Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Ah, I've always supplied screenshots and it's never been an issue

Transaction hash was supplied 1.5weeks ago, so not too long. I'll wait patiently, thanks for clearing that up.

I did talk to Tracy on what's app just a few days before I ordered, must have just recently quit using it?
your order was processed yesterday, trackings will be available today, one domestic and one international.

The screenshots often shows amounts that do not match the real amount that will be received, either they include your fees or they show round values, which make it hard for us to identify them between several similar transactions, that's why we require transaction hash for all crypto payments.
QSC do you have a Pastebin with your International List ? The Pastebin you posted this AM does not have your International List. Thank you !!

And can you also include in your pastebin the INTERNATIONAL list and prices for bulk - finished - oils in the huge 1,000ml jugs ? Do you also sell 2,000ml jugs as well, or is it only 1,000 ml jugs ? Thank you.
I am working on it, international list is long
your order was processed yesterday, trackings will be available today, one domestic and one international.

The screenshots often shows amounts that do not match the real amount that will be received, either they include your fees or they show round values, which make it hard for us to identify them between several similar transactions, that's why we require transaction hash for all crypto payments.
Thanks Tracy, sorry for the trouble
He has some really good lectures and one of the things he says is that "the greatest lie big pharma ever sold was that you 'SHOULD' be able to live a life without any pain."
They convinced the whole world that they shouldn't have to be uncomfortable or feel pain ever- and opioids are the magic solution to it.
The reality is that life isn't fair, and a lot of people have medical conditions that are going to cause pain and/or discomfort. "Pain management" turned into "Pain elimination" and that was the beginning of this opioid crisis. We stopped learning how to prevent and minimize pain, and just turned to the magic pills for solutions. Unfortunately there are a lot of doctors just taking their quotas and kickbacks so they take patients like revolving doors and keep them hooked on the easy way out.
I get what you're saying, but based on what you're saying I'm willing to bet money you don't have a condition that's causing you constant pain.

I've had a pinched nerve in my neck for the past few months and it's completely turned my life upside down. If I don't have 50mg of codeine in my system every 3 hours it feels like someone is taking a redhot cheese grater to the back of my left arm and the top of my hand. It's the kind of pain that almost puts me on my knees at times. I can't walk because holding my head up straight pinches the nerve and aggravates the pain even more. I can't even hold my head straight long enough to shave my face. I can't play with my kids, I can't work, I can't even shit properly because I have to sit upright to use a toilet. Guess what codeine does? It makes that all go away. I can actually walk, I can actually play with my kids, and I can actually take a dignified shit on my toilet. It isn't about the "easy way out" so much as, you know, the fact that pain can and will stop your life dead in its fuckin tracks and there's no mind-over-matter david goggins kind of shit you're going to pull on yourself that's going to get you out of that situation. It's definitely not as cut and dry as you've painted it to be. That is a major part of the problem altogether - people are fucked without drugs like these.
I get what you're saying, but based on what you're saying I'm willing to bet money you don't have a condition that's causing you constant pain.

I've had a pinched nerve in my neck for the past few months and it's completely turned my life upside down. If I don't have 50mg of codeine in my system every 3 hours it feels like someone is taking a redhot cheese grater to the back of my left arm and the top of my hand. It's the kind of pain that almost puts me on my knees at times. I can't walk because holding my head up straight pinches the nerve and aggravates the pain even more. I can't even hold my head straight long enough to shave my face. I can't play with my kids, I can't work, I can't even shit properly because I have to sit upright to use a toilet. Guess what codeine does? It makes that all go away. I can actually walk, I can actually play with my kids, and I can actually take a dignified shit on my toilet. It isn't about the "easy way out" so much as, you know, the fact that pain can and will stop your life dead in its fuckin tracks and there's no mind-over-matter david goggins kind of shit you're going to pull on yourself that's going to get you out of that situation. It's definitely not as cut and dry as you've painted it to be. That is a major part of the problem altogether - people are fucked without drugs like these.

I've had crippling spine injuries from high school wrestling that lasted for years. I am one of the people who got hooked on dumb shit because of pain. But the point is that no other species on the planet turns to opioids. Shit, even humans didn't use them to this level 30 years ago, yet we have survived this long as a species.

There is a fine line between pain MANAGEMENT and pain ELIMINIATION. One of them tells you that you will never be "normal" again, because your body is not normal, but with hard work and consistency you can at least survive and function. The latter tells you should be living a life as if your body is completely normal and if you give big pharma enough money, they will make it happen regardless of what it does to society as a whole. I worked in pharmacy for many years and I can promise you that more than half of the people coming in for pain meds were not in crippling pain while they stood in line waiting for their drugs. They're not "fucked" without drugs, they are inconvenienced. I've met people who take opioids for headaches man. Every drug addict in the world "needs" their drug to function. We wouldn't have this fentanyl crisis if every person on pain meds was being honest and not just taking the easy way out.

The point is that big pharma convinced people with destroyed bodies that they can pretend they don't have destroyed bodies if they take their magic drugs. And the lie worked.
I've had crippling spine injuries from high school wrestling that lasted for years. I am one of the people who got hooked on dumb shit because of pain. But the point is that no other species on the planet turns to opioids. Shit, even humans didn't use them to this level 30 years ago, yet we have survived this long as a species.

There is a fine line between pain MANAGEMENT and pain ELIMINIATION. One of them tells you that you will never be "normal" again, because your body is not normal, but with hard work and consistency you can at least survive and function. The latter tells you should be living a life as if your body is completely normal and if you give big pharma enough money, they will make it happen regardless of what it does to society as a whole. I worked in pharmacy for many years and I can promise you that more than half of the people coming in for pain meds were not in crippling pain while they stood in line waiting for their drugs. They're not "fucked" without drugs, they are inconvenienced. I've met people who take opioids for headaches man. Every drug addict in the world "needs" their drug to function. We wouldn't have this fentanyl crisis if every person on pain meds was being honest and not just taking the easy way out.

The point is that big pharma convinced people with destroyed bodies that they can pretend they don't have destroyed bodies if they take their magic drugs. And the lie worked.
You call it "inconvenienced" I call it "fucked." I'd say it's all a measure of exactly how much a person stands to lose because of their pain. After going through what I've been through the last few months, I have a fresh appreciation for what this life is like. None of the other drugs they've given me are denting this problem I have. The only thing that's working is the opiates, which goes back to my original point is the need for a drug that works on the same level as opiates. If there are drugs that work just as well I'd really appreciate it if my doctor would stop holding out on me because pretty much anything is on the table while these physio clowns figure out how to unfuck my universe.
Is it unusual to wait 2-3 weeks for a shipping notification? I supplied a screenshot of payment, I heard back from Tracy around 10 days after proof of payment was sent, she asked for transaction hash but I haven't heard back since. I have followed up on whatsapp.
OK so he does not accept screenshots as proof of payment. Have you sent the transaction hash?? It's a web receipt from the block explorer. Also you have to send email because whatsapp is no longer a thing with qsc.

Screenshots have worked for me.
There may be language barriers with my new young assistants, some of them are fluent and some are not.

However, they are newly recruited and lack experience, especially in answering technical questions.

So if you have communication problems and you think they didn't understand what you said, don't hesitate to let me know and DM me about it, I will be happy to answer your questions every day as long as this does not involve wasting time, it is recommended that all orders and requests for price lists remain by email.

You can consult pastbins regularly on the forum thread.