Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

I think it might be in your own best interests to delete those pictures of packages. Serves of no benefit to anyone here to show exactly what your parcels look like. It may not be as far as "exposing stealth" but why make it easier for anyone to connect any dots?
Lol, you can bet he set an alarm on his phone to check if he could log back in. I picture him sitting up all night long, forcing himself to stay awake, anxiously counting down the time until he could attempt to log back in.

I imagine he got ahead of himself and logged in too early only to be told he was still banned and his erection went limp. “It’s ok baby boii…” he reassured himself, “you were just a little early like you always are when it comes to blowing a load.” He tries again and gets in. BOOM, he goes from limp to instant erection and immediately scrolls to the QSD post where he commenced furiously masturbating while looking at the tranny pic the rep recently posted.

Truth be told, he probably has post-nut guilt, but gobbles his own load anyway and plans new ways to shill and troll Meso without catching a ban. As he wipes off his chin and stares at himself in the mirror, he probably winks and says “it’s gonna be a good day, Tiger, get down on those knees and blow Qingdao for all he’s worth!”
Not really. It expired last night, and I did not get on till this morning. I've come to realize many on here are stupid. A few of the smart ones have stayed away because of the retards. Another group just sits around waiting to bitch at any new user who has a question. You are just on here looking to fight, you don't have the average users best interest in mind. Then, a lot of the knowledgeable people have been banned, I don't know the details, I understand discipline must be maintained, but more than once I've had a question about something someone has posted, and that persons account has been closed.

I hate to say it, but when I have questions I want answered from intelligent semi friendly people, I go elsewhere. There is not much of a community atmosphere here.
I hate to say it, but when I have questions I want answered from intelligent semi friendly people, I go elsewhere. There is not much of a community atmosphere here.
Then leave and dont let the door hit you on the way out... Other than the shills no one wants you here.
Not really. It expired last night, and I did not get on till this morning. I've come to realize many on here are stupid. A few of the smart ones have stayed away because of the retards. Another group just sits around waiting to bitch at any new user who has a question. You are just on here looking to fight, you don't have the average users best interest in mind. Then, a lot of the knowledgeable people have been banned, I don't know the details, I understand discipline must be maintained, but more than once I've had a question about something someone has posted, and that persons account has been closed.

I hate to say it, but when I have questions I want answered from intelligent semi friendly people, I go elsewhere. There is not much of a community atmosphere here.
The knowledgeable ones you speak of would absolutely shred you, if you’re referring to Big Bald Beard Guy or Silent Lemon and the others. Or they would ignore you. Most wouldn’t mind helping, but once you became a shill and got all cock crazy for this source, people quit wanting to help you. Not to mention, what could you possibly need help with? After all, you come off as a know it all. Meso doesn’t embrace shills like you. Seriously, if you would’ve quit your trolling and shilling for this source people might have taken you seriously.
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The knowledgeable ones you speak of would absolutely shred you, if you’re referring to Big Bald Beard Guy or Silent Lemon and the others. Or they would ignore you. Most wouldn’t mind helping, but once you became a shill and got all cock crazy for this source, people quit wanting to help you. Not to mention, what could you possibly need help with? After all, you come off as a know it all. Meso doesn’t embrace shills like you. Seriously, if you would’ve quit your trolling and shilling for this source people might have taken you seriously.

He's a fucking lame with one order under his sloppy gut and thinks he's an expert. He's an attention hugry noob.

Like Millard said, 3x. He's at 2 now. i'm giddy with anticipation for ban number 3.
Finally got around to brewing the Primo E raws. Did 14g of Primo E 63 ml dosed at 220 (10% over dose) but using at 200 mg/ml. Jam’ed it all in a 50ml vial but I’m sure I lost a few ml during filtering. I now have a little over 90 ml total that should last a couple spring/ summers. 2CD05B8E-D605-4193-AD04-0A773F71C196.jpeg
Oh and btw I won’t be sending in for testing. Just gonna use and hope it’s somewhere near if not over the target dosage.
Pack arrived today. I ordered some rare compounds and peptides, not necessarily aas related. Shipping took about 35 days, even with the US reship option. Not interested in having them tested. We'll see what happens....
Finally got around to brewing the Primo E raws. Did 14g of Primo E 63 ml dosed at 220 (10% over dose) but using at 200 mg/ml. Jam’ed it all in a 50ml vial but I’m sure I lost a few ml during filtering. I now have a little over 90 ml total that should last a couple spring/ summers. View attachment 160490
how much bb and ba did you use? and did you have problems filtering it later with the 0.22 filters?