Are you saying that will power has nothing to do with it?
Maybe the reason some bodybuilders are so against this medication is because (I assume) the dieting is the hardest part of bodybuilding. The starving yourself becomes the gatekeeper for their community.
Of course not, willpower is an element in all conscious decisions. But no, an epidemic of moral weakness is not the primary driving factor here. Is the willingness to commit oneself to nausea inducing injections, for life, not an expression of willpower?
Let's not forget what's happening here, unlike the (thankfully few now) idiots here who believed the "cheater injection" allowed people to eat Big Macs and ice cream, in addition to getting over their fear of injections, most people have to seek out help from a willing doctor, jump through endless hoops to get insurance coverage, search for pharmacies with it in stock, in order to experience unpleasant side effects and significantly diminish their enjoyment of food. One of life's great pleasures. That's sacrifice and willpower too.
In fact, among the many people who quit in under a year, I'd guess many do it so they can go back to enjoying eating again, weight be damned.
This assertive decision should be celebrated not shamed and insulted. Most choosing to do this responsibly are at least as motivated by a desire to become healthier as they are to look better. The overwhelming majority aren't trying to shed just a few pounds. Let's not forget most people don't use UGL drugs, and can only get a legit prescription and insurance coverage if they have a problem affecting their health. Insurance companies demand pre approval. They want to see the records. They demand weigh ins, and expect to see progress or they cut the supply off.
And if there are still believers that it's all "willpower", then the problem at MESO isn't a handful of fatties in this dumpster of a thread, it's the thousands of weaklings masquerading as "bodybuilders" begging for help to increase calorie consumption.
I mean, what's the problem with these weak willed losers? Put the food in your mouth, chew, and swallow, right? Watch some "My 500lb Life" for some inspiring "willpower":