Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

If you have any question about an order, delayed one, problem while ordering, or items received, please do not hesitate to contact me about it.


There have been two main delays in the past days:

Delays to USA:

- Orders that have been rejected by HK customs and returned to Qingdao warehouse, some were returned fast, some slower and some not yet, we are arranging them as soon as we receive them back and we send you the new trackings. Many of you received the new trackings.

- Orders that contain raw white powder, many carriers stopped accepting raw powders (not talking about freeze dried ones like peptides, but pure bags or raws). We had hard time finding new ones, we found some finally, we arranged some, but not all orders, so please be patient, because all the delays are just for your own safety, and if you are using other chinese suppliers, and can share with me some examples of tracking numbers (not talking about USPS ones) but others where the line or shipping company can be clearly identified, if the line is reliable and can ship the powder safely, and we try it and it works perfectly, you can pick up two kits of any peptide of your choice and will offer it for free as a gift.

Delays for some orders sent from EU warehouse:

The EU warehouse had a pause of 3-4 days, not sure if it's linked to the pangea alert we received 2-3 weeks ago, but they are very experienced in EU logistics and we trust their choices. We've been informed that they resumed posting parcels now, and all the delayed tracking will start updating, so don't freak out, sometimes the delays are just for the safety of everyone.


I think you've noticed that we started using more the EU special line and Canadian special lines, so many customers who used to get their tracking within 24 hours, think now that trackings are delayed, which is not the case, you are just used to Post NL and you don't know how the special lines works, but you should be aware that when we compare total ETA, the special lines are faster and many of you (especially canadians) noticed that their orders now are much faster. So please no rush, this is the normal process for the special lines (EU, CA and AUS):
Trackings are provided about 1 week after shipping.
Trackings do not update during transit time and update only when out for delivery.
Trackings do not show any customs steps because they are like domestic delivery.

QSC team apologizes for any possible inconvenience caused, it's an unstable business, full of risks, you improve one point, a problem pops up on one side, we tried our best to improve the two most important points that we can control, which are the communication and the quality, you have had the chance to benefit from fast lines since January, with international deliveries between 8 and 20 days, everyone was happy, so when things get tough, we count on your patience and indulgence during these periods when some lines are suspended and there is a waiting time of a few days for alternatives.
Never forget that no matter the problems, QSC lasted here for a reason, unlike those who come into the business and leave it quickly. QSC guarantees safe delivery so there is nothing to worry about.

If you have any question about an order, delayed one, problem while ordering, or items received, please do not hesitate to contact me about it.


There have been two main delays in the past days:

Delays to USA:

- Orders that have been rejected by HK customs and returned to Qingdao warehouse, some were returned fast, some slower and some not yet, we are arranging them as soon as we receive them back and we send you the new trackings. Many of you received the new trackings.

- Orders that contain raw white powder, many carriers stopped accepting raw powders (not talking about freeze dried ones like peptides, but pure bags or raws). We had hard time finding new ones, we found some finally, we arranged some, but not all orders, so please be patient, because all the delays are just for your own safety, and if you are using other chinese suppliers, and can share with me some examples of tracking numbers (not talking about USPS ones) but others where the line or shipping company can be clearly identified, if the line is reliable and can ship the powder safely, and we try it and it works perfectly, you can pick up two kits of any peptide of your choice and will offer it for free as a gift.

Delays for some orders sent from EU warehouse:

The EU warehouse had a pause of 3-4 days, not sure if it's linked to the pangea alert we received 2-3 weeks ago, but they are very experienced in EU logistics and we trust their choices. We've been informed that they resumed posting parcels now, and all the delayed tracking will start updating, so don't freak out, sometimes the delays are just for the safety of everyone.


I think you've noticed that we started using more the EU special line and Canadian special lines, so many customers who used to get their tracking within 24 hours, think now that trackings are delayed, which is not the case, you are just used to Post NL and you don't know how the special lines works, but you should be aware that when we compare total ETA, the special lines are faster and many of you (especially canadians) noticed that their orders now are much faster. So please no rush, this is the normal process for the special lines (EU, CA and AUS):
Trackings are provided about 1 week after shipping.
Trackings do not update during transit time and update only when out for delivery.
Trackings do not show any customs steps because they are like domestic delivery.

