Personally I dropped the selank but not because it didn't help just so that I can let my wife run the test. I still use semax in the morning paired with a cold shower and I feel like I can take on the world. Stopped all coffee and stims. I have noticed enhanced mood, more drive, alertness, language fluency, and easier for my brain to pick apart the day and problems I may run in to, placing them in a nice order an of operation that I can follow. Strangely helps me run through scenarios quickly to come out with different outcomes that I am able to adress ahead of time as to not be ill prepared for scenarios.
My wife... life changing as of right now. She has her own dose timing and runs both separately. She no longer craves the kratom and is down to very little just to fight the sweats but it's really not an issue anymore, maybe once before bed. She also suffers from PMDD and BPD. Both psychologically crippling and has been suffering for a long time, the mix of the two has changed her from night to day both on how I feel with her and how she feels with herself. She's found her ability to think straight and control her emotions better. Lost her anxiety and constant self abuse (mental not physical). Pmdd is a hormone issue that when paired with bpd which is a early childhood (usually) trauma issue causes absolute chaos. She's more able to have confidence in herself to hold conversation as well as learning and sharing. It's really night and day.
Sounds like a fluffy shill post but all I'm saying is qsc works. These peptides are the changing factor not qsc but their product is excellent, far superior to other companies we've tried before. Next is trying NA to see if there's a difference. Especially want to try for lo her and possibly more permanent changes.