Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Retatrutide 20mg Group buy

Pricing & Minimum Order Quantity:
Pricing : $415/kit.
MOQ : 1 kit, Green tops
1 kit = 10 vials of 20mg each = 200mg total/kit. Overfilled 22mg/vial.

Shipping cost:
Free : USA, France, Belgium, NL, UK, Greece, Poland, slovenia, slovakia, Malte, Croatia, Switzerland, Thailand, Singapore.

Charged (special line): Canada, Australia, Other EU countries, UAE.

Testing :
22.65mg/vial, purity: 99.127%

A third party not affiliated to QSC will send 3 vials to Janoshik for quantity and purity testing. Janoshik will also choose randomly one of the vials for Dimer testing.
Members will be choosed randomly by the third party from the volunteers. QSC bear the cost of testing and compensate the volunteers. QSC do not get involved in any form in the process beside refunding the testing expense and crediting shipping costs and samples.

Quality insurance:

Guaranteed overfill
Guaranteed high purity and no contamination

Refund/Reship policy:

Guaranteed reship of a new custom batch if the average of multi-vial tests show under-dosed or low purity levels and quality problem. If the testing came up lower than 98%, we will run an extra impurity test if needed, if Janoshik confirms it's possible and helpful, like LCMS.
If it's just degraded original molecule due to storage, or summer heat, or shipping, or any unknown reason that production have no control on it, the batch will not be eligible for compensation. If the impurity is a contamination, the batch will be eligible for reship.

Reshipment guarantee in case of customs seizure or lost parcel. We only reship after the second round of testing, the third party testing results.
Reship do not cover: Incorrect/Incomplete address provided by customer (wrong zip code, fake name, missing apt number, parcelshop delivery issues...).
Reship insurance 20% of total cost required for Canadian and Australian customers to be eligible for the free reship.

Duration and ordering info:

Start: now
End: friday 07/06/2024.
Same as before:

Email: sigma@sigmachemical.com.cn
Whatsaap: +86 16503300980

Number of kits you want of each:
Shipping address (including city, state and zip code):
Phone number:
Preferred payment method:

Join the discord server:


Test Report #43159.png
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
if the temperature in summer can cause peptide degradation. Why not wrap them in aluminum foil for transport during summer?
Even if peptide boxes are wrapped would help somewhat.
I believe each peptide is different, and many parameters can influence the results including weather, the salt, pH etc..., some peptides can remain with a high purity for years and some can fast degrade within few weeks, and we have no degradation data over the years to know which peptides are faster than others.
Thermal conductivity of aluminum foil make it a bad choice.
Where is Declan and why is not here arguing with you?
Good effort from @Anubis666 who is providing cover, during Declan's sabbatical.
But the OG bickering duo is hard to replace, I think.
I’m around but there is nothing of value I can provide hence, no need for my input lol, plus, I do not have any skin in the game since I have not ordered from the group buys or peptides in question.
Do you know why qsc hgh bluetops cause waterretention and carpaltunnel on low dosages like 2-4iu? I cant go over 4iu because the carpaltunnel will be so bad.

I had brands which i can go over 6iu and had no bad carpaltunnel but also around same hgh and igf1 blood levels.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Did you have those other brands tested? Did you have your QSC HGH tested? My initial thought is you might be just susceptible to CTS on HGH. It appears to be common.
Do you know why qsc hgh bluetops cause waterretention and carpaltunnel on low dosages like 2-4iu? I cant go over 4iu because the carpaltunnel will be so bad.

I had brands which i can go over 6iu and had no bad carpaltunnel but also around same hgh and igf1 blood levels.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Different brands effect people differently. It's an individual thing. Not ever GH is the same.
First post, but longtime lurker and QSC customer. Have made 6-7 orders over the last year. Products have been Test C from the oils promo (40 vials) lots of GH including the 24iu kits, deca, primo, EQ, hcg, Tirz GB, and Sema.

I’ve Jano tested only the Test C, it came back perfect. About to send off the primo and deca. I haven’t tested any GH, but my blood work came back showing IGF-1 levels consistent with a quality product. I’ve gotten appetite suppression and weight loss from the GLP-1s.

I’ve also ordered RU58841 for hair loss, but can’t really speak to its effectiveness because I never really had hair loss in the first place, I’m using it more as preventative.

Twice there were seizures or other shipping issues, QSC reshipped the packages. Sometimes the international takes forever, sometimes it’s quick. I’m probably going to try and order domestic as much as possible, as my only domestic order was here in days.

I can’t say enough good things about this source. Wish there were orals so it could be my true one stop shop, but I digress.
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lol am I trippin or did they delete the post
There was some inadvertent data loss during a routine server maintenance and upgrade.

I would like to use the mix tb500 bpc157 5mg of each.
What starting and maintaining dosage can I take?
I'm considering taking ed 0.5 mg which would give me 250 mcg of each.
Is this a good dosage to start with?
“Additionally, although the labels stated that the products were for research only, Smith intended that the products be consumed by humans.”

Sounds like he was promoting human use though. Peptidesciences has been around for so long, it seems to work for them.
Wait …you gents aren’t just using these compounds on your rats or mice?
Do you know why qsc hgh bluetops cause waterretention and carpaltunnel on low dosages like 2-4iu? I cant go over 4iu because the carpaltunnel will be so bad.

I had brands which i can go over 6iu and had no bad carpaltunnel but also around same hgh and igf1 blood levels.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Well considering all the tests i've saw on these they are 28-29iu not 24iu. You could just being doing more then you think are.
@Ghoul you probably know this since you know everything else.

I got some hospira bac water that's a couple years passed expiry, still good? I mean water can't really expire right lol
Did you have those other brands tested? Did you have your QSC HGH tested? My initial thought is you might be just susceptible to CTS on HGH. It appears to be common.
I tried also this greentops 12iu hgh from cool achieve(also known as xce peptides but this company doesnt selling anymore). I didnt get any cts on 6iu and my hgh numbers was 36 after 10iu of injection 2h before bloodwork. Igf1 number was 620. baseline igf1 is 230. With qsc i score around the same but sides are bad. Cant close my hands....