Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

13 days and still in transit,EU to EU,this happened to anyone before? Ill wait until Friday,if its still not updated i will email QSC again(it also shows this on the website i use to track it : The parcel data was entered into the GLS IT system; the parcel was not yet handed over to GLS.
I am looking for some confirmation if this is normal or not.Cheers!
13 days and still in transit,EU to EU,this happened to anyone before? Ill wait until Friday,if its still not updated i will email QSC again(it also shows this on the website i use to track it : The parcel data was entered into the GLS IT system; the parcel was not yet handed over to GLS.
I am looking for some confirmation if this is normal or not.Cheers!

Try tracking on parcelsapp.com . When I did that much more detail came through about what was going on with my delivery than other places like 17track. That was for a US shipment, but worth a try.
Give me your cells..

Also btw, tren hex shouldn’t cause less or more sides. Might be a bro myth since is such a long ester, people take it and don’t notice sides for a long time while it saturates.

If you plan to use yourself- atleast start with E definitely recommend A. When it goes south with Tren you wanna bail asap.
I think the rationale is based on less hormonal fluctuations.

My acne is more controlled on longer test esters
I think the rationale is based on less hormonal fluctuations.

My acne is more controlled on longer test esters

Just a heads up very recent studies showing half the cumulative dosage of Accutane previously thought necessary for a permanent lifetime cure of acne is working in 60-70% of cases at near side effect free daily low dose amounts. 4 month cycle and you're done.

No reason others shouldn't benefit from my sitting on the toilet reading medical education.
13 days and still in transit,EU to EU,this happened to anyone before? Ill wait until Friday,if its still not updated i will email QSC again(it also shows this on the website i use to track it : The parcel data was entered into the GLS IT system; the parcel was not yet handed over to GLS.
I am looking for some confirmation if this is normal or not.Cheers!
I had a similar experience recently. The domestic warehouse is very slow.
Ozempic comes reconstituted so you can’t draw conclusions about lyophilized from that warning you mentioned.
My conclusion is based on my experience with long term freezing of lyophilized QSC semaglutide plus the warning from Ozempic. After close to a year in the freezer, the lyophilized product was inactive.
My conclusion is based on my experience with long term freezing of lyophilized QSC semaglutide plus the warning from Ozempic. After close to a year in the freezer, the lyophilized product was inactive.

I froze some Ozempic pens by accident once. Still effective after thawing, however, I think the key is ONCE. The literature all points to multiple freeze thaw cycles as destructive. "Self defrosting" freezers are a big no no since they do this repeatedly.

The issue is we have no idea if the peptides we get have been previously frozen, I'm going to guess most vendors in asia are doing exactly that, in household and not lab freezers to make matters worse.
My conclusion is based on my experience with long term freezing of lyophilized QSC semaglutide plus the warning from Ozempic. After close to a year in the freezer, the lyophilized product was inactive.
May have more to do with condensation making its way into the peptide vials (or the l peptide had too much moisture), after which undergoing freeze thaw cycles definitely damaged the peptide , else freezing lyophilized GLP1s should make them last longer.
I'm curious though, did you test for 'inactivity'
I think the rationale is based on less hormonal fluctuations.

My acne is more controlled on longer test esters
Tren isn’t test. Test converts to E2 and DHT so there’s a lot more whiplash on fluctuations.

Tren for your first run absolutely pin ace ED, it’ll sustain blood levels enough and you can bail in case it doesn’t vibe with you.

Trust me brother, you don’t want to have bad sides then have it take a month to clear your system. When tren goes bad, it’s bad.

At the very least, use E. But still recommend daily ace for first run.

P.S- hormonal fluctions are natural. In fact, the body overcompensates E2 conversion with very steady Test levels. They’re suppose to fluctuate throughout the day.
I mean, just being grown from mamalian cells vs e. Coli has to speak for something

Do you really understand the difference or you just playing? Cuz I don't.

I mean, I know the difference between mammalian cells and E. Coli, but I got nothing on how this relates to GH side effects (pharma vs UGL) (which I'm not totally convinced about, having done plenty pharma & UGL GH)
Do you really understand the difference or you just playing? Cuz I don't.

I mean, I know the difference between mammalian cells and E. Coli, but I got nothing on how this relates to GH side effects (pharma vs UGL) (which I'm not totally convinced about, having done plenty pharma & UGL GH)

You'd think the differences would be well documented by now, concrete, down in writing given how many people use UGL HGH and the amount of time it's been available.

A compelling answer I heard was that most UGL HGH is overdosed to one degree or another, and the "sides" are simply what one would get from a higher dose than you think you're taking. But who knows. Is this stuff HGH or not? If not, what does 99.8% "Purity" and no dimer mean on the mass spectrometry tests? Aren't they comparing against a known reference sample and "close" or "fragments" don't constitute a match? @janoshik
I have not seen recombinant hgh being made from mammalian cells as gene editing requires plasmide that is only available in bacteria. You can edit mammalian gene too but that’s very difficult
Can you show me the stidy?
You'd think the differences would be well documented by now, concrete, down in writing given how many people use UGL HGH and the amount of time it's been available.

A compelling answer I heard was that most UGL HGH is overdosed to one degree or another, and the "sides" are simply what one would get from a higher dose than you think you're taking. But who knows. Is this stuff HGH or not? If not, what does 99.8% "Purity" and no dimer mean on the mass spectrometry tests? Aren't they comparing against a known reference sample and "close" or "fragments" don't constitute a match? @janoshik
I have not seen recombinant hgh being made from mammalian cells as gene editing requires plasmide that is only available in bacteria. You can edit mammalian gene too but that’s very difficult
Can you show me the stidy?

I don't think you intended to direct this response to me.
Tren isn’t test. Test converts to E2 and DHT so there’s a lot more whiplash on fluctuations.

Tren for your first run absolutely pin ace ED, it’ll sustain blood levels enough and you can bail in case it doesn’t vibe with you.

Trust me brother, you don’t want to have bad sides then have it take a month to clear your system. When tren goes bad, it’s bad.

At the very least, use E. But still recommend daily ace for first run.

P.S- hormonal fluctions are natural. In fact, the body overcompensates E2 conversion with very steady Test levels. They’re suppose to fluctuate throughout the day.
I have used E. Worked great at 75-100mg/wk.
We've tested Seros more than once now and generally they test at higher purity than anything else.

However, the main difference, IMO, is in the cheapness of purification for the manufacturer and much less room for error and side effects from improper purification...

If you don't make your GH in E. Coli, you don't have to worry about endotoxin etc.

But those are just my observations and hypotheses.
We've tested Seros more than once now and generally they test at higher purity than anything else.

However, the main difference, IMO, is in the cheapness of purification for the manufacturer and much less room for error and side effects from improper purification...

If you don't make your GH in E. Coli, you don't have to worry about endotoxin etc.

But those are just my observations and hypotheses.
Good enough quality to just run it through an overnight saline infusion. Hell yeah
Just a heads up very recent studies showing half the cumulative dosage of Accutane previously thought necessary for a permanent lifetime cure of acne is working in 60-70% of cases at near side effect free daily low dose amounts. 4 month cycle and you're done.

No reason others shouldn't benefit from my sitting on the toilet reading medical education.
Damn! Do you remember the minimum effective dosage was it 10mgs or less.
I had deep cycstic acne from 1997 to 1999, Doc had me on 40/day but me being the glutten that I am took 40mgs bid and it cleared totally in 6 weeks, barely a small pimple again regardless of AAS type. Lucky I only had bleeding cracked lips every day and only temp reduction of night vision. Thank god I didn't fall into a psychotic dark depression or permanent visual effects