Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Same for me. Gonna wait a few more days though in case it hasnt been sent/scanned in yet.
I got my tracking number 8 days ago and there isn't a single update except the original one so you're going to be waiting a while lol. Like most people are saying you will probably get the package before tracking updates at all.
You want it all , well dosed , with analysis and cheap , take it or leave it
If there were less people like you on this forum he could have it. The u.s. domestic sources do the testing because members pushed the issue until it became mandatory to make it here. There's just been an influx of bottom feeders happy to get something in the mail.
Don't come here being a smartass and wanting to have the last word, if you don't like the source it's simple and easy


Shut the fuck up, people like you are the reason sources like this continue to fester on this forum. You're not the fucking forum police, people can call out sources as they please, especially when they fuck up enough like this one, refuse to refund people for under dosed products, and straight up lie about nearly everything. When you tell someone to fuck off when they criticize a source for completely legitimate reasons, it makes you look like a shill, and a cocksucker.
You want it all , well dosed , with analysis and cheap , take it or leave it
This logic is piss poor. It’s one thing to say that a source is cheaper AND has testing to back it up. But when a source doesn’t know they’re underdosed, it automatically makes you wonder what else is wrong with their processes and product.

Saying “shut the fuck up and use the gear because even though it’s underdosed it’s a good deal at that price” just shows how flippant you are with your body and your health. And it makes a source think they can get away with whatever they want so long as they’re cheap enough.

Lowering your standards will lower the quality of products. That’s the whole point
Even if they show a decent test, it really means virtually nothing when you consider that:
a) Qingdao don't do batch numbers, so you have no idea what you're getting. Is it from the batch that allegedly tested well? Was that test a ringer? Is it from a 2 year old oil drum they just found in a corner? You just don't know.
b) They've been caught lying multiple times, photoshopping a fake lobby to their non-existent factory, faking lab tests, etc.

f you're still wiling to roll the dice to save a buck, that's on you, but you'll never silence those of us that care about quality and safety.
Y’all claim to hate @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals but he lives rent free in your heads all day every day lol. I’ve honestly never seen a group of people hate a mf so much but can’t stop talking about him and bumping his thread and thus giving him more business lol. You all are like abused housewife’s, You hate your husband but can’t stop coming back for more beatings lol. Amazing lol