Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I'm also having problems with an order, directed from Italy from the European warehouse. I made the payment of 2143€ and sent it on whatsapp last Sunday. Yesterday I sent an email and I didn't receive a reply.
I'm also having problems with an order, directed from Italy from the European warehouse. I made the payment of 2143€ and sent it on whatsapp last Sunday. Yesterday I sent an email and I didn't receive a reply.
You don't need an reply. Learn to be patient and not to be annoying.
Can you give any more details? Maybe your name and address or your bank account? Kids...
nothing came thru, checked spam, every folder. could you please send it in private message here for now ? I'll switch email provider for next order.

anyone else using protonmail to place order?
Yes, works great. But the answers are really slow, days. I don't mind because all my orders have gone through without an issue!
The risk is almost non existent, I'm in a country one could lable a high risk in the EU but all packages are getting through, big and small.
soo if customs seize your package you also get troubles with laws right? :-/
I dont want troubles with laws because when im ordering several kg steroids raws, they will think im a steroids seller and producer hahahh thats so risky man
soo if customs seize your package you also get troubles with laws right? :-/
I dont want troubles with laws because when im ordering several kg steroids raws, they will think im a steroids seller and producer hahahh thats so risky man
You are a dealer if you buy several kg. Or are you on 10g per week? There will always be risk when ordering illegal drugs. Anyone who has it delivered to their home or pays with their own bank account deserves no other choice than to receive a prison sentence. Stupidity must be punished.