Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

and your proving what? come on, no need to be clown boys savior...forum cool guy..

I don't need shit, i have a solid source and very strict referral only and they don't fuck around and are high end service, for men. They don't just except anyone and they demand top quality everything. heres a pic for you clown, does it look like i need anything..

I was helping QSC out trying to hook them up with some customers that are not allowed at the moment to speak to my source. Don't worry i know you wont understand big boy underground world. But shut your mouth, its idiots like you two that shove there nose in peoples business with your cocky remarks cause you have nothing better to do. Your not hurting anyones feelings get over trying to be cool.

its good your opinions don't mean shit, QSC doesnt deserve to lose customers because your big mouths.

apologies to messo and QSC, i needed to post a pic, i felt it was needed because some children need to just shut it... i blurred my source out of respect, if you need to remove . i'll understand. but it helps tell these big mouths i didnt give a fuck about the time line, i dont need shit.. It was simple for a review and to have some good quality feed back for some individuals i respected and they needed a solid source. So i was introducing them to QSC domestic. Trying to help QSC with a bunch of new customers and help a bunch of respectful men to get good safe gear.
Dang it now i wanna know ur source cause u got a dump truck full there … srsly… who is it
thats my business why i have it and second. im not mad about anything i gave a simple review of what did happen..there was messages in the background and i stated it very clear it had nothing to do with email and it was asked i did it in DM, so i did. I also mentioned i know shit happens but the tracking states it did not even get picked up. all i did was send the info that we had between us in the dm and showed all the proof of payment and that it was in the DM's... i said very clear i understood shit happens and even said i am shur they will fix it.. i just explained for the first experience what went on..

the argument was between people going of cause a simple review and yes i will defend my self just as much as they can bitch. i also stated that a was helping out other people that are not allowed to use my source, and they were looking for a cheaper method with good service. they didn't trust QSC because of bad feedback that they have herd treating there customers like crap, not me this comes from many other experiences. I said i believe they should be ok from what i have herd even though i herd the good and the bad i seen they at least fix most problems. So i said i would step up to help them and show them to give them comfort in ordering from them.. JUST TRYING TO HELP PEOPLE OUT... everyone takes these messages whatever way they see fit, i don't agree either with certain ones. Oh well we all have our opinions.. i won't sit back and have others shove there nose in when they also have no clue what is going on.. here comes why i try to explain in detail but apparently big paragraphs bother people....anyways its a waste of time regardless.. can't please everyone no matter what you do.
Jesus. Relax lady.
Jesus. Relax lady.
very relaxed, just sucks when keyboard warriors act tough...you guys are too cool for me...why not shut your moith and stop commenting like a woman, stay out of peoples business... you will keep flapping your lips over a fucken screen. enjoy your $10 liquid chemical.. i wont entertain you ladies anymore
Have you considered decaf?
yea just too boring, wouldnt change if i like someone who messes with my money and thinks you can treat people like shit...just not where i come from... appreciate the info though. Gotta keep life exciting.. some people like qsc and some people get ripped off, its all over there board.. i tried to help someone out and they got ripped off....if people dont like what was said could fucken care less, wasnt there money because if it was they would have an issue also. and when you do t know all the details just stay the fuck outta it...where i can from you would get dealt with very easy and you would shut your mouth.. but on here everyone a tough guy and smart ass...im done with QSC thread simple as that keyboard warriors can move on to the next person they treat like shit and ripp off... i dont give a shit. ill stick with respectful sources and respectful men.. bunch of heroes on here
yea just too boring, wouldnt change if i like someone who messes with my money and thinks you can treat people like shit...just not where i come from... appreciate the info though. Gotta keep life exciting.. some people like qsc and some people get ripped off, its all over there board.. i tried to help someone out and they got ripped off....if people dont like what was said could fucken care less, wasnt there money because if it was they would have an issue also. and when you do t know all the details just stay the fuck outta it...where i can from you would get dealt with very easy and you would shut your mouth.. but on here everyone a tough guy and smart ass...im done with QSC thread simple as that keyboard warriors can move on to the next person they treat like shit and ripp off... i dont give a shit. ill stick with respectful sources and respectful men.. bunch of heroes on here
Thanks for the help, lady
I'm literally running raws that are 15yrs old in my current cycle.... They don't degrade or go off. Vac packed and stored out of UV light and I'm yet to see a problem.

Same as finished oils, last cycle I had finished oils I had made back in 2006 and still GTG.
I mentioned after my post that i brewed on a too low temperatur. I reheated to the meltingpoint and the issues with pip is gone. You had same experience ?
I love his messages to qsc "it's been a week. Where's my stuff?" "You told me to buy from you." Lol
omg hahahahha wow lol...bahahahah like really...stupid ass, it wasnt told me to buy from them... learn to read... it was told me to use the DM because no reply for weeks by email....here we go another hero...fuck, now its getting beyond boring and pathetic...all saying the same lame ass shit... shut up already... mouthy bitch

did you read the last post, long over you woman..find something else better to do with your time

k no more entertaining the clown college, if your gonna have jokes put some fucken effort into it.. the intelligence is just over whelming.

the three stooges, move on your bashing is pathetic... bunch of pussies...on to the next.

like ya man you need some cialis or something, hahahaha like fucken stupid dumb clown...

the shows over
Seriously, if you are going to insult people's intelligence, learn how to spell, use capitals, and put some effort in on your sentence structure. And I love my Tadalafil!
Seriously, if you are going to insult people's intelligence, learn how to spell, use capitals, and put some effort in on your sentence structure. And I love my Tadalafil!
sorry i only put effort into people i respect that deserve the time and appreciation of a good intellectual conversation. Not a bunch of ignorant, smart ass people who just cause shit for others, thinking they are just so perfect. Its more interesting that i have a bunch of you actually wasting your time, commenting like children, try to think outside the box, it's OK i will wait.

And here come some more smart ass comments from the cool crowd lol..

don't fail me now.....