Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

for those following my most recent order’s plight lol
It’s day 45
23 days to ship 22 days in transit

Where Are You GIF
I’m having a strange experience with them now. Without going into too much details, I’m being asked really personal questions so that the transaction can get through and it makes me really weirded out. Not sure what to do at this point.
What kind of questions? Name of elementary school, name of first dog, mothers maiden name, fathers middle name, make of first car?
Semaglutide & Retatrutide Group Buy
last day

Pricing and Minimum Order Value:

Semaglutide 5mg $55/kit (overfilled 6mg, 99.6%)
Semaglutide 10mg $95/kit (overfilled 11mg, 99.5%) :
Retatrutide 15mg $270/kit (overfilled, 99.6%)
Retatrutitide 20mg $350/kit (overfilled 21mg, 99.7%)

Minimum Order : $200, Free shipping

Extra $30 is charged for EU special line countries: Germany, spain, portugal, denmark, czech, italy, hungary, bulgaria, finland, sweden, austria, ireland.

Purity and Quantity garantees:

We are confident that these new batchs will remain +99%, so if it tests below 98%, QSC will compensate accordignly.
We also garantee the quantity, and all batchs will be tested overfilled.
If it tests underfilled below 5%, QSC will compensate.

The 4 batchs are pretested by Janoshik.
Color of lids and picture of samples are included in the lab reports.
Semaglutide 5mg: Matte purple tops: Janoshik Analytical
Semaglutide 10mg: Grey tops: Janoshik Analytical
Retatrutide 15mg: black tops: Janoshik Analytical
Retatrutide 20mg: Matte orange tops: Janoshik Analytical

QSC will be covering the testing cost of purity, quantity of 12 vials in total (3 vials/batch) sent by customers as 3rd party tests + shipping cost from the HUB to Janoshik via UPS express.
QSC will not get involved in the testing process, like in the past.
QSC will not cover the costs of the donated vials by volunteers, nor shipping costs to the HUB.

Payment methods:

QSC accepts Bank transfer (USD domestic, EUR domestic, AUD domestic) and International transfers in several other currencies.
If you send a bank transfer, put your "name" as reference.
If you put "QSC", or mention the purchase of products, or something else beside your name, your transfer will be rejected.
QSC also accepts cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, USDT, USDC, ETH.
Many networks are accepted: ERC20, TRC20, Solana, Avalanche, OKTC, Polygon.
We do not accept: Base, LTC, XMR, Paypal, CC.. So no need to ask for them.

How to order?

Contact info for orders:

Whatsapp: +86 16503300980

Ordering form:

List of items you want:
Shipping address (including city, state and zip code):
Phone number:
Preferred payment method:
Has anyone had issues with QSC as of late? I’ve always had great experiences working with Tracy. She was always very responsive and would ship my order out quickly. I’m now dealing with Alisa and things are not going smoothly. Quite frankly I’m starting to get nervous. I placed a $1650 order a week and a half ago, only for her to message me a week later to let me know she forgot to add $60 for shipping and to please add. We resolved this 3 days ago and I have still not been provided with any tracking information, and she’s not even responding to my messages.
You indicate in a couple of subsequent posts that you ordered with Alisa using WA ending in 1880. Meso is Tracy's stomping ground and his WA ends in 0980. QSC has a number of sales reps and they are each only responsible for their own sales channels.
I wanted to share my results using the 36IU HGH kits from QSC, previously I exclusively ordered only from probably the most well known HGH supplier on both Meso and Professional Muscle but due to the other sponsors problem with stock I knew I needed to find a backup and gave QSC a shot.

Method - 10IU into the left delt 3 hours before blood GH Serum test. Blood was drawn out of the left arm. I used a scheduled appointment so each test would have the GH in my system for the exact same amount of time.

Other Sponsor: 41
QSC: 47

QSC will likely be my new go to. I'm really liking the 36IU kits and I haven't seen any better price. QSC HGH is phenomenal so far as well. Been on the 36IU kits for a few weeks and just picked up a few more kits during the last promo.

Image attached below.

Hopefully every potential client is reading this thread, especially the last few pages. Seems to be issue after issue and it's starting to smell like a cash grab and bail situation or worse. Buyer beware. This source seems to be going down the toilet.

Scams, lies, delays, asking for additional money and requesting personal information. Just in the last few days or weeks. At what point does the forum decide this source is no longer worth the trouble?
Hopefully every potential client is reading this thread, especially the last few pages. Seems to be issue after issue and it's starting to smell like a cash grab and bail situation or worse. Buyer beware. This source seems to be going down the toilet.

