Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

thank you for the quick response, that is too much for a test...30 vials..if the powder is of good quality, 1mg/l is very sufficient, even 500mcg...do you have another suggestion?
thank you for the quick response, that is too much for a test...30 vials..if the powder is of good quality, 1mg/l is very sufficient, even 500mcg...do you have another suggestion?
if it's 5mg/ml no one force you to inject an entiere ml, you can inject 0.2ml to get 1mg dose or 0.1 ml to get 500mcg dose.

We can make it in 1mg/ml, it's just to give you an idea why we do 5mg, it's because it's possible, like when you want 100mg of test e per week, you don't look for buying test e 100mg/ml but you buy a 250mg/ml and you take the dose needed using some basic maths.

3 kits methyltrienone 1mg/ml $95/kit
what great intelligence for mental calculations for children with mg .... but for the price you do not apply the same principle ... forget my request. I am not in the right place ... 30 vials of methyltrionolone is deadly 3x....we are a forum with human rules and just for harm reduction...I think 1kit is already a lot., let's see it with the most expert
what great intelligence for mental calculations for children with mg .... but for the price you do not apply the same principle ... forget my request. I am not in the right place ... 30 vials of methyltrionolone is deadly 3x....we are a forum with human rules and just for harm reduction...I think 1kit is already a lot., let's see it with the most expert

Custom products always need a minimum order which is 3 kits for injectable, we won't brew 20 ml or brew more, sell you 2 vials and having a stock of useless product that no one buy.

We have a large price list with several classic injectables, if you want few vials of a regular product such as tren or testosterone, you don't need to buy a full kit, you can order only as much as you need.

I won't ask my engineer to make a batch of it just because mister @Toni72 is curious and wanna try how it feels to pin metribolone, if you aren't a regular user of Methyltrienone, you can simply order the oral version 60x1mg $49 which is already in stock and do not need extra effort of customisation.

No source will accept you request of making 2 or 3 vials as custom order.
Wouldn’t injectable INCREASE bioavailability?
It will but pinning AI is a maso thing.
Already complaining, Sigma why tren e is 100mg we wanna pin less? Sigma we want primo 200-250mg?
Hello everyone, wanna pin AI too? ^^
I already did the mistake to make injectable sarms, now just wishing that it vanish from my store entirely once the first batches are sold out.

Oral proviron is already doing its job very well when it comes to checking bloodwork, lowering shbg and increasing bioavailability of testosterone, I do not see the need of using injectable version + it's a water solution that needs some extra solvants to hold in a pathetic dosage.., with basic solvants it will never hold over 5 or 10mg/ml
Proviron(Mesterolone) is not an AI. I got what you wanted to say, it can help reducing the effects of E2 due to its high androgenic effect, but it is not an AI after all. It does not work like AIs.
Indeed, inhibing e2 isn't the main effect of Proviron. It's an SHBG inhibitor, with AI secondary effects. Lowering e2 via proviron is a fact, like drostalonone which is an anabolic steroid and with AI secondary effect, It's called AI by misnomer.