Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Made 2 successful orders through these guys but it has currently been a week since I’ve paid and the rep was saying a couple days ago they haven’t received it yet and are now not responding anyone else had a delay this long in them receiving your pay? Thought I’d better put this up to atleast motivate them to respond or to hear others opinions and see if anyone is experience similar delays
the pay suposse to go through right away its takes minutes and then they sent my order then 1 day later i got my tracking number so idk what you mean?
the pay suposse to go through right away its takes minutes and then they sent my order then 1 day later i got my tracking number so idk what you mean?
maybe he just had a difference experience than you did.

Here’s a mind blowing thought, but not every interaction you have will be the same for every single person on planet earth.
the pay suposse to go through right away its takes minutes and then they sent my order then 1 day later i got my tracking number so idk what you mean?

Usually payment throw alibaba, tracking is delivered in less than 24 hours.
Payment using bank transfer can take few days to be received, once payment received, tracking is delivered same day.

I think no one has ever any issue with payment and delays to provide trackings, so I've seen that this post was deleted, so I cannot understand circunstances to answer
Update, so my shit showed up. Took maybe 3.5 weeks. That’s including the domestic reshipping option. Can’t say much for the actual package itself. It was like ripped in fucking half with the contents plainly visible. Package opened like a damn book. Either way everything was in there undamaged so, good? Now I need to read up on how to ship the shit to Jano. I can read but I just don’t want to fuck it up since I’ve never done so. Anyway, just thought I’d update.
Update, so my shit showed up. Took maybe 3.5 weeks. That’s including the domestic reshipping option. Can’t say much for the actual package itself. It was like ripped in fucking half with the contents plainly visible. Package opened like a damn book. Either way everything was in there undamaged so, good? Now I need to read up on how to ship the shit to Jano. I can read but I just don’t want to fuck it up since I’ve never done so. Anyway, just thought I’d update.
That would piss me off. I recall a few other people mentioning they need to step up their shipping packaging.
That would piss me off. I recall a few other people mentioning they need to step up their shipping packaging.
Yeah I was am butthurt like some of that’s on the shipper, but fuck man. Fucking vials and little sealed baggies literally visible from the outside. I got my contents out just from pulling them from the giant ass hole in the package.
Update, so my shit showed up. Took maybe 3.5 weeks. That’s including the domestic reshipping option. Can’t say much for the actual package itself. It was like ripped in fucking half with the contents plainly visible. Package opened like a damn book. Either way everything was in there undamaged so, good? Now I need to read up on how to ship the shit to Jano. I can read but I just don’t want to fuck it up since I’ve never done so. Anyway, just thought I’d update.
Jano does have a thread on meso you can search for and find
Yeah I was am butthurt like some of that’s on the shipper, but fuck man. Fucking vials and little sealed baggies literally visible from the outside. I got my contents out just from pulling them from the giant ass hole in the package
I order some things from asia hopefully theres no big hole like yours had :/ but hey at least you got everything? And if your going to send to Jane I want to know results definitely let me know that way I dont also send to test if you get it tested
Damn, look who's back.... was wishing it was a perma ban.... the biggest shill in this thread banned 2x in a couple months.
View attachment 160461
Let’s hope he doesn’t learn his lesson. Then again, he’s already a previously banned member anyway, so he’ll just create a new handle yet again. It is quite humorous that losers such as he and CdnGuy can’t seem to stay away. If I caught a ban, I’d take the hint and leave.
how long did it take once the dom reshipped it?
I didn’t check tracking much and never caught it during that point in shipping to know. But we also had that bigass ice storm that fucked up domestic shipping during this timeframe and I know it added a few days to packages in the area, so I’m sure it didn’t help.

All in all I’m pretty happy with the shipping times, just not the package itself which is actually the most damaged package I think I’ve ever received. Given it contained hundreds of dollars of scheduled substance that could have literally fallen out at any point, I’m a little miffed but it is what it is I guess.