Scams, lies, delays, asking for additional money and requesting personal information. Just in the last few days or weeks. At what point does the forum decide this source is no longer worth the trouble?
I dont think thats the case at all. Plenty of packages arrived without issue the last couple weeks
Hopefully every potential client is reading this thread, especially the last few pages. Seems to be issue after issue and it's starting to smell like a cash grab and bail situation or worse. Buyer beware. This source seems to be going down the toilet.

Scams, lies, delays, asking for additional money and requesting personal information. Just in the last few days or weeks. At what point does the forum decide this source is no longer worth the trouble?
Honestly every complaint the last few pages is the type of thing I’d have taken in stride. You guys are too uppity. “Oh you forgot to charge shipping, no worries, I’ll get that over to you and await my order” vs “omg I can’t believe you’re charging me shipping after I paid for the goods when it was your mistake, and now it has been THREE DAYS with no tracking number (clutches pearls)!!!!”

They didn’t fuck you or anyone else. Y’all need to just calm down and think about something else while you wait for your peptides that you paid the same price for that the rest of us do without complaint.
Honestly every complaint the last few pages is the type of thing I’d have taken in stride. You guys are too uppity. “Oh you forgot to charge shipping, no worries, I’ll get that over to you and await my order” vs “omg I can’t believe you’re charging me shipping after I paid for the goods when it was your mistake, and now it has been THREE DAYS with no tracking number (clutches pearls)!!!!”

They didn’t fuck you or anyone else. Y’all need to just calm down and think about something else while you wait for your peptides that you paid the same price for that the rest of us do without complaint.
But he wanted the freebies thrown in too. Its not fair :(
Hopefully every potential client is reading this thread, especially the last few pages. Seems to be issue after issue and it's starting to smell like a cash grab and bail situation or worse. Buyer beware. This source seems to be going down the toilet.

Scams, lies, delays, asking for additional money and requesting personal information. Just in the last few days or weeks. At what point does the forum decide this source is no longer worth the trouble?
Still throwing a temper tantrum because you couldn't get international pricing when the US domestic warehouse was closed a few days for relocation? Despite you receiving exactly what you paid for? Talk about a whiny, entitled little POS.

Ok so the general explanation is i placed an order for international. They responded saying there was a new rule saying if it's available domestic that's what you will order from. Doesn't say that on their product list but I said that's shitty but I went ahead anyway. I was then told 3 to 4 days eta. A week after I ordered I asked what was up. They said oh sorry we closed the us warehouse and it will be delayed by a week. I said ok can I get it shipped from international since it's not available us warehouse. They said yes and you get a credit for the difference or can add other items to make up for it. I chose to add more stuff. A couple days later they respond and say "sorry dear it was shipped from the us warehouse" . So now I'm sitting at 2 weeks or more when they told me 3 to 4 days.

I understand that I agreed to the full price to begin with but what I'm pissy about is that they made an offer to fix an issue, caused by them, and they said fuck it nevermind. I just want them to honor their word.

I also understand that this is petty but I'm a firm believer in keeping your word.

@dirthand @bubba618
Hopefully every potential client is reading this thread, especially the last few pages. Seems to be issue after issue and it's starting to smell like a cash grab and bail situation or worse. Buyer beware. This source seems to be going down the toilet.

Scams, lies, delays, asking for additional money and requesting personal information. Just in the last few days or weeks. At what point does the forum decide this source is no longer worth the trouble?
You're a pathetic POS.
Everyone here knows that you had no issue and your only issue is that your domestic order was delayed 1 week.

Please report him for spam if he posts again.
Honestly every complaint the last few pages is the type of thing I’d have taken in stride. You guys are too uppity. “Oh you forgot to charge shipping, no worries, I’ll get that over to you and await my order” vs “omg I can’t believe you’re charging me shipping after I paid for the goods when it was your mistake, and now it has been THREE DAYS with no tracking number (clutches pearls)!!!!”

They didn’t fuck you or anyone else. Y’all need to just calm down and think about something else while you wait for your peptides that you paid the same price for that the rest of us do without complaint.
Seriously, these complaints are more of the variety I would expect to find from the Soccer mom peptide people over on Facebook.

I am the first to call out vendors being shady af, and God knows there is no shortage of them out there to criticize. But when we are talking about a person that did indeed receive the order they paid for and instead are just bitching because they feel the deal they got was not good enough? Yeah, whatever. They are not apt to earn my sympathy.

Instead of crusading against the system I think a better use of this person's time might be on actually working out occasionally? Maybe doing some meal prep? Some of those pesky fundamentals.