Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

soo if customs seize your package you also get troubles with laws right? :-/
I dont want troubles with laws because when im ordering several kg steroids raws, they will think im a steroids seller and producer hahahh thats so risky man
What I consider risky is saying you order powder in kilograms and still have no protocol in place to mitigate the risks. Btw, ordering in kgs is the first no no since the beginning of time for the common homebrewer.

Just saying/
What I consider risky is saying you order powder in kilograms and still have no protocol in place to mitigate the risks. Btw, ordering in kgs is the first no no since the beginning of time for the common homebrewer.

Just saying/
no i only mentioned kg to know how safe the eu special line is. I never ordered kg and dont need them much. So what would you do to mitigate risk? whats your protocol?
no i only mentioned kg to know how safe the eu special line is. I never ordered kg and dont need them much. So what would you do to mitigate risk? whats your protocol?
Using domestic remailer is one method.

For myself, I may or may not have access to a box registered to a friend who moved to another country.
Using domestic remailer is one method.

For myself, I may or may not have access to a box registered to a friend who moved to another country.
But the eu special line works already by shipping to eu warehouse and transit domestically from there to germany or does i understand it false? so i think a remailer is the same
QSC do you have a Pastebin with your International List ? The Pastebin you posted this AM does not have your International List. Thank you !!

And can you also include in your pastebin the INTERNATIONAL list and prices for bulk - finished - oils in the huge 1,000ml jugs ? Do you also sell 2,000ml jugs as well, or is it only 1,000 ml jugs ? Thank you.
I've placed an order for 5kit HGH US domestic on Feb 22, got USDC address Feb 27, paid Feb 28, haven't heard anything back since then. Sent a follow up email on March 5 asking about the order. I had multiple successful purchase from you before with quick domestic shipping. Can you please help me out ?
I paid 5k over a month ago and still no answer bro. If you want a reliable and secure source u must switch
You are a dealer if you buy several kg. Or are you on 10g per week? There will always be risk when ordering illegal drugs. Anyone who has it delivered to their home or pays with their own bank account deserves no other choice than to receive a prison sentence. Stupidity must be punished.
lmfao what a miserable fucking clown.
Jesus Christ.
There was a time when we'd take a guy like you out back and beat you with the hose. Now you've got your god damn unions...
Noone deserves to go to prison for using or selling AAS. Fentanyl, yeah maybe you deserve a prison sentence for dealing in that. But noone should go to jail for AAS.

I just had another friend OD and die from Fentanyl on Sunday 2-25-24. Fentanyl is no joke. I believe I remember Biggerben writing a couple months ago that he knows many many people who have overdosed and died on Fentanyl. I am curious, do you guys here on Meso know of many people who have overdosed and died on Fentanyl ?

Mongo, is that your wife in your avatar ? If so, dear God she is beautiful, you are a lucky Man !!
Noone deserves to go to prison for using or selling AAS. Fentanyl, yeah maybe you deserve a prison sentence for dealing in that. But noone should go to jail for AAS.

I just had another friend OD and die from Fentanyl on Sunday 2-25-24. Fentanyl is no joke. I believe I remember Biggerben writing a couple months ago that he knows many many people who have overdosed and died on Fentanyl. I am curious, do you guys here on Meso know of many people who have overdosed and died on Fentanyl ?

Mongo, is that your wife in your avatar ? If so, dear God she is beautiful, you are a lucky Man !!
I had a longtime friend die of fentanyl od 2 months ago. But she is just one of many I can name that I have know personally that has died from drug overdose.
I had a longtime friend die of fentanyl od 2 months ago. But she is just one of many I can name that I have know personally that has died from drug overdose.
That sucks man, I am really sorry to hear you have been affected personally by the fentanyl epidemic.
That sucks man, I am really sorry to hear you have been affected personally by the fentanyl epidemic.
I was a drug user my whole life up until 6 years ago... when I went to prison... when I was in there fentanyl hit and took the lives of a lot of people.. possible me too if I wouldn't have been locked up.
Is it unusual to wait 2-3 weeks for a shipping notification? I supplied a screenshot of payment, I heard back from Tracy around 10 days after proof of payment was sent, she asked for transaction hash but I haven't heard back since. I have followed up on whatsapp.
Is it unusual to wait 2-3 weeks for a shipping notification? I supplied a screenshot of payment, I heard back from Tracy around 10 days after proof of payment was sent, she asked for transaction hash but I haven't heard back since. I have followed up on whatsapp.
OK so he does not accept screenshots as proof of payment. Have you sent the transaction hash?? It's a web receipt from the block explorer. Also you have to send email because whatsapp is no longer a thing with qsc.
OK so he does not accept screenshots as proof of payment. Have you sent the transaction hash?? It's a web receipt from the block explorer. Also you have to send email because whatsapp is no longer a thing with qsc.
Ah, I've always supplied screenshots and it's never been an issue

Transaction hash was supplied 1.5weeks ago, so not too long. I'll wait patiently, thanks for clearing that up.

