Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Let's ruffle some feathers here... For all you who cant manage to figure out GH Dosing - should not be in this game - and perhaps use the GH money on private math classes .. for the love of god its a simple Division math equation
Ok gatekeeper. This is why this forum is here. So people can talk and exchange knowledge. Quit looking for atta boys from the long-term members here. It wasn't the math. I was missing the fact that 1 tic is 2units.
It's funny to hear so many people struggle with this, because in reality it should be just simple math. But I struggle with it too.

I add 2.4mL water to my 24iu vial. So that means 1.2mL=12iu. So .6mL=6iu. So .3mL=3iu. So .1mL=1iu

I think a lot of confusion happens when we think of notches on the syringe as units. Or 10 notches as unit. Or whatever.

You know that .1mL=1iu with formula above.

You know your syringe holds 1mL.

So you know .1 or 1/10 or one-tenths of that syringe is 1iu.

My dose is 6iu. So I need .6 or 6/10 or six-tenths of that syringe to get my dose.

The syringes highest marking is 100(units, but who cares what we call it). So simple math determines I need to fill syringe to 60 mark to get my dose.

The hardest part is this:

Two trains leave the station at the same time, one going east the other going west...

I'm kidding. But now all I need is for someone to come and tell me I've been doing it wrong this whole time.
Especially if there is a calculator that actually spell the specific values for you lol
Ok gatekeeper. This is why this forum is here. So people can talk and exchange knowledge. Quit looking for atta boys from the long-term members here. It wasn't the math. I was missing the fact that 1 tic is 2units.
No this is exactly what causes a ton of spam in this thread . if you cant figure out how to do a division calculation and need hand holding at least use the correct forum . Now back to taking my QSC Tren LUL
Let's ruffle some feathers here... For all you who cant manage to figure out GH Dosing - should not be in this game - and perhaps use the GH money on private math classes .. for the love of god its a simple Division math equation
Common man, you’re going to find the olympia and high level bodybuilding to showcase gymnast level physiques only if you base it on intelligence lol.

Remember the supreme being separated brains from brawns for a reason.
Common man, you’re going to find the olympia and high level bodybuilding to showcase gymnast level physiques only if you base it on intelligence lol.

Remember the supreme being separated brains from brawns for a reason.
Ughhh.. cant argue with that ... Unfortunately
Does anyone here particularly enjoy any of these less popular compounds: Ment, DHB, injectable S-drol? If so, why? thanks
After hearing the horror stories about DHB pip I thought i'd never touch the compound, but then I decided to order a kit from QSC and absolutely loved it. Near to zero pip depending on where injected, delts may get a bit achy after. Haven't dropped it out since that kit. I've only ran 200mg/wk as a cycle, but even with that dose strength gains were amazing. Just pure strength and muscle gains without unwanted side effects, even has made my endurance better cardiowise. Also did 125 test/100dhb "cruise" for a long period and gains were steady. After I was running my last vial I had to order a new kit, just to be sure I have the compound available. Just started a blast containing 125test/100npp/100dhb eod (probs going to add more test) and can't wait to see what happens. Only negatives i've seen while running DHB is that my hematocrit is "slightly" elevated, so may need to donate blood and also systolic BP seems to be permamently up by 10 when comparing to my normal BP
I bought dhb raws once upon a time. I brewed it, it crashed. I couldn't get it to hold. Got some Guaiacol to fix it. That shit is toxic. After a few shots I had to abort that cycle. Threw out thay whole batch.

On paper dhb is interesting and something I wanted to try. Maybe one day in future.
4 years for an engineering degree and the only thing I use is dimensional analysis on steroids. You can tell the math by looking at the units. Let’s use test as an example because it is already mixed. The concentration is 200 mg/ml so every ml has 200 mg. This means for a 10 ml vial you need 2gs raw. 2000mg divided by 10ml= 200 mg/ml. The mg/ml is the units for density, mass/volume. With the peptide you are given the mass in the vial. As stated earlier iu’s can be converted to mg but it doesn’t matter you can use ius . I don’t like the ius because it does change from compound to compound but I didn’t make the rules. So you have a 24 IU vial and you want to make .1 ml equal 2 IU. After some algebra the math is .1/2*24 or desired volume divided by desired mass times total mass in vial. That will give you the amount of bac to add to give the desired concentration.
After hearing the horror stories about DHB pip I thought i'd never touch the compound, but then I decided to order a kit from QSC and absolutely loved it. Near to zero pip depending on where injected, delts may get a bit achy after. Haven't dropped it out since that kit. I've only ran 200mg/wk as a cycle, but even with that dose strength gains were amazing. Just pure strength and muscle gains without unwanted side effects, even has made my endurance better cardiowise. Also did 125 test/100dhb "cruise" for a long period and gains were steady. After I was running my last vial I had to order a new kit, just to be sure I have the compound available. Just started a blast containing 125test/100npp/100dhb eod (probs going to add more test) and can't wait to see what happens. Only negatives i've seen while running DHB is that my hematocrit is "slightly" elevated, so may need to donate blood and also systolic BP seems to be permamently up by 10 when comparing to my normal BP
Interesting to see ... thanks for sharing ... Have you ever tested your CRP while running DHB? I heard many complain their CRP / general inflammatory markers where through the roof ( even without the Guaiacol which sometimes is used in DHB preparations)
Interesting to see ... thanks for sharing ... Have you ever tested your CRP while running DHB? I heard many complain their CRP / general inflammatory markers where through the roof ( even without the Guaiacol which sometimes is used in DHB preparations)
Thanks for pointing this out as that's something I also forgot to mention. After running DHB for ~12 weeks @200mg/wk my CRP was 2mg/l (referance value < 5mg/l)
Anyone tries their RIP blend?
So far very painful on injection sites.
Not my personal experience, but a friend of mine is currently running ripped and also seemed to have lots of problems with the pain after injection. Even had massive lump after injecting it alone, but told me that dilluting it with test made it nearly pip free
After hearing the horror stories about DHB pip I thought i'd never touch the compound, but then I decided to order a kit from QSC and absolutely loved it. Near to zero pip depending on where injected, delts may get a bit achy after. Haven't dropped it out since that kit. I've only ran 200mg/wk as a cycle, but even with that dose strength gains were amazing. Just pure strength and muscle gains without unwanted side effects, even has made my endurance better cardiowise. Also did 125 test/100dhb "cruise" for a long period and gains were steady. After I was running my last vial I had to order a new kit, just to be sure I have the compound available. Just started a blast containing 125test/100npp/100dhb eod (probs going to add more test) and can't wait to see what happens. Only negatives i've seen while running DHB is that my hematocrit is "slightly" elevated, so may need to donate blood and also systolic BP seems to be permamently up by 10 when comparing to my normal BP

Any feelings of illness or toxicity?
Any feelings of illness or toxicity?
If you can find a happy point of dealing with potential PIP, it can be amazing! Veins pop out, great pumps and can be used to either cut or bulk! I think of it like a “turbo” boost.

For me, I originally had to deal with some horrendous pip! It was brutal! I would be limping for days because the pain was so bad, but I kept doing it because I loved the gains. I found a way that I could deal with the pip, and as long as I follow my own personalized protocol for it, I no longer have any issues.