Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Yes, the customer just tried to tell me that his email wasn't answered yet on the thread, so maybe I check for him (which I did just few minutes before he posted), but since btcowboy is a fkg hater who get nightmares about us, he see shilling everywhere

He deserves a ban for this continuous spam, almost reached 1000 posts just of hate on us
Lets just ask @Millard if I deserve a ban for calling you and your shills out.

1000 posts try counting again your chinese math is as good as your dosing of finished products I see which is terrible.

Again read the definition of a shill. A shill promotes not the opposite whuxhis what I am doing so your grasp on correct words is also bad.
Yup I appreciate your feedback. You had skin in the game. Thanks. Also I had skin the game and gave feedback to help out others. BTDrama queen has no skin in the game and continuously talks shit.
Haha you funny, I actually do have skin in the game so to speak...I am looking out for other members when it comes to shit sources... this board is supposed to be about harm reduction and holding sources accountable. This thread is full f shills, multi handles posting how wonderful they are. I just point out the obvious for those who missed it. If your butt got hurt toughen up
Didn't mean shill ment talking shit about anyone that has something good to say here. Negative Nancy Debbie downer
How is saying you sent an email saying something good. In fact the very reason you may have had to post it was the source was not responding to you, and you were calling them out. I call BS out both good and bad... and in all honesty it was question for you but you got butt hurt by it.
How is saying you sent an email saying something good. In fact the very reason you may have had to post it was the source was not responding to you, and you were calling them out. I call BS out both good and bad... and in all honesty it was question for you but you got butt hurt by it.
You laugh but it's true...I did occasionally use china glass to make bongs and shit that didn't matter as much, but the difference in quality and workability was absolutely real. And the price definitely reflected it.

I scanned through the last 2 pages just to see if you were kidding or not...Mind Blown!!

How awesome would it be to be at a party and somebody asks you what you do for a living and with a straight face you can look them in the eye and answer them and then watch the expression on their face while they try to process what you just said...

Or is that just me?
I'm having a hell of a time figuring out some of the raw prices...for Cardarine it lists 1g $21 5g $8 10g $6. So does that mean 10grams raw Cardarine would equal $8 total or $8/gram x 10 so then it would be $80 total for 10 grams?

Also what is the format for ordering? Do I message you and then you provide a link to a store where I input everything I want and it totals everything for me before I pay or do I message you what I want and the Alibaba link is just for payment?

In any case these prices scare me....tren e $120 for 50g? That can't be right?!?
I'm having a hell of a time figuring out some of the raw prices...for Cardarine it lists 1g $21 5g $8 10g $6. So does that mean 10grams raw Cardarine would equal $8 total or $8/gram x 10 so then it would be $80 total for 10 grams?

Also what is the format for ordering? Do I message you and then you provide a link to a store where I input everything I want and it totals everything for me before I pay or do I message you what I want and the Alibaba link is just for payment?

In any case these prices scare me....tren e $120 for 50g? That can't be right?!?
Sounds right on the tren... if you can't read this price sheet you probably shouldn't be ordering. They're columns, the amount is at the top the price is below.

Also @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Your latest price list has DHB raws listed twice
Sounds right on the tren... if you can't read this price sheet you probably shouldn't be ordering. They're columns, the amount is at the top the price is below.

Also @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Your latest price list has DHB raws listed twice
The format for the pricing of the SARMs raw list vs the format of the anabolics raw list differs...I'm just getting my ducks in a row.

Maybe there is a language barrier, but you definitely took that wrong. If you like cock, that's ok but this is steroid board, not grinder.

I will let you know if I start back up with the glass work, though. If I do, I'll be sure to make you an oversized butt plug that will hopefully, (fingers crossed) stay in that baseball sized crevasse you call an asshole.

In the meantime, please don't lose hope.

Damn brah i was just joking, too serious much?
I'm having a hell of a time figuring out some of the raw prices...for Cardarine it lists 1g $21 5g $8 10g $6. So does that mean 10grams raw Cardarine would equal $8 total or $8/gram x 10 so then it would be $80 total for 10 grams?

Also what is the format for ordering? Do I message you and then you provide a link to a store where I input everything I want and it totals everything for me before I pay or do I message you what I want and the Alibaba link is just for payment?

In any case these prices scare me....tren e $120 for 50g? That can't be right?!?
View attachment 160605

To order you send an email to me:




and you let me list of items you are interested in and quantities, name, shipping address and phone number and you will receive an alibaba link to pay your order.

And yes Tren enanthate 50g costs $120 and here is the third party lab test of it:

tren e lab test.PNGFull price list attached
