Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

If your definition of "new era" are 300lb open class mass monsters, then sure. There's a hell of a lot more to bodybuilding than that. Hell, most folks lack the genetics to even approach that and for those that will cap out at 250ish or so, they could do it with or without gh and insulin.
That is really the dividing line at the end of the day: genetics. Once you reach your natural peak there is a point where no additional amount of gear can help you. You can't catch the mass monsters who were born with the genetic silver spoon in their mouths no matter who your coach is, no matter how hard you train, no matter how well your nutrition and sleep is dialed, etc.

The wide swath of divisions these days does make for a bit more diversity to the sport which I do enjoy. Classic is my personal fav, but ultimately across the board and no matter the division some people have a born disadvantage to being a serious competitor that no amount of effort or gear can correct. It sucks, but it is what it is.
This statement is an ignorant one. Ppl that have been raised in a poor environment and with bad habits will for the most not have the means neither the tools to change their lifestyle as what they have seen and learned since the beginnings was shit and only one out of many will be able to overcome all this.

GLP1 will give the help needed to many ppl in need of a change to really Change. I did it on my own (I have never been fat) but I was a scrawny kid and I did change my lifestyle on my own but not because I made it without any drugs at first that I think everyone has to do it this way.

I mean in the end why the fuck would I care? We are all drug addicts here anyway, we shoot toxic shit to be bigger and stronger, imagine how retarded we all are lol

And you are trying to be on a highe moral ground and saying GLP1 are not a game changer? You fucking kidding me? Even for diabetic reason they are a game changer, diabetic will probably be able to live decades more and maybe in the future not use insulin at all or only sparsely.

Do you know any medicine that cure fatty liver? Diabetes and few other things with one injection a week? Because I don't

You don't have to jump on the GLP1 train, but you are ignorant in denying it's extraordinary evolution
Not to mention GLPs being a gateway into the AAS world. August last year I was shopping for Insulin pens for Sema after my compounder forgot to ship me needles 16 months later I'm sticking aminos into VGs lol. If not for hypersensitivity to oils... ahem.
Did he said how much % he gets from sales for pushing all the bs?

Until 2 weeks ago no one even heard about that and now everyone want to buy.

There is nothing that hasn't been around and working and you didn't heard until now.. A rat and a guy that gets commissions from sales didn't discovered something new.
It's the same drugs that guys used 10,20 years ago that help you to reach your goal no matter what that goal is. There has been made 0 progression on substances in the last 50 years only some are more available and cheaper.
Don't follow blindly a guy that his only interest is to trick you to make money. Wheel hasn't been reinvented by those 2 clows.

Harsh but true. They are content creators who get clicks by discussing spicy new compounds and making big [unsubstantiated] claims.

By all means watch for entertainment but not education.
Is reta really that much better than sema and tirz? Have a bunch of semaglutide to last a while but with that promo I'm thinking maybe I need reta too xD
I use it with my Tirz in small doses to get some energy. Has worked well for me.

If Sema is working for you though I would stick with it, very cheap stuff.
That’s all I’m saying. Not saying I agree with the reasoning behind why they were even necessary (although that’s opening Pandora’s box lol). There is a market for drugs that cause people to lose weight by simply injecting it. That in and of itself is revolutionary.

tracy u should do a tirzepatide 3011 pages MesoRX promo
Those tirz promos sell out fast. But he has a promo like every other week.
And how to die easily on it. Sure buddy nice suggestion lol all your fat loss substance are poison or killing machine. Lovely

If you're blaming Bostin's death on 10 mg adipotide a day Idk what to say. Dude was pretty vocal on all the crazy shit he was doing.

No idea why there are so many conspiracy theories about that compound. Some drugs don't move forward in Pharma for a variety of reasons.
If you're blaming Bostin's death on 10 mg adipotide a day Idk what to say. Dude was pretty vocal on all the crazy shit he was doing.

No idea why there are so many conspiracy theories about that compound. Some drugs don't move forward in Pharma for a variety of reasons.
Yeah they don't move forward a drugs that melts fat because they don't like to make money sure man
This was some of the funnest times in my life. The amount of monsters in high school created but this that ended up with d1 scholarships for baseball just to end up finding a good vial of Quality Vet test e from Mexico from a senior in the club house
QV? Damn I sure remember them. One of the OG UGL's back in the day. If I remember, they had like a test 400 product that would absolutely cripple you with PiP.