Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It was sarcasm. Use your brain the next time and don't post opsec stuff in here. Did you expect them to write "STEROIDS" in the documents?
Cool thank you, and no not really but I also didn't expect any paper saying what it was. Like I said new to this shi, in person it's just "here you go bozo"
I will be more careful, however I will thank you regardless.
And this is how people with common sense learn.

It wasn’t long ago when people come in and will moan and cry upon the slightest criticisms instead of owning to their mistakes and learning.

Stick around man, there are lots of things you can pick up to keep yourself safe in your gear voyage, becit health wise or legal wise.
nothing came thru, checked spam, every folder. could you please send it in private message here for now ? I'll switch email provider for next order.

anyone else using protonmail to place order?
Protonmail is fine, I use it for work. What I have found with it sometimes is a delay in receiving emails (Seems to be random) I've had emails arrive hours after the sender sent them at times. Particularly annoying with time sensitive login emails where a code is sent and you need to enter it in within 60secs.

I want the security that proton provides for work, so I'm willing to deal with the delays. If I wanted instant, I'd stick with gmail or any of the big email services and have zero expectation of privacy.
What I consider risky is saying you order powder in kilograms and still have no protocol in place to mitigate the risks. Btw, ordering in kgs is the first no no since the beginning of time for the common homebrewer.

Just saying/
Yeah, 100grms of Test E covers you for 2000mg/wk for the year. 300grm order should be more then enough for an entire years cycles.
I'm sure they work, but they suck for the recipient. Links can't be clicked, hashes can't be cut-and-pasted and likely have to be rekeyed.

I think it's always more courteous to email the text.
Screen shot of a hash is the opposite of being courteous! Absolute pain in the ass to check the hash then.

Spot on for pointing it out!
I get what you're saying, but based on what you're saying I'm willing to bet money you don't have a condition that's causing you constant pain.

I've had a pinched nerve in my neck for the past few months and it's completely turned my life upside down. If I don't have 50mg of codeine in my system every 3 hours it feels like someone is taking a redhot cheese grater to the back of my left arm and the top of my hand. It's the kind of pain that almost puts me on my knees at times. I can't walk because holding my head up straight pinches the nerve and aggravates the pain even more. I can't even hold my head straight long enough to shave my face. I can't play with my kids, I can't work, I can't even shit properly because I have to sit upright to use a toilet. Guess what codeine does? It makes that all go away. I can actually walk, I can actually play with my kids, and I can actually take a dignified shit on my toilet. It isn't about the "easy way out" so much as, you know, the fact that pain can and will stop your life dead in its fuckin tracks and there's no mind-over-matter david goggins kind of shit you're going to pull on yourself that's going to get you out of that situation. It's definitely not as cut and dry as you've painted it to be. That is a major part of the problem altogether - people are fucked without drugs like these.
Can you have surgery ?
I'm sure they work, but they suck for the recipient. Links can't be clicked, hashes can't be cut-and-pasted and likely have to be rekeyed.

I think it's always more courteous to email the text.

You just match up the BTC amount in your list of receiving addresses
Can you have surgery ?
They're still trying to figure out exactly what's going on. It's a pinched nerve likely at C6/C7 but according to the xray there are some muscles acting up in the area as well as a bit of disc degeneration, so I'm waiting for a referral for more in-depth imaging. I'm not sure if they're planning a CT or an MRI. I'm basically just a victim of the Canadian healthcare system until further notice. I might just see if i can buy imaging from a private clinic. If I have to wait another year just for an MRI i'll likely kill myself.
Protonmail is fine, I use it for work. What I have found with it sometimes is a delay in receiving emails (Seems to be random) I've had emails arrive hours after the sender sent them at times. Particularly annoying with time sensitive login emails where a code is sent and you need to enter it in within 60secs.

I want the security that proton provides for work, so I'm willing to deal with the delays. If I wanted instant, I'd stick with gmail or any of the big email services and have zero expectation of privacy.
Yeah those delays just happened to me the first time too, it caused some confusion. At least now I know it happens from time to time. Thanks.
Screen shot of a hash is the opposite of being courteous! Absolute pain in the ass to check the hash then.

Spot on for pointing it out!
fun fact: if someone sends you a screenshot, on windows you can use the Snipping tool to take a pic from it and it has OCR built in and you can copy the text from it, on iOS you can save the image to your photos and it has OCR too. I use it a lot and it's been 100% accurate so far.
Anyone order the PT 141 lately? My last batch had a burn to it and then instant flush, some nausea and then of course later on a hard dick that won’t quit. I’ve not felt any of that this go around and I’ve tried to message Tracy about it with no response. It was an order with 4 other peptides so I just thought maybe the numbers are mixed up. If that’s the case, then I don’t wanna be reconstituting other stuff thinking it’s something it’s not. Anyone else ran into anything like this?
Anyone order the PT 141 lately? My last batch had a burn to it and then instant flush, some nausea and then of course later on a hard dick that won’t quit. I’ve not felt any of that this go around and I’ve tried to message Tracy about it with no response. It was an order with 4 other peptides so I just thought maybe the numbers are mixed up. If that’s the case, then I don’t wanna be reconstituting other stuff thinking it’s something it’s not. Anyone else ran into anything like this?
These are symptoms indicating that it is a legitimate PT-141. What else did you expect?