Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

My education level is high enough that I don’t rip myself off buying steroids wjth crypto and then have a mental breakdown on a public forum insinuating I would hurt random women because I didn’t get my way.

My education level is also high enough that I know spending 60k on a piece of paper doesn’t make me smarter than anyone. I’d never be retarded enough to use my degree as a metric of intelligence. That’s what retards do.
Honestly, as entertaining as this Chief Crypto Officer has been, the rape/domestic violence threats are going a little too far. I’m gonna report that.
Honestly, as entertaining as this Chief Crypto Officer has been, the rape/domestic violence threats are going a little too far. I’m gonna report that.

Yeah the guys who say stuff like that are usually insecure and scared. They’ll say outrageous things about weaker people and pipe down when a man with the same energy confronts them.

I have been using QSC for about a year and never experienced “tren Tracy”
They were super helpful with my annoying request today, even with all the bullshit happening with shipping, I’m starting to think 99% of the people getting bad customer service are being obnoxious brats.

America has this stupid idea that “the customer is always right” but most of the world doesn’t fly that way. Respect comes first, and business comes second. And you don’t always get a compromise. If you lose $50 in transaction fees and price fluctuations, you can blame the people at fault for that. But if you walk into a store acting like this guy in 75% of the world, the owner would smash you with a broomstick and tell you to never come back. We need more of that in the USA.

This dudes a perfect example of how stupid you can be with a degree (if he actually has one. I don’t know many people who get a law degree so they can go work at a shitty office and manage their crypto department while knowing absolutely nothing about crypto)
You’re head of crypto at your company and don’t know what a reverse crypto scam is?

lmfao… okay, I can’t take this idiot seriously and I’m just gonna ignore him.


10+ years Member, a hand full of postings and now beginning 2 spam full the QSC thread ... Ignored
Gotta steal several hundred dollars to get a rise out of me. Awwwwwwww, I hurt feelings?
LOL..I hope you adapt Man. I remember the first bunch of times with wallets and my Trezor, I thought I was going to get hacked or scammed and lose my Many riches hahah! I was sweating bullets, then some breathing, and researching and I calmed the fuck down, as I learned that the benefits could far exceed the miniscule vulnerbilities. Good luck and feel free to DM me if you need any extra help
Yeah, been thru all that too, just to get robbed. U should see the emails I’m hitting her with hahaha
I was dumb enough to go straight to these assholes when my guy disappeared. Dipshit I be. Oh well, I’ll live. They had a good customer too, since years before, fucking dumbasses. They have no idea how much more money I’d have spent with them.
QSC has mostly satisfied customers, some mishaps with BPC-157 and misunderstandings of TB-500 (TB4) aside. They’ve never stolen from me and I’ve been ordering from them for several years. Their shit works, and is verifiable by blood work, janoshik, and a personal lab I used.

Hell, all it takes is being respectful..

Just be respectful and resolve it with them. That’s all it takes man.
Genuinely tried, trust me here.
if send full amount ie if QSC gets total amount owed im sure will send u product...havent shown u payed in full yet ie still 50 or so dollars short...


so sent 50 dollars after that?
I don't think so, and not for me, for sure. But I've had nagging hip flexor and lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) pain, and both are all-but resolved since I started BPC157/TB500 maybe 6mos ago. It didn't happen right away, but they definitely cleared up the issues after some weeks or months.
What dosages are you using for both mate? How many mcg/lb (or kg) bodyweight?
I would avoid this source for oils.
My issue was stomped on by QSC "Tren Tracy".
They do not care if you receive dirty oil.
Where's the harm reduction being applied here by others?
Don't tell me "it's normal" or that I should filter it out. Ridiculous mindset.
All cheap oils should be considered "semi finished".... If they are fine, great! But what's the cost of a few syringe filters for piece of mind!

If you want to not bother with it, plenty of good domestic sources on this board you can buy from that filter the fuck out of the oils and charge you for it.