QSC team apologizes for any possible inconvenience caused, it's an unstable business, full of risks, you improve one point, a problem pops up on one side, we tried our best to improve the two most important points that we can control, which are the communication and the quality, you have had the chance to benefit from fast lines since January, with international deliveries between 8 and 20 days, everyone was happy, so when things get tough, we count on your patience and indulgence during these periods when some lines are suspended and there is a waiting time of a few days for alternatives.
Never forget that no matter the problems, QSC lasted here for a reason, unlike those who come into the business and leave it quickly. QSC guarantees safe delivery so there is nothing to worry about.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals. Tracy that's is great communication! I know I have personally emailed you about a delayed package every week for about 3 or 4 weeks everytime you emailed me back! I have been hearing more and more people with the same problem with delays..I was hoping you would address the problem publicly and explain to everyonewhat was going on..just like you did. Cool!!
Qingdao was really good for raws, I recommended it to my friends as well. A friend ordered from them a month ago HCG, bacteriostatic water, and testosterone enanthate. I told my friend that the enanthate is problematic and painful, he messaged Qingdao, and he/she convinced him that there's a new batch now and that there are no issues.
When the HCG arrived, as per usual, he put it in the fridge and reconstituted one HCG with their bacteriostatic water. After a few days, this appeared. He messaged Qingdao, but only got a "seen." One vial of testosterone enanthate arrived broken, but aside from that, we know the packaging is desperate. Even the testosterone enanthate, the one they cook, crippled my friend for 10 days, he couldn't even stand on his leg. And this was with just 0.4ml, because my friend is on TRT.

Simply put, they have too much workload currently, and they can't keep up either in producing enough or processing enough orders. I definitely won't return to this source, while it was good, it indeed was, now they've made a big mistake for me, and that minor price difference won't be a reason for me to order from someone who hasn't respected my money. I mean, come on, we inject this into ourselves. Everything was working fine until the Chinese New Year. After the celebration, frequent complaints started. So, this source has definitely gone bad. Onto the next one. Here are attached pictures as evidence.
Thanks for sharing this. Ive probably ran through 30 kits of there HGH no issues ever with any of the vials once reconstituted. I reconstituted a vial the other day and looked just like this with a ton of tiny clumps and floater like particules. I didnt know wtf was up with i just tossed it.
Order of March oil promo well received today.
Ordered the 29th March, it took less than 3 weeks for a shipping for France.
I really appreciate the new process with the order via WhatsApp, it’s pretty fast and simple.

I had a doubt on one of the product identification, I received an answer by Tracy in less than 1 hour.


- Test E
- Primo E 200
- Tren E 200
- CJC Dac

Ready of the off season incoming, just waiting that the Ment E is coming back, please Tracy take my fucking moneyyyyy
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Order of March oil promo well received today.
Ordered the 29th March, it took less than 3 weeks for a shipping for France.
I really appreciate the new process with the order via WhatsApp, it’s pretty fast and simple.

I had a doubt on one of the product identification, I received an answer by Tracy in less than 1 hour.

View attachment 281414

- Test E
- Primo E 200
- Tren E 200
- CJC Dac

Ready of the off season incoming
Why are there only three vials for cjc. I though moq vs 1 kit of 10 vials
- Orders that contain raw white powder, many carriers stopped accepting raw powders (not talking about freeze dried ones like peptides, but pure bags or raws). We had hard time finding new ones, we found some finally, we arranged some, but not all orders, so please be patient, because all the delays are just for your own safety, and if you are using other chinese suppliers, and can share with me some examples of tracking numbers (not talking about USPS ones) but others where the line or shipping company can be clearly identified, if the line is reliable and can ship the powder safely, and we try it and it works perfectly, you can pick up two kits of any peptide of your choice and will offer it for free as a gift.

no complaints in this regard so far i noticed new tracking got sent out and heard yall had a shipping line shut down on ya. my promo oil order still seems to be working its way out the pipeline

you guys might have to get creative with shipping those raws in the near future lol. i wont go into details but back in the day our china raw suppliers got pretty fucking crafty with stealth. shipping costs would prob go up though
I'm very salt-sensitive when on GH but got some pushback on another thread for saying this. Some people are fine with salt but blow up with carbs.

Maybe comes down to processed foods so minimize them when running GH.
My info comes from a medical doctor, who says salt heavy foods can really flare up water retention in growth hormone.

it also depends on when you take it… if you take it before bed you can minimize effects.