm that funds were exchanged.
How are the address tied together..... Lets say you have a Binance account (KYC'd) and a metamask wallet address (Non-KYC'd) You have withdrawn from Binance to this Metamask wallet 20 times over 3yrs. Is that indisputable proof that the Metamask wallet is owned by you... Not definitively but if someone is taking a look at you, it will 100% be flagged in chain analysis as having a high chance that it is your wallet and the transactions branching out from that wallet will be tracked to see if they lead anywhere of interest.

For consumer level..... Of course they aren't going to the effort.... Yet. (That will change with the rise of AI though, blockchain analysis will be completely automated and national tax departments in several countries are already paying 3rd party providers for services to track tax obligations for flagged individuals).

But, we aren't talking about consumer level in our case, are we..... The potential risk is that at some point our activities of buying PED's may fall under a LE investigation. They certainly WILL be taking a more proactive approach in tracking transactions and linking wallets back to known KYC points to tie it back to personals ID's. It has nothing to do with the exchange taking action Why would I care if an exchange closed my account, I just open up 10 more exchange accounts! The ONLY real risk is future LE taking a interest and blockchain IS an IMMUTABLE record of all transactions forever.....

As for co-ordination across exchanges.... That is already here (at least in my country) Each exchange that has a footprint in my country MUST be KYC'd and MUST report each account holders activity to the national tax department.

There is no risk on QSC's end.... They are conducting a 100% legal business in their country. The worst that would happen is their exchange account is shut down and they just spin up another account.

Why would you bother with mixing only for the off ramp..... In our case, your on ramp transactions already tie you to whatever your trying to hide.

You are probably a big eth guy because you said meta-mask. Meta-mask does not even support bitcoin at all. BTC and ETH (and other coins) are wholly different technologically.

Let me restate, there is nothing tying the addresses in your wallet, to your wallet itself. They're just addresses that you hold the private key for. There's no wallet ID, no nothing.

You are confused because on the blockchain explorer you are seeing your entire transaction, which is batched and includes 'change' transactions going back to your wallet. These transactions are not differentiated in any way on-chain, and determining which is which requires off-chain knowledge that only you (the wallet holder) have.

QSC 100% MUST mix their coins, or analyze them themselves, because they have no idea the provenance of the coins they are getting. Are they stolen? Traced by the authorities? Proceeds of theft? If any of those flags come up they're in big trouble when they try to sell them... buying from a KYC exchange you don't have those worries.

  • D.Ron and A.Shamir's 2012 paper found IP addresses of users could be identified and linked with the different Bitcoin addresses of an account. As an example, they published information about the Bitcoin usage of Wikileaks; until March 2012, Wikileaks used 83 Bitcoin addresses and received 2605.25 BTC from supporters.
  • This 2018 paper found Tor onion service users could be deanonymized through Bitcoin transaction analysis. In short, they assessed that Bitcoin was pseudonymous because it lacks retroactive operational security, meaning historical pieces of information led to user identification. For example, their analysis showed public information leaks about declared Bitcoin addresses to social networks. In this instance, the blockchain and onion websites could be linked to 125 unique users and ultimately 20 Tor onion services (including The Pirate Bay and Silk Road).

The 2012 article shows a publicly announced address and an attempt to guess what coins still belong to him after they left that address.

What it most certainly is not, is a full accounting of all the bitcoin in his wallet. Yes maybe all the donations from that one address. But that's all.

Never said bitcoin is fully anonymous. Just not as traceable as BrokenOne is saying. He is messing up address and wallet for the most part.
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