Yeah, I've done the same with ASD and feel the same way. Only thing I have noticed is the connection thing and that's because its been pointed out to me in past relationships. Its funny how you can hide it! I spent a lot of time once I got diagnosed reading up on signs and then focused on addressing those. Eye contact when I was a kid was extremely hard for me, once I understood it, I just made it a focus that in all setting's I make sure to remember to make eye contact with people. (I like to think its natural now... but people probably think I'm death staring them lol)No idea but I have Asperger’s. I sort of taught myself how to manage it over time. I have no problem now and people don’t have any idea unless I tell them.
I don’t really mind having it. Helps me if anything.
I still struggle with picking up social cues at times (but gotten a lot better), lucky I have a good wife and she will give my arm a light squeeze if I'm straying to far into someone's discomfort zone.