I did talk to Tracy on what's app just a few days before I ordered, must have just recently quit using it?
Ah, I've always supplied screenshots and it's never been an issue

Transaction hash was supplied 1.5weeks ago, so not too long. I'll wait patiently, thanks for clearing that up.

I did talk to Tracy on what's app just a few days before I ordered, must have just recently quit using it?
I should clarify, all messaging has been through email. Just followed up on what's app. Tracy replied to a question on WhatsApp message a few days before I made my order through email
Noone deserves to go to prison for using or selling AAS. Fentanyl, yeah maybe you deserve a prison sentence for dealing in that. But noone should go to jail for AAS.

I just had another friend OD and die from Fentanyl on Sunday 2-25-24. Fentanyl is no joke. I believe I remember Biggerben writing a couple months ago that he knows many many people who have overdosed and died on Fentanyl. I am curious, do you guys here on Meso know of many people who have overdosed and died on Fentanyl ?
I lost my first friend to fentanyl in 2002. He was prescribed it after having a strep infection on his leg that required a big skin graft. They prescribed him transdermal fentanyl gel patches. Normal dude tons of potential, highly intelligent, talented, you name it. Fast-forward 6 months after his surgery and I was at his place and he was sitting on the couch with a gel patch taped to each leg, one on each arm and he had a patch in his hand he cut open with scissors and was sucking the gel out of it into his mouth. After that surgery my buddy was dead from an overdose within the year. 20 years old.
None of us had any idea what it was or what he was going through. We were from small town Canada and nobody was on opiates. We knew what they were because we were still on planet earth but we just weren't there yet as far as prescription drug problems went and there was no word of any sort of crisis in the making. I didn't hear anything about fentanyl for years after than and it never even occurred to me that people would be taking it recreationally of all things. That thought never even crossed my mind. I never heard of it on the street and only knew the name because I had heard my buddy talk about it so many times. Bad scene altogether. But you know man, the fuckin shit snuck in looking so innocent and provided such necessary relief for people with chronic pain. My buddy thought it was the greatest shit ever at first. When it was time to get his prescription filled he was in the best mood ever because it meant his pain would be gone again. It's the god damn devil in disguise.
Looking back now it's no surprise now that it all happened the way it did. I feel like we're still a very, very long way from digging our way out of this problem. It would be different if opiates didn't provide such amazing pain relief. It's tough to find a pain killer that works as well. I have pain problems right now and they've got me on muscle relaxants, nerve drugs, etc but the only thing that seems to be working is good ol' fashioned codeine. I can't get anything stronger than T1's because my doctor, as a rule, does not prescribe his patients opiates. He does not give a shit how much pain i'm in. Until they make a drug that knocks pain out the way opiates do we're going to be spinning our wheels trying to solve this problem. A considerable number of people hooked on fentanyl got there by going to their doctor for pain relief, and things snowballed from there.
Mongo, is that your wife in your avatar ? If so, dear God she is beautiful, you are a lucky Man !!
That's Lil Red Heidi Hood. She's a youtuber who does a lot of fishing in her bikini. She's not my wife yet but if things fall through with me and the old lady here I'll be knocking on heidi's door for sure.
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But the eu special line works already by shipping to eu warehouse and transit domestically from there to germany or does i understand it false? so i think a remailer is the same
Yes, that is how the special line works. Lucky for guys from US and EU to have such optikn.
It would be different if opiates didn't provide such amazing pain relief. It's tough to find a pain killer that works as well.

This is the issue. I am buddies with a pharmacist who owns and runs a lot of rehabilitation centers and started programs to help medical professionals through addiction without losing their license.

He has some really good lectures and one of the things he says is that "the greatest lie big pharma ever sold was that you 'SHOULD' be able to live a life without any pain."
They convinced the whole world that they shouldn't have to be uncomfortable or feel pain ever- and opioids are the magic solution to it.
The reality is that life isn't fair, and a lot of people have medical conditions that are going to cause pain and/or discomfort. "Pain management" turned into "Pain elimination" and that was the beginning of this opioid crisis. We stopped learning how to prevent and minimize pain, and just turned to the magic pills for solutions. Unfortunately there are a lot of doctors just taking their quotas and kickbacks so they take patients like revolving doors and keep them hooked on the easy way out.

Overall though, there are still more drug addicts seeking it out because of emotional or mental traumas they're trying to cope with. I was one of them and have watched dozens of people go down that road. I got off the shit before it was all fentanyl- I remember when you could buy a pill and didn't have to worry about it being fake. But the scary thing is people now want fentanyl specifically because they know it's the fastest and hardest hitting drug. Sometimes I go talk to the kids at these rehabs and it's crazy how many 16 year olds drug of choice is fentanyl. Not by accident either, it's what they look for and buy on purpose.