Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I just had a thought that hit me..... Why not start a go fund me for MESO testing
Fuck Go Fund Me after what they did or tried to do with the truckers 10 mil.

The sources could submit their product upon MESO member request to the testing facility.
Ya that's a big NO, they can then selectively send the best they got... it needs to be a blind test as far as the source not knowing its being tested
I'm not sure that I am posting this in the correct place, but this thread has a lot of talk about testing product. I just had a thought that hit me..... Why not start a go fund me for MESO testing. What if the members put up cash to start or pay a testing facility? The sources could submit their product upon MESO member request to the testing facility. If the MESO site owner could add how much contributed to each users profile we would be able to see who is concerned about a safe and quality product and who is just talking shit. I know there is more to consider but this is just an idea and maybe a starting point.

Thoughts?....(this requires thinking not mouthing off)
oh of course, and you'll get members like me that were once willing to pitch in... but then the Meso "vets"/witch hunters chime in and decide you're not worthy enough of such a group! fucking board politics I swear to God, so completely retarded.
I'm not sure that I am posting this in the correct place, but this thread has a lot of talk about testing product. I just had a thought that hit me..... Why not start a go fund me for MESO testing. What if the members put up cash to start or pay a testing facility? The sources could submit their product upon MESO member request to the testing facility. If the MESO site owner could add how much contributed to each users profile we would be able to see who is concerned about a safe and quality product and who is just talking shit. I know there is more to consider but this is just an idea and maybe a starting point.

Thoughts?....(this requires thinking not mouthing off)

This has been done. See the blue banner under my name? Means I contributed to a fund towards testing. Different color banners indicate how much was contributed. It use to be a requirement by members that sources contribute to the the fund.
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i strongly doubt it will be anywhere near those doses. long esters, sure, i accept that, short esters and usable, doubt it. 250mg/ml can be done but the ratios end up being like 50 test p, 100 tren, 100 mast or like 75 test pp 100mg mast, 75 tren.

100 of each is gonna have so much solvent that your CRP will be off the charts, you'll feel like utter shit and its likely gonna hurt regardless of what you do.

I've ordered few years ago a custom mix from hupharma 100 tren a 100 primo e 100 test p per ml et it was dosed not bad when I've sent it to jano just like 10% underdosed, and it was no pip, i can't find it in the thread, i ve posted in meso
I don't have any use for pharmacon but their mix-2 is pretty close to the above mentioned.

Pharmacom's MIX-2 consists of Trenbolone Acetate 75mg/ml, Drostanolone Propionate 100mg/ml & Testosterone Phenylpropionate 75mg/ml.
oh of course, and you'll get members like me that were once willing to pitch in... but then the Meso "vets"/witch hunters chime in and decide you're not worthy enough of such a group! fucking board politics I swear to God, so completely retarded.

Wait, what? You wanted to participate in the testing group and were turned away?
Wait, what? You wanted to participate in the testing group and were turned away?
not explicitly, no, but despite me stating that my suggestions very well could be off base and I'd be fine to just pitch in money for testing and leave the rest of it to others, the response I got was condescending and just retarded. I think I was tagged in a thread about it when it all started but I was checked out by that point as a result thereof.

I don't even fucking care anymore bro, I'm on atypical TRT (that I made a post on with bloods and got literally zero responses lol) so gear is out of my wheelhouse now and forever. the biggest risk I will take is using MOTS-C again in a month or two. it's just humorous to me all the moaning about this subject and then you have people like me willing to pitch in and let more experienced people run the show only to be talked down to. I'm well beyond a point in my life where I have to tolerate that shit.