Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It is incredibly easy to make, distilled water/ .22 micron syringe filter add in 0.9% Benzyl alcohol and your good. I make like 500mL at a time takes 10 minutes

Thanks for that. One difference I found was that BAC water is (supposed to be) non-pyrogenic while distilled water is pyrogenic. Not knowing wtf that meant, lol, it looks like distilled water has no living organisms within the water, but doesn't eliminate their byproducts which can still be harmful.

Likely not a major risk (given the unknowns of all the other crap we inject), but if I can control that one risk factor with some legit, Pfizer manufactured non-pyrogenic BAC I may as well go that route and let something other than a stray bacteria turd finish me off.

"Water for injection is basically sterile, nonpyrgenic and with absence of particles. Sterile distilled water may contain pyrogens and other nonviable particles that may be harmful while administration i.v."

Hello everyone,

I am somehow in a terrible situation, and I need your honest and wise advices regarding the issue.

As you know, I initiated several Group buys, tested first, then I covered the testing costs of volunteers.

For these Group Buys, I announced a +99% purity guarantee.

The first one was Tirzepatide 10mg, here is my test:

View attachment 285071

The second one was BPC157 10mg, and here is my test:

View attachment 285072

Now, the testing on both came back, sent by volunteers, 8 vials tested:

View attachment 285074View attachment 285073

So the BPC157 10mg tests confirmed the results, but the tirz 10mg shows a significant degradation.

When I spoke with Janoshik about the results, he is 70% sure it's just tirzepatide 10mg degraded. Which makes me in a terrible situation between:

Refunding/Reshipping new batch of the Group buy tirz 10mg orders, accepting the loss, but this will imply that either I will have to cancel all the future ones, because it's clearly a gambling game, especially that we have plenty coming and many customers like you are expecting to take advantage of these deals.

Or lowering the standards, assuming that the +99% is something hard to guarantee, since there is no control on the parameters, nor storage conditions, how far and how low can we get down? 97% ? 95% ? lower? and I am sure with the coming summer and heat, won't make things better.. a real paradox..

Or making it simply a group call, the same way it was a group buy, maybe via a poll, making everyone decide weither to decide if they want us to honor the guarantee, compensate them over a batch that tested lower than the guarantee, and stopping the business model, because it's simply not sustainable, nor profitable this way, or accepting the results, lowering the standards, reviewing the community standards, that are clearly to be questionned. Testing from different suppliers shows that the line between the 99% and 98%, even in the same batchs is very thin.

I don't know how to deal with it to be honest..
Just another example making promises you don’t back. Karma is a bitch little boy. Petty over $65 got you bit on GB guarantee 99%.
Of all the recent controversies here, from contaminated product to long delayed deliveries, I don't recall one where the vendor so quickly acknowledged responsibility (which may not even be the case given the margin of error) and took action this quickly. Most others fight tooth and nail before reluctantly admitting their screwup and drag their feet in offering a solution.

It might not please everyone, but imo it sets a good example for other vendors to follow.
Yeah like when raws come saturated in oils and he says oh that’s fine take it any way. Bahaha karma he should be held to his guarantee it’s posted everywhere!!
Yeah like when raws come saturated in oils and he says oh that’s fine take it any way. Bahaha karma he should be held to his guarantee it’s posted everywhere!!

Dude I get it, and even said I would've handled this problem differently, but you've gotta let this go for your own sake. It's not healthy. You've got better stuff to do and I'm pretty sure Tracey's brain dumped this already.

This isn't Karma, it would've happened regardless by making the misstep of offering this guarantee.

For what it's worth, he seems intent on being as much of a hardass with himself on this as you feel he was to you. So at least there's some consistency, lol.
Distilled water, .9%BA , .22 filter into a 100ml sterile bottle. Could t be any easier to make a lifetime supply.

Although it's probably fine, it's not the same as non-pyrogenic water for injection.

Distilled water is raised to temperature high enough to kill any living organisms.

Being converted to steam leaves behind solids and high molecular weight contaminants.

However, tiny droplets carried by the steam contain low molecular weight contaminants, mainly the byproducts of living organisms.

Water for injection (aka non-pyrogenic water) goes through another step where the tiny droplets are separated from the steam, resulting in water free from these low molecular weight contaminants which can cause illness.

So there is a difference between distilled water and pharmaceutical grade non-pyrogenic water.

Meanwhile I hope the oil in my gear is at least fast food kitchen grade...

But seriously, the more I learn about this the more I'd bet my ass most no name "BAC water" is BS whipped together without any regard for the actual standards. I doubt most even bother using distilled water.
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I bought the bac water also from this source. Which I’ve used many times before with no issue, but this was from a new batch. I’ll try to reconstitute another vial with different bac and follow up with results. Kinda sucks, 48 IU of GH in the trash
You could use pH strips to check the bac water pH.
It is an issue with a lot of the bac made in China, I was told, which has a pH that is often too high. As it was mentioned above, try to get Hospira. But I found it is often out of stock and I came across someone who bought it but was fake. I have found a place where I am that makes it, to the right pH. Of course, it is more expensive but, in the end, it's worth it, to avoid things going wrong.
If only we weren't prevented from having access to the entire body of federal and state law, or the DEA schedule of controlled drugs, we might be able to find a reference to what makes these substances illegal.

Of course with all these peptide dealers whisked off to black site prisons, after secret trials, the best thing would be to assume they're illegal.

I mean we all know Amazon and Facebook don't have an army of lawyers to ensure they don't sell prominent advertising space to large scale commercial illegal drug sellers.

They've been getting tricked into aiding and abetting this crime for years.

Tennis rackets are illegal too. Trust me bro. You won't find anything to base that on but I assure you it's the case. Dozens of cases out there.
Did I ever say whether they were illegal or not? Nope. I just said never question anyone with an internet law degree, which based on the extent of your reply you seem to have taken personally. Interesting tangent though.

Meanwhile, @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals any updates on whether or not test c and e will ever be restocked US domestic and if so when? Gracias.
Just another example making promises you don’t back. Karma is a bitch little boy. Petty over $65 got you bit on GB guarantee 99%.
Whoa-that's the kindest,calmest post EVER by Tracy. Now, if someone else did this, he would subject them to the worst names he could think of. Tracy, QCR, you are all scumbags. You're full of crap trying to act contrite. You don't deserve to be in business anymore - you can't back your promises
Whoa-that's the kindest,calmest post EVER by Tracy. Now, if someone else did this, he would subject them to the worst names he could think of. Tracy, QCR, you are all scumbags. You're full of crap trying to act contrite. You don't deserve to be in business anymore - you can't back your promises
Eat shit, stupid desesperate alt, your posting history proofs that !
If only we weren't prevented from having access to the entire body of federal and state law, or the DEA schedule of controlled drugs, we might be able to find a reference to what makes these substances illegal.

Of course with all these peptide dealers whisked off to black site prisons, after secret trials, the best thing would be to assume they're illegal.

I mean we all know Amazon and Facebook don't have an army of lawyers to ensure they don't sell prominent advertising space to large scale commercial illegal drug sellers.

They've been getting tricked into aiding and abetting this crime for years.

Tennis rackets are illegal too. Trust me bro. You won't find anything to base that on but I assure you it's the case. Dozens of cases out there.
Where is Declan and why is not here arguing with you?
Good effort from @Anubis666 who is providing cover, during Declan's sabbatical.
But the OG bickering duo is hard to replace, I think.